Common sense things to do to get ready for Coronavirus

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NHL would be left with no choice but to take its own hiatus less than four weeks from the start of the Stanley Cup Playoffs.
Coronavirus: All publicly funded schools in Ontario closing for 2 weeks due to COVID-19
De Blasio Declares State of Emergency in New York City: Live Updates
U.K. Abandons Effort to Contain Virus as 10,000 May Be Infected
Trump is suspending all flights from Europe to the US to fight coronavirus
I hope infected Trudeau Canadas PM does the same!
So Tom Hanks does not wash his hands?

You don't have the Virus 19 until tested positive. We have 1.75 million people and 100 test kits so we can never have more than 100 cases.
It really might be the right time to go to a remote location and wait out the PANDEMIC!
I see no cases for the chinese virus in the YUKON!
Pack up ur shit n move!

No COVID-19 cases in Alaska, but the coronavirus is expected to spread into the state soon, officials say
pencil Author: Aubrey Wieber
clock Updated: March 3

Ut oh
Head on into the BUSH then!
COVID-19 in Canada: 'Crucial' step in fighting virus, Sophie Trudeau tests positive
Canadian researchers isolate the COVID-19 virus
A team of researchers from Sunnybrook, McMaster University and the University of Toronto has isolated severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the agent responsible for the COVID-19 outbreak.
formula101 said:
Mexicanbeervirus can definitely be transmitted without human contact as an airborne contagion. In these cases, washing your hands won't make the slightest bit of difference.
Again, it will make a huge difference.

If someone sneezes in your face and gets snot in your eye, then nothing you can do is going to prevent that. But it someone sneezes snot everywhere, it's going to land somewhere. If you touch it, then you touch your mouth, you are going to get infected. If you touch it, then you wash your hands, then you touch your mouth, you are not going to get infected.

It is not airborne in that it cannot survive floating around in the air. If it dries, it is inactivated. The only things that can carry it are aerosols. If they are tiny aerosols (the sort that can 'float' in the air) they dry out within seconds in any normal level of humidity*. If they are big (i.e. snot) then they can last for minutes/hours, especially if humidity is somewhat high and they don't dry out quickly. You don't breathe these in, because big snotballs don't float through the air. They land on something, you touch it, you touch your mouth, you get the disease. Unless, again, you wash your hands.
Also, washing your hands and then touching a surface that has been infected means washing your hands won't make a difference.
Incorrect. The virus cannot pass through your hands. If you get it on your hands, then wash your hands, you will not get the disease.

(*- yes, if you are in a 100% humidity sauna, and those aerosols are created, they could last hours, because they don't evaporate and dry out. But that's rare. Solution - don't go into saunas with sick people.)
markz said:
Ut oh
Head on into the BUSH then!

What, with the wolf pups and the salamanders? :lol:

JackFlorey said:
formula101 said:
Mexicanbeervirus can definitely be transmitted without human contact as an airborne contagion. In these cases, washing your hands won't make the slightest bit of difference.
Again, it will make a huge difference.

If someone sneezes in your face and gets snot in your eye, then nothing you can do is going to prevent that. But it someone sneezes snot everywhere, it's going to land somewhere. If you touch it, then you touch your mouth, you are going to get infected. If you touch it, then you wash your hands, then you touch your mouth, you are not going to get infected.

Or it can remain airborne in an enclosed environment for an extended period of time in aerosolized form, for example, recirculated air in an airplane or in any building with re-circulated air. Heaters in the winter and air conditioning in the summer for example. There is no need to touch your face, you will simply inhale the virus.

JackFlorey said:
It is not airborne in that it cannot survive floating around in the air.

This claim is clearly false according to the to be peer reviewed study to be published. Since you choose to ignore this evidence, no point in discussing further.

JackFlorey said:
If you get it on your hands, then wash your hands, you will not get the disease.

The problem is that at some point you will have to leave the bathroom. Once you do, it is possible to reacquire the virus via touching a surface with the virus, which could be anything. The only solution then is to never touch your face which most people cannot manage for any extended period of time.

