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End of the World. Beginning of a new one. The Life of Amberwolf.

Almost forgot a Tiny video; got her to happily run on camera (for like a second, but still):
Based on this, I am thinking they are going to rebuild the back room.

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I rode past last night, I think it was, and saw the dark concrete, with a cat sleeping in the middle of it. As there is no lighting, I coudlnt' see it clearly enough to actually tell if it was new concrete, but knowing that:

A) cats dont' generally sleep on hot concrete just after sunset/dark after a hot day--they'll sleep over on the cooler dirt, especially that under shady trees.

B) if the cat was on it, it meant it was cooler than normal for some reason. Wet or recently-poured concrete would probably be cooler due to evaporation, once the sun isn't shining on it.

C) It looked darker than it should, in the poor light, and darker usually means wetter.

D) I knew there was a chance they'd pull up the old slab and pour a new one, to build a new back room. (or a back porch, but hopefully a room).

So, I felt a little happier knowing I might get that room/space back. It'd be so very strange to live in a house that is suddenly smaller than i tused to be, where a doorway out of a room suddenly isn't jsut an open doorway into a big room, but is now a closed door onto ground that uised to be under a floor of that room.

They might only be putting a slab there, and not putting a room on it, but I am hopeful because of the bolts in the edges of teh concrete, where the walls would be for that room.

The sad thing: Mom's rosebush, which had so far partly survived the teardown of the old back room, doesn't exist anymore. If it does it's so buried under the dirt from the concrete pour that it isn't likely to survive. Also, the lantana that was over Bonnie's grave, and the grave itself, is also covered by that leftover dirt, and probably also doesn't exist now, or won't survive. :(

There was also a tree I'd been growing, and had been going to move out of their way before teh whole Tannon debacle, and couldn't bring myself to stay at the house by myself long enough to do after that, whcih was to the east of that room--it was only bent over after teh teardown of the old back room, but now it's been cut off. There is one TINY little branch left on it with a few leaves, but I figure they'll probably cut that off too at some point. :cry:

Hachi's, Nana's, Loki's, and Fred's grave, along with the trees on either end of it, and the lantana there, is intact, at least.

Miraculously the few things still alive in front despite being chopped off at the ground are actually growing:

I'm not sure why but they are also apparently running a new watermain to the front of the house, instead of the back. Or maybe they're just redoing the exsting one. Dunno. Either wya, there's no water at the house at all right now. So I can't water the plants and trees that *are* still alive..I just have to hope they live until the water is reconnected.
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I dont' know what these new inserted (glued in) bolts are for, at the front edge of the new front porch. I haven't even got a guess:


There are quite a few things that I don't remember what they were, but aren't where they were when I was last there, or arent' there at all, now. Probably stolen by the looters. I also suspect that a number of my gardening tools, like my steel shovel that the repair crew kept using and I kept putting back with my other tools back into my pile of them next to the ex-plant-tank, have been appropriated by the repair crew permanently, as they're no longer visible at the house anywhere. I suppose looters might have taken them, but they are all rusty and old and really of value only to me, so I don't know why looters would take them. The repair crew used them because they were there, meaning they wouldn't avhe to go get theirs out of their truck(s) or whatever, or bring any, and I didnt' mind them being used but it really bothers me that they've now been stolen, by whoever did it.

And that AC unit that the one repair crew guy said he moved out of the window and put in the yard but mysteriously coudln't tell me where he put it, and coudln't be found even then by me or my friends, has never turned up. I think he stole it, and that upsets me, because that's a really petty thing to do to someone in my position.

So far none of the sheds have been broken into, as far as I can tell. But I expect that is only a matter of time. :(

Oh, and as I was typing this up in notepad at the apartment a couple of hours ago, I remembered suddenly that when I got some more Tiny treats out of the shed while there to take the pics of the slab, I'd left the damned shed door wide open and unlocked when I left. :cry: So I had to ride back up there to correct that, then back here again (a wasted hour and a half, plus about 14 miles or so wear and tear on the bike).

However, I saw an interesting sight on the way back: Someone on an ICE-powered bicycle towing someone on a regular bicycle, using what looked like a bungee cord, but could've been regular rope. Not sure. I caught up with them at an intersection as we all waited for the light to change, passed them up quickly thru the intersection once it was green, then they caught up again at another one that was really really long wait (Bethany Home, I think), but I led the way again until they dropped out of sight behind me a half mile or so later. I was only going about 19.5MPH, so I assume if he'd wanted to he could've caught up with me, since the towed rider looked like she was pedalling, though I didn't see him pedal. Looked like a couple of late teens or early twenties, too dark to see well enough even at the intersections.

