How do u run a 350w hub at 500 or more watts(anyone who has commented on this thread please read the newest post to gain a better perspective)

If we can't tone down the language about 75% you're gonna have to go, OP.
I suggest taking a breather and resuming once the emotional charge has dissipated.
every room that has lithium batteries has a fire resistant battery charging bag and a bucket of sand.

Please correct me if I am wrong. I think fire resistant bag might protect you and house from fire, but it won't stop toxic fumes and toxic fumes are main problem during e-bike battery fire.
Bucket of sand is counterproductive in my opinion. It only gives false sense of security. In case of fire you will loose precious seconds and achieve absolutely nothing.
See, I would have thought the sand counter productive, but when your friendly neighborhood fire dept shows up to go over things because they are awesome (and they heard I had my guns out and was going by the PD range to shame them again)

I have custom built "charger enclosure bags" they will do nothing for the boxes of batteries and such, but the real risk is during charge and discharge. I have these bags literally engulfing the units that individually charge Single cels. The bigger chargers are Bike battery packs are large fire retardant (firemen called the push blankets, I can only guess what that means) bags made from the spare covers the nice firemen gave me, that and a quick stop by the shop that makes interiors for cars and I have bigger bags that you drop the bigger batteries in and they live in the buckets of sand. Now if you are picturing 5 gallon buckets with hundreds of pounds of sand, stop, this is actually kind of cool

I Have green sand for doing casting, it is in essence silica sand mixed with a very fine clay, it when damp is grippy and makes for good molds. When it is allowed to dry in a narrow bucket with a hollow in the center you get a custom made fiery battery chucker. the reason for buckets of sand is to drop the battery in, and have enough time to throw it through the bloody window.

It sounds silly, but it is the best thing you will get outside of a fire-resistant cabinet. There are a few people who I toss auction info at, you will notice I am at every sciency-auction that I can make it to, and the ones I can't if they don't accept on-line bids I get a proxy.

It is not a false sense of security. It is a absolute minimal level that I feel comfortable with. If my yard were bigger I would have an outside enclosure, as it stands I have a "magnesium well" on my work bench and if I ever get a spararkler going on the bench I work over the hatch to the catch system.

I have mentioned I literally have a battery work bench right?

Some people find my habitual over-planning and over-thinking things irritating, I hope it causes blisters. I was a Jr Officer for 6 years. In a unit that saw combat on 3 continents. Can you guess who writes the letters to parents? I did not feel a letter was justice, I did at every opportunity go in person. I have told too many parents that I failed to keep their child alive to come home. This utter paranoic level fear of failure was driven home like a spike to my heart when I buried my daughter. It isn't the best solution, it is just the best one I can have with my timeline being what it is.

So, when you have cleared a combat zone of burnt bodies, and seen the look on the survivors faces. You can tell me that my attempts are foolish. Until such time, please use your mouth primarily for eating, it is not so good at the other functions.
Hahaha, very funny april fools joke acting like a cursing troll and making no sense...
(or you really are as dumb as you come across...:unsure: )
I just want to make sure everybody ends up reading this
Okay sir let's do it like this I see that you were in California hopefully around the Los Angeles area so am I.... all bullshit aside..... I would be the most deserving person you could ever decide to help in your entire life I'll give you my phone number after an actual conversation with me you will better realize who we are as an individual.... I'm not asking for money or anything like that.... just let me tell you my story and how I got to California & what's going on w/me you seem like you have a shit ton of knowledge and ill tell you right now one of my favorite things to do is to find people who can actually bless me with knowledge I have very little people out here my nearest relative is over a thousand miles away. I would like to meet you ultimately like I'd like for you. it seems like God has blessed you enough to assist a little bit if'n u feel inclined again I'm not asking for anything except for wisdom & knowledge and some the showing of things like I just let me talk to you and you'll understand what I'ma trying 2 express
See, I would have thought the sand counter productive, but when your friendly neighborhood fire dept shows up to go over things because they are awesome (and they heard I had my guns out and was going by the PD range to shame them again)

I have custom built "charger enclosure bags" they will do nothing for the boxes of batteries and such, but the real risk is during charge and discharge. I have these bags literally engulfing the units that individually charge Single cels. The bigger chargers are Bike battery packs are large fire retardant (firemen called the push blankets, I can only guess what that means) bags made from the spare covers the nice firemen gave me, that and a quick stop by the shop that makes interiors for cars and I have bigger bags that you drop the bigger batteries in and they live in the buckets of sand. Now if you are picturing 5 gallon buckets with hundreds of pounds of sand, stop, this is actually kind of cool

I Have green sand for doing casting, it is in essence silica sand mixed with a very fine clay, it when damp is grippy and makes for good molds. When it is allowed to dry in a narrow bucket with a hollow in the center you get a custom made fiery battery chucker. the reason for buckets of sand is to drop the battery in, and have enough time to throw it through the bloody window.