Also, as research I linked to points out, it is airborne for hours at a time. There is no real method of avoiding mexicanbeervirus aside from voluntarily quarantining yourself. Then again, the mailman could be infected so you can't touch your mail. The virus remains alive for several days so amazon 2 day service isn't safe either.

Basically the only way to protect yourself is avoiding all contact with the outside world indefinitely.
formula101 said:
Or it can remain airborne in an enclosed environment for an extended period of time in aerosolized form, for example, recirculated air in an airplane
Nope. Airplanes tend to have very dry air. Once the virus is dry, it's inactive.
Heaters in the winter . . .
Nope. Heaters dry the air tremendously.
This claim is clearly false according to the to be peer reviewed study to be published. Since you choose to ignore this evidence, no point in discussing further.
How fascinating that you went from posting "one expert saying 2019-nCoV could in theory be airborne" to "peer reviewed study" in just four posts. I can hardly wait until tomorrow's claims.
JackFlorey said:
formula101 said:
Or it can remain airborne in an enclosed environment for an extended period of time in aerosolized form, for example, recirculated air in an airplane
Nope. Airplanes tend to have very dry air. Once the virus is dry, it's inactive.
Heaters in the winter . . .
Nope. Heaters dry the air tremendously.
This claim is clearly false according to the to be peer reviewed study to be published. Since you choose to ignore this evidence, no point in discussing further.
How fascinating that you went from posting "one expert saying 2019-nCoV could in theory be airborne" to "peer reviewed study" in just four posts. I can hardly wait until tomorrow's claims.

Obviously, you are deliberately ignoring scientific research I have already posted. Which is just as well. The ignorant will encounter reality whether they are obtuse or not. ... in-the-air

Federally funded tests conducted by scientists from several major institutions indicated that the novel form of coronavirus behind a worldwide outbreak can survive in the air for several hours.

A study awaiting peer review from scientists at Princeton University, the University of California-Los Angeles and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) posted online Wednesday indicated that the COVID-19 virus could remain viable in the air "up to 3 hours post aerosolization," while remaining alive on plastic and other surfaces for up to three days.

"Our results indicate that aerosol and fomite transmission of HCoV-19 is plausible, as the virus can remain viable in aerosols for multiple hours and on surfaces up to days," reads the study's abstract.

The test results suggest that humans could be infected by the disease simply carried through the air or on a solid surface, even if direct contact with an infected person does not occur. That finding, if accepted, would come in stark contrast to previous media reports that suggested the virus was not easily transmittable outside of direct human contact.
Not to mention probably 90% of people wash their hands insufficiently.

20 seconds of washing at a minimum is recommended, with thorough soaping and scrubbing of both sides of your hands, along with washing in between fingers and under fingernails.

In addition, without an automated tap, you can reinfect yourself by turning the water off after washing. Or touching an infected door handle, turning the knob to dispense a paper towel, pressing the button for hand dry, etc.

There is really no practical way of avoiding mexicanbeervirus.

Ohio health official estimates 100,000 people in state have coronavirus

A top health official in Ohio estimated on Thursday that more than 100,000 people in the state have coronavirus, a shockingly high number that underscores the limited testing so far.

Ohio Department of Health Director Amy Acton said at a press conference alongside Gov. Mike DeWine (R) that given that the virus is spreading in the community in Ohio, she estimates at least 1 percent of the population in the state has the virus.

"We know now, just the fact of community spread, says that at least 1 percent, at the very least, 1 percent of our population is carrying this virus in Ohio today," Acton said. "We have 11.7 million people. So the math is over 100,000. So that just gives you a sense of how this virus spreads and is spreading quickly."
Yes, so don't hang around in a small room with an infected person who is sneezing AND WASH YOUR HANDS AFTER TOUCHING SURFACES THAT COULD BE INFECTED!

Punx0r said:
Yes, so don't hang around in a small room with an infected person who is sneezing AND WASH YOUR HANDS AFTER TOUCHING SURFACES THAT COULD BE INFECTED!


Any surface could be infected. That means washing your hands after touching anything.

Wynn buffets, nightclubs and theaters closing down in Vegas. Conferences in Vegas are being canceled. MGM buffets are closed. Streets are empty.

Casinos are remaining open however lol.
Punx0r said:
Yes, wash you hands regularly and don't touch your eyes, nose or mouth in between.
EXACTLY, and it requires some self discipline to best protect yourself and your family.