I considered stopping to talk to them, but given how police do randomly stop bicyclists around here anyway, and that what they were doing was quite attention grabbing (as I suppose CrazyBike2 is as well) I didn't want to have the police think I was mixed up in their illegal activity (technically, any bicyclist being towed by any other vehicle is illegal--I don't think that applies to just the bicycle, but the rider *and* bicycle together, as in their case. Same thing for skateboards and scooters and the like, AFAICR). I doubt anything would have happened, but better safe than sorry, and I was already pretty emotional about the having to go back to the house again and just wanted to get home to Tiny. (and then go out again to post this real quick).
somebody is in trouble. they poured the slab before they trenched the water line service and now they had to cut the brand new slab to lay the service. boss is gonna be pissed.

they could have drilled through the footing from the inside of the wall and out under that slab with a 3/4" long masonry bit and then just moled the new service line from the inside through the dirt under the slab and into the trench. the 3/4" PEX tubing you have to use for code now would go though with no problems.

he is gonna have to put a hip out over that new room but he already mounted the new A/C unit on the roof and it looks like it will interfere with the new hip.

adding on to the back, an american tradition. i would go two stories with a solar panel roof. not have to cut the hip in even. if it faces south.
I have no idea about any of that stuff, sorry.

I forgot to post this yesterday. They've been pulling up old stumps at the apartment complex, and broken sidewalks and whatnot, during the remodels, piling htem up out in the guest parking area outside the gates. I rode past once and saw this stump that from the bottom (facing east now) looks to me like a dog scratching an itch. It's harder to see what I saw in this pic cuz the lighting is at a different angle, but I couldn't get a pic of it at all when I rode by at first, was too dark for hte camera to see anything. :(

If it wasn't so huge (almost as big as me AND CrazyBike2) and impossible for me to move, I'd love to keep this stump to set out in the yard as decoration at home once the house is rebuilt. :lol:


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Thats strange that they can cut water off to a house thats under repairs, how did the grano workers clean their tools after the slab was done? or maybe it was cut just after, hope you get to keep the stump, looks like a nice feature but looks like a crane or hiab job so you would need to ask the right people to keep it, or several mates
amberwolf said:
......I forgot to post this yesterday. They've been pulling up old stumps at the apartment complex, and broken sidewalks and whatnot, during the remodels, piling htem up out in the guest parking area outside the gates........If it wasn't so huge (almost as big as me AND CrazyBike2) and impossible for me to move, I'd love to keep this stump to set out in the yard as decoration at home once the house is rebuilt. :lol:

Yep, another lost resource....Too bad you don't have an Alaskan saw mill to make planks out of that stump The burliness of the boards would make a beautiful table and maybe some chairs that could fetch some good money. It happens in my city every day. :|
Looks like good progress is getting made on the house at last. I've done many fire job remodels, and they are always a bitch, always take much longer than you'd think, always involve something you never would have thought of, because now you have to bring the entire house up to current building codes. Suddenly you find out, now we have to do the water line too? Shit, we just poured that concrete.

No telling what those bolts out the side are for. I've always seen them come out straight up.

Crew stole shit thinking it was ok, like the AC. I've been told I could have all kinds of stuff, hot tubs, water heaters, etc. Your situation is very unusual, since you will be coming back. Somebody is not letting the crew know some of the stuff is your property and you are coming back. Typically on such fire remodels, everything left that isn't locked up is up for grabs. Ask who took the AC, maybe you can get it back.

Sucks to lose the landscaping, but I still think a lot of it will regrow. Those lantanas for example, are awfully tough. Hopefully you get the water back on pretty soon. Looks like you have the wet air today, hope you get some rain on your plants.

I bet the addition will get a nearly flat roof again. It's pretty clear it didn't have a hip roof before.

So nice to see your dog frolic for a few steps. Too hot for more I bet.

Did you ever shave your bernards? I just shaved Daisy for her second midsummer cut. What I do is just shave down the front of the neck, chest and belly. That allows them some cooling wind when they walk and run, and they can get skin contact on a cool floor. It doesn't make them look funny, like a complete shave, or get sunburn on the back.
Never had to shave Nana, cuz she was already a short-hair. ;) Hachi never seemed to need it, didn't get that hot usually and was smart enough to go to cooler places when she did (or play in the water).

