E-S Stealth Electric Bike Owners

I got the standard grey bomber with the white brothers forks, a bike rack built for it ( made around the corner from stealth) and the stealth headlights. Don't know the build number yet but I'll be sure to post photos when I get it!! I've nearly read every post on here too! There was a lot to catch up on
Mueck said:
I got the standard grey bomber with the white brothers forks, a bike rack built for it ( made around the corner from stealth) and the stealth headlights. Don't know the build number yet but I'll be sure to post photos when I get it!! I've nearly read every post on here too! There was a lot to catch up on
Sounds sweet! let us know.

Hello everybody, I have been lurking for a while but finally ordered a Bomber a few weeks back and wanted to say hi before I started asking questions. Its Black Bomber with the CPU upgrade, should have it first week of april.
How come the U.S. distributor doesn't keep a stock of battery's, so people aren't always getting their bikes ahead of their battery's?
ccowell said:
Hello everybody, I have been lurking for a while but finally ordered a Bomber a few weeks back and wanted to say hi before I started asking questions. Its Black Bomber with the CPU upgrade, should have it first week of april.

Welcome to the thread. Not to many have much exposure with the new cpu yet. Remf tried a Fighter with one and liked it. judging by the larger display, that by itself, should be alot easier to read at speed.

Theodore Voltaire said:
How come the U.S. distributor doesn't keep a stock of battery's, so people aren't always getting their bikes ahead of their battery's?

Dont know what you are talking about, my bomber came straight from Australia with the battery in it.
Probably because batterys are a perishable items? I got mine with the battery. But I ordered directly from Stealth.
Please post lots of pictures when you get your new "CPU". I am curious, what could be better than CA?
I'm not sure the new "bike computer" will be better than the CA as such, infact I wouldn't be surprised if has significantly less features. The enthusiast demographic here on ES likely only represents a small percentage of stealth owners and I suspect the majority don't need anything more from the display than the sort of things you get from your car dashboard - range, speed, trip meter, instant wattage, temp. The CA, and especially the V3 has a mountain of settings that are beyond the comprehension of probably 99% of owners and if fiddled with could quickly disable or reduce the performance/ridability of their expensive turn key ebike.
I suspect stealths move to this new system is as much about making the "computer" more tamper proof and thus less of a replacement/repair/warranty headache as it is an improvement and more user friendly interface for the end user.

You don't have access to all the sensor info and other assortment of other diagnostic and tuning options in your car ECU so it's not unreasonable think stealth are adopting this approach. This may not be the case, and I dont have any particular inside information but if it was me doing it this seems like a logical and sensible move.

On an unrelated note, here's a video of me getting absolutely belted in a sudden hail storm on the weekend!
I was out on my fighter when it suddenly got dark and lightning started to strike. I thought it an appropriate backdrop and soundtrack to be riding a high powered ebike to - until the heavens suddenly opened up. It suddenly went from a few drops to pelting down so hard I couldn't see further than 2 car lengths in front of me. I got to shelter, riding one handed trying to cover up centronics balance plug that would have otherwise surely filled with water. Once I got to cover I realised why the rain was stinging so bad! Shortly after I shot this video the ground was completely covered in hail stones like it was a blanket of snow!
Oh, and yeah the bike was fine, it needed a good wash but an ice bath wasn't what the doctor ordered!

I don't have any special insight having only had a spin for a few minutes but I think there are many major differences to the CAV3. It doesn't have some of the extremely granular & mysterious settings that the CA does. I think this is a plus, not having to worry about all the variations makes for a simpler, more logical interface. It's more readable than even the large screen of the CAV3 while still being able to be mounted out of the way of branches and other obstacles inside the frame. Throttle modes are easily changed from Street Legal to Off-road at the press of a button, from memory the same change on my CA takes over 20 long & short button presses. My CA has also needed to be repaired a number of times, it's prone to shorts from water ingress and gets foggy with moisture. The new display is completely waterproof & therefore a huge improvement on this point alone IMO.
I have had a been lucky enough to test ride a few bikes with the new display a few times now and it is without doubt a big step forward. As Hyena alluded to, has been optimised to show what needs to be shown rather a whole lot of info that the average rider isn't going to use. That being said, it's not short of good usable info either that is arranged in a easy to read logical manor. Also the display is designed so you can navigate and understand what you are looking at without needing to read through a 10 page manual. As remf mentioned, the level of water resistance is far better then what the CA was so getting caught out in the rain will now be less of a problem

However aesthetics is only one part of the package. The more important improvements I see over the CA are how well the device handles current and speed limiting. The control algorithms provide smooth power delivery even when limited rather then the surge of power at the start that we are all so use to when limiting through the CA.

