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GT i-drive 2.0 Build

Very cute. What did you say to each other? What was that guy with the big sign saying to you???
yes great job greg! your bike seems even quicker these days else you have lost a few lbs! what is the top speed on that thing these days? brilliant videos, loved the last one with the scooter guy.
thanks guys.
knoxie said:
..bike seems even quicker these days else you have lost a few lbs! what is the top speed on that thing these days?
what up, knox? she's the same speed, strong to 37mph, then will creep up to 41mph and eat as many amps as as i pour into her... i drove 8 miles tonight to see a ball game, and the guys at the garage have let me charge there, so i hauled ass, used up 6+Ah. the game finished and i come back to find my charger unplugged! oops the dude said... anyway, i had 77V at rest, and the CA reset... :? so how many amphours did i have left? no idea... 77V is middle of the pack, on the low side too perhaps. so playing it safe, i dropped to speed switch one, and rode 8 miles home, averaging 20mph (like the good ole days, hah!), and consuming 3.3Ah... which is rather little for my hog, all slightly uphill mind you. i popped it to speed 3 at the end and at WOT saw the voltage dip to 68.5 (from 74), so i was close to the end... nice to know i can manage the power consumption pretty well if i have to. a chick on a scooter smoked me up mass tho. :oops: :lol:
ambroseliao said:
Very cute. What did you say to each other? What was that guy with the big sign saying to you???
Me (pulling alongside): How fast does that thing do?
Him: 40
Me: Wanna race?
Him: Nervous laughter?
- then i pass, he trails, gets caught at a light, so i wait at the corner a mile or so up mass ave, where that vatican embassy protester was. (i passed him every day for a while and say hi, but this time he thought i was stopping to talk to him. i told him i was waiting for the scooter guy.) when the scooter caught up, we rode side by side for a while. he asked me what my bike was, had no clue even that it was electric! nice guy, works in chinatown too. it was just fun to ride with someone. made me think about getting some footage trailing courriers... :twisted:
ps. the national cathedral is closed (and blocked off) till they finish cleaning up the crane that fell over last week.

You hear about that knoxie?
You will be doing 5' drops soon :D What was the max on those videos, 3'? Were you able to get close to the crane?
Hi Greg

Hey some nice videos there!! :D I have been out on mine and done a bit of video this week but been so lazy getting anything edited, crane looks a little scary, we dont make that type of crane, we do some portal and semi portal cranes but we mainly make cranes like these below and yes they can sometimes fall down too.


Loved the last few videos really nice when you edit the clips together with that eastern European music too ha ha love it..

I captured some cool footage on my ride the other day, got chased by a rouge cow! ha ha that was funny and got a nice shot of a USAF transport plane right over my head really low as I passed our local USAF base, maybe will do some edits later and splice in the holiday BMX footage too.

I have been playing with Adobe after effects messing around and have made a new video logo for my videos and have been goofing around doing all sorts of other special effects, its great fun and very addictive, ill post a few links to some of my first attempts! If I get time I will have some fun with one of your videos ha ha.

Off all week and having a great time, thanks for posting the vids Greg

dbaker said:
You will be doing 5' drops soon :D
I'm still hunting for the right DH donor... although I did find myself studying the steel selections at home depot... :twisted:

And then I dragged this into the garage from it's rusting place on the side of the house (an alley giveaway, already rusted):
I thought it was a fixed wheel until, after generous helpings of WD40, it freewheeled... :lol: I pumped up the tires and started doing wheelies in the alley. I used to be able to go a long way, but had nothing! So I've got some work to do getting myself in shape.. :oops:

What was the max on those videos, 3'?
Probably 2' or less, which is fine since I did so many to get all those shots...
doc007 said:
I like how you spliced together different camera angles mid-flight using just one camera. That must have taken quite some time.
Thanks. It probably took a half hour or so. It's fun. I have a good time.
knoxie said:
...eastern European music too ha ha love it..
It's so hard choosing audio... I had some monks chanting, but it was too morose so I changed it to that at the last minute... :lol:
...maybe will do some edits later and splice in the holiday BMX footage too.
do it already. you keep promising... :p
I have been playing with Adobe after effects messing around and have made a new video logo for my videos...
I really should do that too... It does take forever tho. And when I do it, it feels outdated the next day... Same with graphics, titles, etc... that's why mine are usually naked..

