Does the cycle life of lipo go down if you charge to4.2v

If it is rated at 4.2v per cell, then no.. that's what it's rated at!
If we're talking about hobbyking lipo, then i think their rating is based on beating the hell out of the batteries with high discharge rates, running them down to 3.0v per cell.

There is also very little energy above 4.10v anyhow.

There have been studies on lithium ion chemistries, however, showing that they benefit greatly from an 80% cycle rather than a 100% cycle. It can extend their life. I haven't seen studies on lipo, specifically, thoough.

I charge to 4.15v per cell; to give me a buffer against overcharge ( as i don't always balance charge ), and to extend their lifespan. By doing so, you only forego 5% of the battery's capacity. Not bad...
I have 4 6s hobby king nano tech lipos. I balance charge them every time to 4.2v cause my charger wont adjust to 4.15v. So I guess its ok as long as I balance charge them to 4.2v.
4.2V is nominal charge voltage. However, if you charge them to about 4.1-4.15V you'll lose about 10-20% of the capacity (per charged) but you can gain cycle life like crazy. I don't have great long term cycle life data, but my guesstimate is that it will last about twice as long at that rate, possibly alot more. However, if you need the capacity, there's no shame (or danger) for that matter if charging to 4.2 volts. You should expect about 300-400 cycles (at a reasonable discharge rate) to 80%.