Do you ebike alone?

Alone, as commutes... but never lonely (smile)... Constant conversations w/strangers about the machine.
I built myself a fleet of ebikes to bring friends along, but i keep modifying the bikes as soon as they get built so i never have more than one or 2 on the road while the others are in pieces lol... but i'm having fun. so what to heck with it. :mrgreen:

I often ride alone. ( to work )
Alone on the commute usually. When the wife rides, she wisely prefers that I ride ahead at my own speed and not bug her.

The other day riding home, I caught up with a roadie on the big hill, and we had a nice conversation for the next 5 miles of 1/2% uphill to my turnoff. Riding at 20 mph, he was able to talk with me without any problems breathing or keeping up. :shock: As always, I really have respect for those dudes! Nice guy, he didn't seem at all like he thought I was cheating, and actually was impressed that I ride what I do, even with a motor. The white haired ponytail must make me look older than 50.
Both alone and with friends, definitely prefer riding with friends. Like Y-pedal I have a couple of spare bikes to lend out.
Drunkskunk said:
Alone mostly, but Cycling is my chance to get the hell away from people for a while.
Truer words were never spoken.
Yes, alone. :cry:
Down here in Oz ebikes are still regarded as a nerd accessary. Nerds are fairly thin on the ground down here. :wink:
hey i ride alone aswell liek all you ebikers

There are so less Sydney aussies with ebikes. I wanna ride in a crew but none wants to meet up.
I used to bike in the country when I lived in the country but I'm not having as relaxing of time in the city. I used to be able to just clear my head and enjoy the ride but I can't do that in the city. It's a shame. Kind of takes away from the point of a bike ride. I need a battery that will last long enough to take me out into the country.
Back in the day 20 mph was the warm up speed until the group put the hammer down. Now I just do a 6:00PM Tue and Thur ride with 4 or 5 friends on non electric bikes. Most of my ebiking is done alone on the weekend. I would take the ebike out with my friends, but here in the South the thunderstorms start rolling about the same time as the group ride and my ebike is not weather proof. I did a 38 mile ebike ride today using the motor just on the hills. If I had the legs, I could do over 60 miles without running out of battery.

My wife andI usually ride together about 4-5 times per week. We actually do about 15 miles and get some chance to talk a bit without interuptions except for, like, breathing! It is 100 Degrees F over 90 % humidity now and it is insane to ride during the day right now! We swim! I work on my new trike indoors and test in the early AM or dusk! We are gunna get at least another week of this before it rains! I ordered fenders for the first time in my life so I can ride in the rain!
"You Never Bike Alone" is the title of a friend's documentary highlighting different aspects of Vancouver's bicycle culture over a ten year period.

When I leave home, I'm alone but it's not long before I see other bicyclists. We often wave or even chat.
Riding an Xtracycle you've always got people asking questions.

The second Friday of every month is the Vancouver Kilowatt Hour Ride when ebikers gather through a MeetUp group. I've met a few people from this forum and other locals on those rides.

Twice since March I've ridden to Burnaby alone for a VEVA event and come home in a posse of expert ebikers. The ride home on June 6th, three of 9 bikes were long-tails. With Bruce's excellent on-board stereo laying down some tasty beats, we were quite the roadside attraction.

I've only attended one Critical Mass since buzzing le Béte. There were about a dozen ebikes out of maybe 1600 bicycles on the last ride.
Of those, I knew five. (there were no scooters AFAICT)