Hi Greg well I quickly threw a video of my little break with the BMX, some fun stuff in there, cliff jumping, chased by cows, big planes and a bit of Lycra Attack for good measure. Worth watching in 720 HD if you have the connection for it.

knoxie said:
I quickly threw a video of my little break with the BMX...

And you made the soundtrack, right? I'd forgotten that you sang and played guitar. Quite a moving song, knoxie. Well done! :lol:

I'm just teasing. I love the vid. The seaside stuff is fantastic. Cleansing. Like a true vacation should be. And it looks like you picked the right week for it. Nice weather! Clean water too! What town is that? Was that your B&B at the end?

The cow is a bit shocking. Just think how upset he'd be if Deec went past in his RC rig! :lol: If a wee hub motor pissed him off. Or could you have another mad cow epidemic starting up?

The pics work well in there too. Nice cliff jump. Nice candidate for slomo, there.. :wink:

Thanks, and next time if you'd just add a closeup of a pint of bitter, ta.. :D

Hi Greg!! ha ha glad you liked it, yes I can sing and play the guitar but not as well as those 2 tracks, they are from the very Talented Dave Garza and my favourite band from years ago called Lift to Experience from Denton Texas they make some amazing music.

Yes the place is called Falmouth its on the south coast about 5 hours drive from here, the water there is so clean and the surf gets up at times as well although on this day it was tame. The BMX is such a great tool as it fits easily in the car with all our other gear even with my son in the back as well.

The cow was a bit scary, up the road a bit a guy was parked in the middle of the road trying to tell me that they were round the corner :roll: I had my phones on and didnt hear him, that last rogue cow turned at me, thank goodness for 2KW of power when you need it, I tell you it was close, you can see it turn at me in the last few frames, I was flat out in near 3 seconds :lol:

It wasnt our B&B at the end just a nice pub :) that plane was a lot lower than it looked on the video, the wide angle of the camera made it look further away than it was, all in we had a great holiday down there and I took the BMX out every morning for a 15 mile run, it was so nice.

Put my new logo on the footage as well as a tester, glad you liked it, I am going to have a bit of fun with one of your videos next if you dont mind ha ha I am sure your going to love it ha ha.


knoxie said:
I am going to have a bit of fun with one of your videos next if you dont mind ha ha I am sure your going to love it ha ha.
Awesome. I grant you free license. Just keep my family out of it, and remember that this can go both ways... :twisted: :lol:
That was excellent knoxie! great soundtrack.fun to see the great videos everyone puts up.they look very pro.compared to a few yrs ago.that seaside rd looks exactly like our seaside rds in victoria. the queens favorite city in canada :) .
Hey beast many thanks and yes G of course no kids in what I have planned :lol: just maybe only 20 seconds of madness that will most likely take me 5-6 hours to do in after effects :lol:, to give you an idea here is my burning finger! ha ha


additional 20% off; a lot of those discounted frames are gone by now :(
knoxie said:
here is my burning finger! ha ha
that's very impressive! i'd love to start playing w/ after affects, but i'm afraid i'd get lost forever... :lol: down the rabbit hole... :lol: say hi to the cheshire cat for me. :wink:

re nashbar, yeah, i've been watching stock dwindle too. the search for the perfect frame is sooooo frustrating... especially when looking for a rear suspension like this: :mrgreen:

in other news, i've been doing some fun detours after work, no dazzling video, still yet to edit. here was one spin through the woods behind dumbarton oaks:

yesterday, while in georgetown, the bike started lunging. throttle response was irregular. almost cutting out, and lacking power. no time to fix, but massaging the connections and dropping to speed 2 allowed me to get home. no time to play w/ it last night, and this morning, going 25 mph, i realized i was still in speed 2, i switched to speed 3 and power disappeared. it was not a good time either. :shock: i got off the road. still some power, speed 1 equivalent, even on speed 3. rain was just starting so limped on in to work. will investigate soon...
forgot to post this... part of my 'just prowling around' series... nothing special, unless you're interested in Georgetown University campus..

apologies in advance for the soundtrack... hideous.

Hi Greg and yes After Effects takes your life away from you for sure... check this out :p Oh and a bonus sausage for anyone who can spot Greg elsewhere in this video!!

ha ha glad you liked it! I am still a novice at the moment so serious compositers would chuckle but it doesnt have to be perfect its just for laughs besides perfect takes a long time :D had great fun doing it and have another one in mind, i love the tune on that video as well, You are also a feature in the video elsewhere, i will see if anyone can spot it before i reveal it, you are well hidden mind ha ha.