In the meantime this Formula101 guy needs to step back and get some education or simply refrain from spreading myths he/she takes as fact.
Yes, it's very easy to lapse. Don't do this!


Interesting basic demo of how germs spread using florescent dye

One of the issues is how our bodies react to Coronavirus 19. Most that contract it will have mild cold/flu like response, nothing to worry about.
Others it will be more like Pneumonia which can be dealt with unless you have other issues, that is when you need to be in the hospital. The main issue to many get sick there is just not enough room, that is where the death rate will rise.
So if we can slow down the spread then it will abate. So do what is needed for a few weeks and we will get pass this, if not good luck.
ZeroEm said:
One of the issues is how our bodies react to Coronavirus 19. Most that contract it will have mild cold/flu like response, nothing to worry about.
Others it will be more like Pneumonia which can be dealt with unless you have other issues, that is when you need to be in the hospital. The main issue to many get sick there is just not enough room, that is where the death rate will rise.
So if we can slow down the spread then it will abate. So do what is needed for a few weeks and we will get pass this, if not good luck.
Good post. I would add that a big risk for COIVD-19 are secondary infections, like pneumonia. In people with compromised immune systems, the primary infection "opens the door" for secondary infections. That's the time that hospitalization is critical.
JackFlorey said:
ZeroEm said:
One of the issues is how our bodies react to Coronavirus 19. Most that contract it will have mild cold/flu like response, nothing to worry about.
Others it will be more like Pneumonia which can be dealt with unless you have other issues, that is when you need to be in the hospital. The main issue to many get sick there is just not enough room, that is where the death rate will rise.
So if we can slow down the spread then it will abate. So do what is needed for a few weeks and we will get pass this, if not good luck.
Good post. I would add that a big risk for COIVD-19 are secondary infections, like pneumonia. In people with compromised immune systems, the primary infection "opens the door" for secondary infections. That's the time that hospitalization is critical.

Very true. This is just a primer for what the world really needs, which is a similarly spread virus with a 90-95% mortality rate to rid this planet of the true plague known as mankind. Thanos's 50% didn't go nearly far enough to be a cure. My 15yr old son gets on my a$$ for those kinds of statements, but sorry to say but it's true. Of course I'd like to go further than just 95% across the board and weight the average survivors in favor of intelligence and other useful traits to society. IOW put me in charge of the selection process and I can guarantee a better world going forward.
John in CR said:
formula101 said:
Washing your hands won't help you if an infected person hasn't washed theirs prior to your visit. All it takes is a sneeze or a cough from a prior visitor and you will be infected regardless.

You must also believe the myth that lower Kv models of the same motor are higher in torque than high Kv winds.

The respiratory droplets don't just hang around in the air waiting for you to breathe them in, so the mist of sick prior visitors lands on surfaces as survives there a while. Add in what they manually put with their own dirty hands and there's plenty to pick up with our hands. This make good hand hygiene a primary line of defense, along with avoiding close proximate to those infected and a conscious effort to keep our own hands away from entry points of eyes, nose and mouth. Our skin is a barrier from such diseases, it doesn't soak in through the skin, and it's not airborne, so it doesn't linger in the air, so it's silly to say that a cough or a sneeze in an area by someone infected means that everyone passing that area afterward will be infected regardless of hand washing.

Everyone should read this three times unless they agree after the first one. This isn't award winning science; the benefits of hand washing were discovered centuries ago. Anyone advocate making a poultice from human excrement to place on wounds as was done by some cultures 2000 years ago?
2old said:
Anyone advocate making a poultice from human excrement to place on wounds as was done by some cultures 2000 years ago?
Why argue anymore about the feasibility and virtue of these precautions? All of us learned about this science in the Sixth Grade (maybe earlier). Save your breath for something worth consideration.
2old said:
Why argue anymore about the feasibility and virtue of these precautions? All of us learned about this science in the Sixth Grade (maybe earlier). Save your breath for something worth consideration.

No argument here, just noting that there are some out there with some fairly preposterous ideas regarding how to combat the virus. Cow dung and urine being one of them, apparently.
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