Did trim Bonnie the black Border Collie a couple years but she was worse off trimmed than left alone, so I stopped.

Have only trimmed Tiny around the back end a little cuz she gets dingleberries. :lol: Might try the throat/chest/tummy too, see if that helps.

She isn't that active for very long I think because she's older, rather than overheated, but I won't know for sure till I have my house back and I can give her free reign of the yard and house and such, at any time she wants. She doesn't seem that comfortable with the dog park area cuz she gets distracted by the smells of all the other dogs and cats and people that pass thru and by it, so that she stops whatever she was doing to snuffle and try to mark it, etc., every half a minute or less, so I can't really get her to play. Or there are cars going by in the parking lot, or people walking by, or train noises (tracks half a mile away on Grand Ave), or big trucks (I-17 even closer, and Thomas just the other side of the west apt building).

Once she has a place that's "hers", I think stuff might change.

The tree stump is gone--I assume it's been chipped up cuz theres now a pile of shavings next to the concrete that wasnt' there before, though it doesn't look anything like the wood the stump was made from. A shame--it was beautiful natural "art". At least I have the two pics.

Regarding the house reconstruction and order of events/build/etc., I really don't know anything about how they're proceeding with it or what specific plans they have or had. I very rarely see anyone actually there working on it, cuz they have a lot of jobs to do besides this one (and they often have to wait for a city inspector to be free to come out and check something before they can proceed with anything else--AFAIK that's what it's waiting for now).

I guess that can take weeks sometimes, with nothing happening becuase of beauraucracy. :( No wonder so many people's home-improvement projects are often done on the sly--they'd probably never be able to complete them at all if they did them "legally". :roll:

Theft of the stuff--I don't think I'll ever see any of it again, and I expect if I asked about it I'd just get a brush off or actively make Adam angry, as it is his family members that are the majority of the crew, including the guy that my friend suspects of taking the A/C unit (among other things). If I was lucky that anger would be at the crew member(s) but it could just as easily be me.

The crew all know perfectly well that I want to keep my stuff, and that they can't just take it cuz they feel like it. But at least one of them has almost certainly done it anyway, at least once and probably more than that.

I'm sure looters are also taking things but some of this stuff doesn't make sense for looters to take (like the batteries, for instance--those are awful heavy to get over the tall fence, for the little value they have, vs things like the copper pipe and wire and aluminum that's all over the place. ) However, if one has access to open the gate and drive a car in and out, it does make sense. Especially for htings like the A/C unit, that disappeared before I had a looter problem.

I already know that generally they don't care about my feelings about my stuff, or my stuff itself, at all, after having dealt with them just throwing stuff away that I'd specifically pulled off the floor onto shelves, just so that kind of thing wouldn't happen--stuff that definitely obviously wasn't garbage. When I got a response that they'd just tossed stuff that looked like trash or that was scattered on the floor, mixed with rodent droppings, etc., I know someone is lying or that someone else from the crew had come along afterward and dumped it in the floor from where I had put it in boxes or on shelves that had previously been emptied.

So between looters and the crew I don't expect to have much left there by the time I move back in, other than the stuff I'd decided to toss or recycle (all of which still seems to be where I'd last left it, which is bizarrely stupid given that most of that has a lot more value to people like this than the stuff I'm missing that I personally care about). I'm surprised that some of it is still there at all.

Lately, I ride past the house on the way to and from work each workday, just to see what's going on (I hadn't done this in a while because it hurt too much, but now I am angry/upset and am hoping to catch someone, unlikely though that is in the 30 seconds I can spare in passing by slowly twice a day, 5 days a week).

Plants...they'll just have to survive as they are for now. Probably for weeks, or months, given the timetables involved in city inspectors and such. Rain....we don't really get much of that. Normally, if I didn't water the yard and trees in the summer months, they'd all just die off. I don't understand how the stuff in the front yard is coming back at all, given there's no shade at all for it, and the lantana would normally die back in a week or two if I didn't water it almost every day--the "eucalyptus" or whatever it is would take a month or two, but it'd die too, and there shoudln't be anything green there right now, cuz I have been unable to water it since maybe mid-May? (front water spigot was cut off from supply way back then, I think, when they had to cap off all the internal house piping from the supply in back, to start pulling old pipe, so only spigots I had left were out by the farthest shed and the one under the evap cooler--no hoses to reach all the way around the house to get to the front at all).