Also I really liked how well the maps have been written to handle street legal power levels. They are applied in such a way that even at the 250W street legal power mode, smooth adequate power is still available to get up to speed. It's important to understand that most 250W legal limits are stated as an average constant power output. Subsequently all good Ebike manufactures use this wording to their advantage by applying probably double the legal power limit when accelerating from low speeds but then tapering off to 250W when under speed. Stealth have done a great job of this with the same strategies being applied at other pre set max power levels also.

And of course there is now active motor temperature and controller temperature management built into the system. This will ensure the equipment is well protected no matter how hard the bike is ridden. Also may mean that Stealth could potentially lift power levels on future models.

Exciting times ahead for Stealth owners and great to see the continued development.
There doesn't seem to be any agreement among manufacturers for their displays. The stock CA is superior to all the others I've seen so far, even though some look fancier. If I were CA I wouldn't be shaking in my boots just yet because of this new display. Only time will tell if it's a step up, or a side step. A lot of times decisions like this are based more on economics than function.
Easier to see figures on handlebars, but it looks way more bulkier :( When the handlebars are clean it feels more like a regular pedal bike, not so with a bunch of stuff on handlebars.
Allex said:
Easier to see figures on handlebars, but it looks way more bulkier :( When the handlebars are clean it feels more like a regular pedal bike, not so with a bunch of stuff on handlebars.

Also a lot easier to wreck your display when you stack it off road - bear in mind that this is the original design intent for the bikes - rugged off road riding, so design decisions made along the way reflect that. Its been a big reason why the CA was mounted down in the frame. Hyenas points about reducing complexity and the number of variables owners can tinker with is spot on. Its easy for noob owners to start tweaking their CA and suddenly find they've departed too far from baseline settings, causing all sorts of performance and support issues that burn time and cause frustration. Good to see the need for a more waterproof, larger display has been recognised and addressed. Looking forward to getting my new demo stock and then people can get a feel for how the displays and performance differ, particularly when ridden limited.

On another note, the HunterEVFestival website is now up and running http://www.hunterevfestival.net, so for any Sydney or Australian owners/riders, keep in mind the dates in mid august this year if you'd like to come along for some track time at Cameron Park, see how much fun a Stealth can be on a GoKart track..

Personally, I'd like to see if we can get a small track amendment in place to allow a supermotard style option for some loose surface action, would make things very interesting..

It's what I had in mind when shooting this, using my GoPro as a sighting point (until I got a bit close):
MexicanBatman's old bomber has decided to move state and live in Sydney.
It's only been here a couple of days and its already making new friends. :p


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Nice, where in Sydney are you based ? I only know of one other stealth owner in the south east region.
Don't be scared to come for a ride with me, I don't ALWAYS race for pink slips :lol:

Quietrush, I'm hoping to get up to the hunter EV festival this year, I'm even tempted to build something to race but their no lipo rule is super lame. As if it's really a fire risk these days if done properly :roll: Just enforce the use of a BMS or active cell level monitoring or a solid metal enclosure if they're really worried and problem solved. Are you particularly involved with the festival ? They specifically mention no lipo but then go on to say lithium cobalt. Does this rule out li-ion too ?
18650 li-ion chemistries are rapidly gaining popularity and if they're not already will soon outweigh lifepo4 for commercial ebike battery use.

Nice video too. After going through 2 gopros and 3 lots of case lenses I can highly recommend putting a piece of glass or clear plastic in front of the camera when doing stuff like this!
Hyena said:
Nice, where in Sydney are you based ? I only know of one other stealth owner in the south east region.
Don't be scared to come for a ride with me, I don't ALWAYS race for pink slips :lol:

I am based on the north side, but will travel. It would be good to go for a ride some time. Send me a PM.
Better weather incoming. Sun and around 50F. Better hurry up and finish this damn monster!
Made aluminum holders for the controller, look how small it is compared to stock 18FET

New 10AWG phase cables coming through, we like to join 10kW club here...
Removed the silicone insulation and replaced it with heat shrink in the place where it will be going through the groove. This way I don't need to modify the shaft. Win!