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Help Programming Lyen 12 FET


10 W
Jun 12, 2012
New Mexico, USA
It is a long story that has lead me to asking for your help so I will try to keep to just the details you need in order to solve my problem. :D

I bought the controller and ran it for a while with no problems except that my motor had problems. Along the way I programmed the controller while experimenting with different combinations. The last time I tried programming it, it never took the new settings. I got to looking at the programming cable and found some suspect looking wires where maybe they got bent too far and broke.
I ordered another cable from Lyen but it sat for a few weeks while I worked on other parts of the project.
Today I find that I cannot program the controller and the controller will not spin the motor. When I run the software with the cable connected and start the transfer, pressing the button does not lead to the transfer happening. I do see that messing with the button can change the blink rate of the text on the software, but the progress bar never starts.
I have tried three different USB ports just to be sure. I verify that I am using the right com port by checking in device manager. I am using the same laptop and software install that worked before. I tried creating a new ASV file from scratch as well as the one Lyen sent me, I disconnected all other wires from the controller. I have emailed Lyen and I am waiting for a response, but the guy doesn't charge enough for me to expect him to drop everything and help me every time I ask (even though he was awesome last time I had issues). I have done a lot of reading on this forum and tried a lot of things based on that, but I am still stuck.

Any ideas?
I suspect you got the new programmer? I have the old 18FET and the mark ii 18FET and Lyen gave me with the mark ii a converter.

Also I had to use a new program to program the new controller. Using the old program would never work.

Looks like lyen is the only guy to help you in this one.
I suspect it has to do with new and old programmer with new and old programming software.
Thanks for the idea. I will have to look into new versus old.

Since I only have one controller and one set of software, and it worked fine for maybe 8 programming iterations, the only difference could be the programming cable. Since I bought the first cable with the controller last month and the new cable maybe two weeks later I don't think it is likely, but it is an area I haven't read about. The new cable looked identical to the first one as far as wires and colors and whatnot.

I have had problems in the past using the 3-Way Speed configurations. Keep them at 100% or below; keep parameters within reason until you can confirm that the controller will accept “normal” values.

Sometimes my 12-FET will not load my parameters until I’ve flashed nominal ones first. It’s actually not a bad habit to form and certify functionality before moving forward with custom params. The Progamming Application (not the new python app) also will not load some customized config files; save them – yes, but not always load them. :)

My ½ W, KF
That is someting I had not considered. Thanks for the tip. I have tried loading 6 different asv files that worked before including the one Lyen loaded before he sent it to me, but I never really thought that the contents of the file could matter. I will play around with that and see if I can recover it.

Assuming that you have followed the steps in Lyen's installation manual to the letter, there's no point is asking about procedural issues. This really does sound like a Lyen only solution, but...

Since you have two identical cables and one worked previously, that doesn't sound like the issue. Since you got them from Lyen, they are presumably for the proper controller model (likely for EB3xx controllers with the pushbutton on the Gnd connection).

I would look into driver or port issues as easy checks:
  • Attached is a .bat file to re-register your drivers for a 32bit WinOS. Just put it in the directory with your Lyen drivers and run it in place of the regular install.bat. It just unregisters the old drivers and registers new ones (or the same ones again). I don't have high hopes for this, but it's easy.
  • The current capacity of your USB port might be the next to check. Ensure you are using the same port as you did originally (I guess you may have done this from your post above) and make sure your laptop is on a charger when you run the downloader. In any case, don't use a USB extension cable. As a last resort, if you have one handy, try a port with an external supply like a CardBus/PCMCIA USB adapter. This shouldn't be necessary but will certainly take the power issue out of consideration.
No Big Thoughts here, but maybe a couple of things to look into before Lyen can jump in... ;)


