Mid drive with more than one front derailleur?


100 mW
Apr 22, 2015
Long time lurker,first time poster.

If i am posting in the wrong part of this forum then i apologize in advance and hope that any admin can point me in the right direction.

Here we go

I've got a spiffing new Montague paratrooper pro that i am gonna convert into my everyday commuter Ebike.
My daily commute is about 35km one way, so in total 70km/h everyday.
I've decided to(if possible) to go with a mid drive unit.
My budget is around 2000-3000$ but the more $ i can save the better.

I want to be able to pedal along in 50 km/h to get some exercise while getting me to work.
But so far i haven't managed to figure out how to get gears that will do the trick.
Are there no mid drive units that supports more than 1 derailleur in the front?

None of the mid drive units i have found so far support the Schlumpf High Speed Drive, am i right?

And the Rohloff SPEEDHUB 500/14 will not be able to provide enough gears for pedaling along in 50km/h, am i right?

Anyone who has a solution?
The LightningRods mid drive might be more powerful than you need, but it does have two chainrings on the bottom-bracket (BB). If you could be happy with a single chainring if it was large enough (52T-60T), then, you might ask him for a 130-BCD spider.
Hi there spinningmagnets, thx for your reply. Ive read many of your posts during the last 2 months.

Ok so the lightning has 2 front derailleurs, I didnt know that.
Their webpage is not exactly exploding with information on their smallblock unit :-D
Another thought is how to attach the small block lightning to a paratrooper frame.
I tried Google but cant find anyonewho has done it