It sounds silly, but it is the best thing you will get outside of a fire-resistant cabinet. There are a few people who I toss auction info at, you will notice I am at every sciency-auction that I can make it to, and the ones I can't if they don't accept on-line bids I get a proxy.

It is not a false sense of security. It is a absolute minimal level that I feel comfortable with. If my yard were bigger I would have an outside enclosure, as it stands I have a "magnesium well" on my work bench and if I ever get a spararkler going on the bench I work over the hatch to the catch system.

I have mentioned I literally have a battery work bench right?

Some people find my habitual over-planning and over-thinking things irritating, I hope it causes blisters. I was a Jr Officer for 6 years. In a unit that saw combat on 3 continents. Can you guess who writes the letters to parents? I did not feel a letter was justice, I did at every opportunity go in person. I have told too many parents that I failed to keep their child alive to come home. This utter paranoic level fear of failure was driven home like a spike to my heart when I buried my daughter. It isn't the best solution, it is just the best one I can have with my timeline being what it is.

So, when you have cleared a combat zone of burnt bodies, and seen the look on the survivors faces. You can tell me that my attempts are foolish. Until such time, please use your mouth primarily for eating, it is not so good at the other functions.
So I'm sorry that I just now realized that your r military, I thought I had seen that but it's hard to realize who's saying what to me cuz there's so much shit going on. people talking to me and just pissing me off thank you for your service sir from the bottom of my heart thank you..... I cannot express that mentioned the firefighters and shit like that... when I see cops any service member in uniform, fire fighters, EMTs it doesn't matter the people who do that kind of shit make their life career out of that.. call me when I ride the public bus system I even tell the bus driver .tell them all thank you for the what u do.... It's an immediate reaction when I see any person doing a service like that again my mother raised me right please let's talk
Read the newest post and see what I'm saying like if I need to buy something I mean help a motherfucker out please I'll give you my address
You're 100% blowing that motor running that much power in it. 2x the rated current usually works out, more than that, usually not..

No manual or other information included with that controller?
See I didn't even ask anything about blowing the motor up it's not what I asked ... I'm pretty sure I even said that I didn't give a frock about it in general...if I worried about blowing the motor I will ask is this going to blow the motor again I might not be able to tell you the scientific words for certain shit but I understand quite a bit... As far as making an electric bike system go down the road roughly kind of pretty much safely
Here's a couple examples of my Frankensteins none have caught on fire and knock on wood thank you Jesus


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I just want to let everybody know I still have multiple questions that I'd like to ask but I need people to stop being you like u know what I'm talking about just condescending & basically a prick in my eyes like lets be adults here let's not talk to me like I'ma retard.... I don't mean any kind of fuccshit when I say retarded person my nephew is "slower" in certain areas but my mother and my father raised him right and that boy can tear down an engine to his motorcycle if he wants to he was supposed to not be able to walk or talk and be like completely vegetable so again with the old don't talk about my parents but anyway... Again not anything frocked up I'ma just saying...
Some people find my habitual over-planning and over-thinking

Actually I would encourage you to take a step back and start planning from scratch without relying on firemen advice. I am not sure how it is in USA, but where I live firemen are quite confused when it comes to battery fires. I find their advice not entirely thought through. Clearly you are a person who puts a lot of effort into planning things, so why not do it again?

I am not quite sure if I understand your bucket action plan correctly. Battery catches fire, you put it into a bucket full of sand and then throw all of it through window? How do you exactly plan to put exploding battery into a bucket full of sand?
If we can't tone down the language about 75% you're gonna have to go, OP.
I suggest taking a breather and resuming once the emotional charge has dissipated.
I just deleted a few of his more assholish posts and will do more if he doesn't get the hint.
I will just step back, because the next commentary I would use would be an insulting one. So far I just pointed out simple errors in the thought process.

But evidently not agreeing with the little trailer pill is to be mean and insulting. If that is how his world view is the only solution is to recycle and try again. I will let the nicer people do their bit..
I'm not nice either and I don't find his choice of words funny. I feel that I will be banning him soon...
I just want to let everybody know I still have multiple questions that I'd like to ask but I need people to stop being you like u know what I'm talking about just condescending & basically a prick in my eyes like lets be adults here let's not talk to me like I'ma retard.... I don't mean any kind of fuccshit when I say retarded person my nephew is "slower" in certain areas but my mother and my father raised him right and that boy can tear down an engine to his motorcycle if he wants to he was supposed to not be able to walk or talk and be like completely vegetable so again with the old don't talk about my parents but anyway... Again not anything frocked up I'ma just saying...
Have you been awake all night?