Evnetics Soliton Jr. Throttle problem?


100 W
May 15, 2017
I have an Evnetics Soliton JR. Controller.

When i calibrate my throttle at min. it says 0%.... Thats ok.
But when calibrating max. throttle it only says 69%. The throttle is all the way down.
Does that mean i lack 31% Power?

What could be wrong?
The way I read it for calibration is that 100% throttle (peddle to the metal) the controller is looking at the maximum throttle voltage reading. And setting that reading which is given, at a percentage of 5 vdc supply voltage as the Max Throttle Percentage.

So at throttle minimum it must be reading 0 vdc = 0 % Controller makes this off. And at full it must be reading 3.65vdc = 69% Controller makes this full on.

Back probe your throttle output to verify... What throttle are you using?

So you say that 69% is max?


Im using the original throttle from Evnetics.
If your full pot voltage output is 3.65vdc, then yes. The controller will still put out it's maximum output at this percentage.
But it does seem odd that you are getting such a low output. :( I know some throttles have a sensor dead band adjustment... or perhaps your throttle linkage misadjusted? And last, is throttle input the full 5vdc? (also double checking the output.)