The stuff in back, including the mulberry trees, is all showing severe signs of lack of water. LImbs sagging, leaves browning, etc. Will probably lose some of them because of lack of water before I get to move back in. :(
It could be that the cut-off trees and bushes are having less dryness stress because they now have much less foliage to lose water to evaporation, while also having the root volume underground that has moisture stores.

People down there seem pretty lacking in ethics, with all that pilfering and lack of feeling toward others there. :)
Tiny had a grand-mal siezure on Sunday, in the middle of the last playtime of the day at 840AM. Thankfully she seems to be ok, as of this morning when I left for work, but I was completely freaked out by it, and am not doing very well myself yet.

She had just finished some running around in the doggie park area, which she'll do every couple weeks or so when the weather is right and she feels like it, and then she looked up with the widest eyes, whites showing all-around, then arched her neck up nose to sky like a wolf howling, then fell over and started shaking her legs in convulsions; this lasted about five seconds (though it felt like a lifetime) while I held her calling her name in panic, before she finally relaxed so completely I thought she was dead--wide-eyed still, pupils fully dilated, tongue lolling, completely rag-doll limp.

She slowly began to move a few seconds after that, but still wide-eyed, unseeing, still as unresponsive to anything external as during the seizure. Within a minute, probably half that, she was responding to me and her name, but dazedly. Another couple minutes and she seemed almost normal, and didn't seem to even know anything had happened. I was already on the phone with Jacque at the rescue group, who setup a vet appointment for that morning ASAP, and came to pick us up as soon as she could get there.

Now, I was really unsettled by the siezure, because it looked EXACTLY like what had happened to Bonnie shortly before she died, EXCEPT that Bonnie's pupils were not equally dilated, and Bonnie was a very different dog after the event vs before, both physically and mentally. Bonnie's was most likely a stroke, according to those I dealt with at the time, but there wasnt' anything they could really do about it (even though there's lots of stuff we can do about humans who have strokes). Tiny did not seem to be any different after the event than before, except for being tired.

The vet we took Tiny to said that it coudln't be a stroke, because a dog's blood supply to their heart :? (confusing to me, cuz a stroke is usually damage to the *brain* from a blood supply problem, AFAIK), and so it had to be a siezure, and the level of distress meant it was Grand-Mal.

However, it could have been caused by a long list of things, so she is running what is called the Desert Panel of tests, blood and urine, to see if any of those common things in the valley could have caused it or contributed to it. Results may take a week to come in.

In the meantime, Tiny is to rest and keep her activity/excitement level low, which should be pretty easy for her. :lol:

It is possible, even probable, that there will be more siezures--apparently they commonly come in groups, a few hours to a couple of days apart (though they could come in clusters only a few minutes apart, barely recovering from one before another begins--this happened to another SB that Jacque had).

Now, for me...I now know exactly how attached to Tiny I already am--practically symbiotic, based on my emotional reactions to this event. :( I had to work yesterday afterward, but first I had to be sure enough that Tiny would be ok alone before I left (not that I could do much if she had another siezure other than document it, but I had to make myself feel ok enough that I would be able to concentrate on the road/traffic to get there and back, and to actually work instead of standing around uselessly thinking of just Tiny). Even at that, I still couldn't really concentrate on work very well, and kept wanting to leave. Heck, I almost turned around on the way there to go back to check on her and had to FORCE myself not to.

But Tiny was fine when I got home last night, and stayed that way at least till I left this morning for work again. I'm hoping she's ok now, but I didnt' get to eat much last night (was still too upset to eat much), and didnt' have time this morning, because I had nightmares all night long every time I dozed, about Bonnie or Tiny or others, mostly about the horrible feeling of them flopping around ragdoll-limp in my arms. So I didnt' really sleep at all, and after getting up for Tiny's first morning walk, I tried to doze again, and again, and walked her again, then a final time, before having to head out for work. No breakfast. No lunch because I forgot to bring one, and was too tired when I finally got to go to lunch at 2pm that I didn't feel like eating, and just drank the tea I *had* remembered to bring. So an hour after that I finally got off work, and was ravenous and still tired, rode across the street to Burger King where I'm typing this from as I slowly munch some lunch (trying not to eat it fast or I'll just get sick).