  • LyenDriver_refreshRegistration32.zip
    343 bytes · Views: 103
The idea of low power on the USB port is one I had considered. It would definitely explain the issues I am having. So far I have tried all three USB ports (the adapter shows up as a different com port on each one) to eliminate a bad port. I also thought about the issue of plugging the laptop in so I tired that as well. Since I am using the same PC and software that worked before it would appear that the problem has to be in the controller, but I should eliminate anything I can. I like your idea of getting a USB source with dedicated power. I think I have a hub around somewhere that has its own power supply so I will try that tonight. I suppose I could put a meter on the +5V line on the controller board and very that it is indeed getting power when I press the switch. I will try that tonight as well. I think I will borrow another laptop and load it up just to eliminate one more possiblity as well.
I found something odd. It doesn't look like it is my problem, but maybe. I'll throw it out there for what it is worth.

Based on mvly's comment about old and new cables I found that my cable (both of them) does not match the documentation Lyen has on his site. I assume his site has the old and I have the new.

The difference is on pin 1. The old one calls this +5V Feed. I assume that the cable connects it to pin2 which is +5v. I think that the switch in the cable connects the ground on pin 3.

On the new one pin 1 is jumped with a short yellow wire to pin 5 which is receive (RXD, white wire on the TTL adapter). I assume on the controller side this would then connect to transmit (TXD). This sounds odd to me as I thought that you needs to put 5V on two pins right when you start sending the transmission.

I guess I will open the controller and look at the labels on these wires where they go into the board. I am baffled as to why you would jump RXD on the adpater side to anywhere.

This is probably a dead end as the wiring of both cables is identical and the first one worked for several programming attempts. I am sure there is just something I am missing.
Looking at the board I found that the little yellow jumper on the programming cable connects RXD on the adapter to TXD on the controller and SLK2. At least I think it is SLK. The board is hard to read. There is a SLK1 which is not connected. I have no idea what SLK2 might be but it will receive whatever tranmission the controller sends. Odd. I guess I will have to dig through a bunch more posts to find information on the new controllers so that I can understand it.

Other connections are all obvious like 5V to 5V and TXD to RXD and ground to ground but through the micro switch.

Not that this is likely to help me, but you never know! :D

I have to do something to keep myself occupied while I wait patiently for Lyen to respond. Like I said, he provides a lot more support than I think I paid for, but it is hard to be patient.
On the programming cable when not connected to the controller I get 5.0 volts. When I connect the controller and measure on the board where the programming cable comes in I see 4.0V. If I check on the power the board provides the halls I see 3.4V. After reading other posts about other devices pulling the 5V down too low this makes me wonder. This test is done with nothing connected to the controller except the programming cable.

Does 4V sound too low to get it to program? I wonder where the drop is? Perhaps I could give it a beefier 5v from somewhere other than the USB?
I just heard from Lyen. He really brought the customer service. He remoted into my computer, uninstalled and reinstalld the drivers and tried a lot of other things. In the end we could not get it to program, but the point is that calling me on a Sunday night and remoting in to double check the software is more support than you would get almost anywhere.
I decided to order a second controller as I need a spare anyway. He said he would throw in an extra programming cable at his cost just to make sure that isn't the problem. Once the new controller shows up and I get that all working I will look at this one and see if I can get it sorted. If not I will send it back to Lyen and see if he can fix it.

The bottom line is that I need to patient, but he does take care of his customers with support and such.
betarambo said:
The bottom line is that I need to patient, but he does take care of his customers with support and such.
Yes, he certainly does :wink:

Hopeful the next controller will work out, KF
Only thing I had trouble with in XP was that there was a jumper/adapter between the USB cable and the controller that changed the six wire into five I believe. Once I installed that and made sure my ports were right it was easy. My bad on that one.
Is there solution for this problem today?? I tried program and same as first post, controller won´t respond anymore.. i should have stay on basic shunt modding :cry:

I have 124110ST-MKII-LYEN EDITION And PCB says EB312 But on sticker: Use EB318 Profile

I tried with 2 PC:s and Lyen sofware + XPD 0.3.3

Is this programmer cable right version?

http://shell.jkry.org/~noxi/kuvat/ebike/lyen 124110.jpg