neptronix said:
Chalo said:
Despite Nep's fixation on tire thickness, it's only one factor in flat prevention.
Let me give you another flash of the hell i live in:
I'm fixated on rubber thickness because my roads are littered with 6-11mm length goatheads.
Chalo, imagine that every time you ride your bike, you consume $10 worth of bike tube/patches, a defeating tire change, and possibly a walk home. This makes bicycling more expensive and much less convenient than driving a car.
Yes, there are outlying circumstances for sure. In your situation, I'd be inclined to try Tannus Armour liners plus sealant in the tube. That's extra weight, cost, inconvenience, and ride quality effects, but maybe worth it? For me, it would be worth a try. I have bought a set of these liners for my cargo bike (more for my own education than because I get punctures), but I haven't had the occasion to install them yet.
I remember visiting Albuquerque one time and having to take the car to a local shop for troubleshooting. Just walking the half mile or so from the bus stop back to the hotel, my sandals got continuously surfaced with goatheads on the bottoms. There were little wind drifts of goatheads blowing around on the sidewalks. I couldn't imagine having to live all the time with the bastards.
It was also from Albuquerque that I learned about "the system", which is using a second tire (with the wire beads cut off) as a tire liner.
The folks I meet in the shop here in Austin who get super fanatical about flat preventives don't need such measures. They need to A) stop riding in the gutter over broken glass and B) not be phobic about the possibility that they might need to fix a flat once in a long while.