When I'm done here I have to go to Fry's to get the rent money order, and some groceries, then go home to Tiny. Thankfully I won't have to be back at work till tomorrow afternoon, so I can get some rest somewhere in there, assuming Tiny is still OK.

@solcar: Makes sense about the trees/etc.

Ethics...seems like a culture-wide problem these days. :(

Some pics of Tiny the day before her siezure:


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Wow Amber, like you needed more challenges in your life. Glad she is OK, hope you will be so too.

My mom used to have seizures and syncope (sudden fainting) when we were taking care of her. It is quite distressing during the episode. We'll keep you in prayer. We just got a puppy and he's keeping us busy, haven't had a dog in 20 years. He's small enough to ride in the front basket, I'm going to train him to be a service animal to help me as I age. I don't know about dog medicine, but I know that the special love they give has been lacking in our lives until now. :D
Whew, those seizures are scary. My brother used to get them. My understanding with those types of things is that if they can be continually thwarted from happening the brain structure can heal in a way to discourage more from happening, but maybe that is just a gut feeling from how injuries often work. I'm glad that Tiny got through it.
Thankfully sh ehas not yet had any others, AFAIK. She did have a little pukey while I was away on the first day after, but she must've eaten most of it back again because there was just a little on the big folded-up comforter she likes to use for a nest-bed. Probably unrelated, as she does sometimes just get the urpies a little bit.

I kinda wish I could set up a motion-detection-triggered camera to record the front room when I'm not there, just so I would *know* if she was or was not having further siezures. Best cheap way I know to do that would be a USB webcam on a computer running Gotcha! software, assuming the software could or would detect the small motions of shaking legs and arching back that would indicate the siezure.

In other news, I scored enough dog food to feed her probably till the end of this year, for about $30, via a clearance sale at work (details of getting it home in the CrazyBike2 thread), yesterday. Today I scored a few months worth of hip/joint supplements for her, same way, for about the same money. Saved at least 90% on each one of those....

I also found a toy she seems to like to at least follow around, though I can't really play with her with it yet as the vet wants her to be inactive at least until the test results are in. It's by Kong, and is like a giant cat teaser, with a "fishing pole" arrangement and a several-mm-thick cord with a velcro strap to wrap around their favorite chase toy (it comes with a floppy "skunk"). She's definitely interested in it because it's moving around and keeps moving (as long as i keep doing it)--she doesn't have much interest in stuff that rolls to a stop after I toss it, be it frisbees or balls or whatever.

I'm still not sleeping well again, partly cuz of the nightmares about Tiny's siezure, and partly a resurgence of the old nightmares about Hachi, Nana, Loki, and Fred burning. :( It's also partly cuz my work schedule now has me alternating between closing one night, and opening the next morning. Last night, for instance, I didnt get off work till 940pm, and had to be back at work by 800am. Since it takes about two hours typical to get home and then to get back to work, that leaves only about 8.5 hours. A typical walkies with Tiny takes 20-30 minutes, and there are at least two of them needed, so there's now only 7.5 hours, less if she wants more walks (commonly she wants 2 or 3 in the morning, and 2 at night). Last night and this morning she was ok with 1 and 2, so there was about 1.5 hours gone--leaving about 7. The actual trip time home last night was much longer than usual because I had to go slower due to the load of dogfood, taking almost an hour and a half--not gettin home till almost 11pm. So really, it was about 6.5 hours left.

Then there was time to cook and eat something, as I had nothing ready. That's another hour-plus. Call it 5.5 hours left Then time to wind down, and toss and turn while thoughts of all the day and things I need to do, and thoughts of Hachi/Nana/Loki/Fred/Bonnie/Tiny run thru my head, which can take a couple of hours before I can begin to doze, and waking/dozing goes on a couple more hours after that, at least. Down to about 1.5 hours. Takes me at least half an hour to get myself ready for work, so about an hour.

Since Tiny's morning walkies start when she comes up and paws me awake to tell me she's gotta go, that interrupted my dozing stage, as usual...so I didn't even really get to sleep at all, just extend my dozing for a couple of half-hour intervals after each walkies, before having to finally get up and get ready.

Hopefully all htose numbers actually add up right, cuz I'm a little too tired to be sure. :lol:

Normally when I work in the afternoon and close the night before, I can get to sleep a little better to start with becuause I'm not worrying about waking up early to get to work, and I can also nap a little between Tiny's final morning walk before it gets hot, and when I have to get ready. Sometimes a couple of hours more actual sleep, or even more, depending on when I have to be there.

IcanHasVacationYet? :shock:
Awww man, last thing you need now is to have a sick dog. I sure hope it turns out to be a one time thing.
So far she seems to be ok, still no signs of another one, but she hasn't gotten as active/excited as she was just before it happened, so far. She did want to run around this morning but I made her sit beside me instead, for ear scratching, which she flopped over for belly rubs instead after a minute.

I'd rather have a sick dog with me than no dog, and I'd rather have her here with me most of every day than by herself in a dog run most of the time. And Tiny is worth a lot of "troubles". :)

At least since I am "fostering" her (on a permanent basis) then her vet bills are covered by the rescue group, so that is one worry I don't have. If that changes for some reason, I'll probably sign up for pet insurance thru work (we get a little discount on it, so it works out cheaper than paying constant vet bills, should that come up).

So...it'll work out, one way or another.
That was a big part of how I could afford 6 dogs when I was fostering so many. I was scoring lots of free food from petco too.

Here's a picture of our little darling, from this morning.
Daisy the fuzzy blanket? ;)

That's what Hachi used to do all the time. Nana sometimes would too, but she'd usually be *under* the blanket cuz of her short fur.

Tiny will do that a little when she wants me to get up, but usually stands there instead, pawing at me to wake me up, rather than standing on me. She's fairly careful about what she steps on, and usually doesn't like to step on uneven surfaces, and goes around lumps and things on the bed or the ground, rather than steppping over them if she can. So she doesn't stand or step on me--totallly unlike Nana, who took every possible opportunity to step on me or stand on my feet, etc. :lol:

Since Tiny only weighs a few pounds less than Nana it's nice that she doesn't step on me, but I do actually miss that, and I also miss Hachi's flopping down on and next to me, too, cuz Tiny is "dainty" and careful about that sort of thing, for the most part. (maybe cuz she's older....about 7 years, rather than the 9 I had originally said--I either misheard or misremembered, I guess).

I did find out for sure that she had been mistreated by one of her original owners, and that's probably a big part of her shyness and her dislike of noises and sudden movements toward her, etc. She's getting a lot better about that sort of thing, though, slowly.
Some excitement yesterday at the apartment complex.

The news story I found just now:
but I didn't know anything about what was going on at the time, not until just now.

I came out to take out garbage after my trip yesterday, and there were at least 7 police cars around the southwest building, the one that faces Thomas Road. I didn't really want to get in the middle of whatever was going on, so I waited a while before going back out, and by then there was also a big command post "van" (more like a mobile home or big RV, in size), and even more patrol cars and SUVs. I don't know how many total were there. None of the police I or others had asked would answer questions about what happened, so I just went back in, kept working on CrazyBike2's cargo pod rail modifications (detailed in that thread's post for today), and kept Tiny company.

I waited a while longer, perhaps another couple of hours?, till the sun had just set, and took tiny out for the first walk of the evening. Because the command post vehicle was parked over where we normaly enter on the southwest end of the park, and they were doing stuff I dind't want to get Tiny spooked by, we went to the northeast end instead. She was already jittery cuz of all the people still around, and the cars parked in the middle of the space between parking lot rows, which was different form the norm and she likes things to be the same. She was very interested in all the activity and people outside the park, but didnt' bark at all, just trotted back and forth along the fence trying to find a good view, stopping and going again. Eventually she remembered to go potty, in stages, and then she went back to monitoring all the people for a while.

Some of the poeple out to see what was happening came over to see and pet her, too, and though she was a little wary of them at first, she laid down for belly rubs a lot quicker than she often does.

Eventually she got too warm, and decided she wanted to finish the walkies up and go back in, so we continued on back to the northeast gate and out on the rest of our rounds. On the way back, she decided she was interested in the activity again, and so we bypassed the park and went around on the north past the command post vehicle (where activity had almost stopped, just one person outside it), then around the west end of that part of hte lot, then back in a U around the south part of the lot.

Channel 3 news was setting up a camera, so i asked the cameraman if he knew what the excitement was, and he said a couple of stabbings, but that's all he had, I guess. So Tiny and I just went back to the apartment and the cool air, until she decided a few hours later it was time for another walkies. By then all the police were gone, and everyone else had gone back inside. I went back with her to the apt for the rest of the night, still not knowing exactly what had happened. I didn't sleep very well, partly for that reason and partly cuz of the nightmares I've had since last Sunday when Tiny had that seizure (which has not repeated while I've been present, though there's no way to know if she had one either while I was away or while I was asleep, since she doens't always sleep in the bed or even the bedroom, at least some of the night).

afamily.com channel 3 news said:
Father, son stabbed at Phoenix apartment
by Andrew Michalscheck
Posted on September 1, 2013 at 10:37 AM
Updated today at 5:13 PM
Map: Father-son stabbing
33.4807 -112.108442

PHOENIX -- A father and his 10-year-old son were stabbed over the weekend during an altercation at a Phoenix apartment.

According to police, 18-year-old Armando Francisco Mendoza and a 15-year-old boy went to an apartment near 23rd Avenue and Thomas Saturday afternoon and got into a fight with the 34-year-old father.

At some point during the fight, Mendoza and the teen stabbed the father and his 10-year-old son.

The father and the son were rushed to the hospital, while the two teens were arrested.

The son is expected to be okay, but there is no word on his father’s condition.

Police said Mendoza and the 15-year-old are now facing charges that include attempted first-degree murder, aggravated assault, burglary, and marijuana possession.
Good news: they are definitely rebuildng the back room: the stud frames are being assembled now; I got this picture when passing by this morning, though I saw the work progress when I passed by last night, too dark to get any pics with the phone camera though.

I also got a new (on deep clearance) "potty tray" for Tiny, that I hope to replace my crate-tray-with-cat-litter setup, so I don't have to keep scooping the urine-clumped litter from (and buying new litter, and especially hauling it home). This one uses a platform with a shallow "funnel" shaped tray causing the urine to run down to a small removable collection tray, which cna be used with those 'water crystals" or left as-is, and simply emptied and washed (probably at least twice a day, with as big a dog as Tiny is). On top of the tray is a grid to hold up a section of artificial turf. All of it's easily washable in the tub, too. Much easier to do cleanup on than a 3'x4' tray full of clay cat litter. :lol: Now I just have to see if Tiny will use it like she did the litter tray...am about to go home with it now.


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Hello AW, sorry for your loss. Don't know where or how I missed this thread, guess I just haven't been on here much. I will send you something as soon as I can straighten out my situation here. I couldn't finish the first page her without getting choked up. Seems we did some business before, but I can't remember where you are. If you PM me, with address and Paypal I can help ou. Condolences, and wishes for a brighter future for you, from my family to yours.
Brian L.
Well, almost THREE WEEKS (17 days) after Tiny's seizure and the emergency vet visit, they finally call us up with the results--the blood tests show no problems at all, but the urine test shows a "bad infection". So now she has two weeks of meds to take, and we'll see if that clears it up.

Now...the sticking point for me and for the people at the rescue: WHY DID IT TAKE ALMOST THREE WEEKS to find out the results of a simple urine test? It does not take three weeks to process THOSE results, though I suppose it might take that long for some of the various "desert panel" of blood tests. (It was supposed to take only a week for even those, however, yet each time we've checked with the vet, they had no info yet until yesterday).

An "bad infection" could easily kill a dog or permanently damage a dog's bladder / kidneys long before these results were back. :evil: I guess Tiny must have a good immune system because she hasn't died from it yet, and she hasn't shown any other signs of it.

I have had dogs with UTIs before, including Lady who kept having them over and over for her last year, finally killing her in the end. But none of those took any time at all for the tests to come back (most were known before we left the vet's office, with meds to take home and start on right then!).

I wonder...maybe they no longer do any of these tests here in the USA now, and they're all done in China--so they ahve to send them the biological materials via slowboat courier, then wait for the results to come back by bottle-message?

Makes me want to throttle someone. :(

Have to find out what testing service that vet uses, to make sure I never use any other vets (including this one) that use that service.

Don't wanna have to wait till after a dog dies to find out what they died from by autopsy before the regular test results come back. :evil:
amberwolf said:
(after much internal debate, refrains from posting specific thoughts about dipsticks, vets, and testing facilities....)

Well,.... like you don't have anything else to do, ......might be time to call all the vets in your area and ask specific questions like: "How long does it take to get test results back?" and then drill down as to the specific times of specific tests because you know they are going to say "that depends on the test."

At least for the future you might have a better idea as to which vet is a bit more competent then the rest.