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Raptor 140 - Full Suspension eBike Build Thread

My first Raptor video (that is not about problems and broken stuff) is up! Set to 1080p/60fps and crank up the music. :lol:

Mammalian04 said:
Offroader said:
I was thinking about posting here today about what is up with Qulbix lately. I figured they may be working on something new.

Then I stumbled on a new thread of theirs.

Did they possibly release a new model, looks like an even thinner version of the 140. Looks nice. Build quality is guaranteed to be excellent.


Yep! 76mm wide. I with it was 80mm so the Adaptto wouldn't stick out, or even better, 80mm inside (so about 84mm outside) but I am sure the 76mm had to do with minimizing costs of bends and welds. That's fine I guess. Better on the knees when standing on pedals.

Since you mention heartache about changing the 165, may I give some inspiration (probably a bad idea). I am ordering a Q76 and will take the rear swingarm, rear 17" wheel and Cromotor, and controller from the black 140, and I am moving it all over to the Q76. Swingarm bolts right up with no modificatons (swingarms are the same as 140).
The Black 140 will then be converted to a LightningRods Big Block kit at 64v, probably with a Lyen Controller and Cycle Analyst. I'll miss the Adaptto on that bike but I really want a full suspension mid-drive and LightningRods (Mike) has already worked up a kit for the 140. I asked about it on the Q76 and it sounds like the big block is so wide, it wouldn't helt that the frame is only 76mm wide.

So, Q76 will get BIG motor on little frame. It will be named, "Big Trouble in Little China" (I have come up with names for all my bikes because I am a super nerd like that).
140 will be big mid-drive and lighter battery for some real full suspension fun. Let's do this together with our 140s. It will be different enough from your 165. :)

I need a commuter bike to take on public transportation going into Manhattan so I want something smaller but close to as powerful as my 165. I would like to use a single crown fork, a Mxus 3000 motor to shed weight. I like the idea of having an ultra thin frame also as long as I can fit the battery capacity I need in it. If the 18650 cells can fit side by side and I can fit at least 200 of them in the bike then that may be a definite go for me.

My 165 raptor weighs like 135lbs, I'm thinking a Q76 with even more battery capacity could weigh like 70-90lbs. The 165 was a pretty heavy frame even compared to the 140, the 140 raptor shaved a lot of weight off. Using 18650 3500MAH batteries also saves a lot of weight compared to the turnigy 20c packs I am using.

I would use the controller shield on my bike so it isn't a big deal about the controller being slightly wider than the frame. I think the important thing is to make it as thin as possible to fit the capacity you need.

If your considering a Q76R I would look to buy that spot welder everyone is ordering from a member here to build a 18650 pack.
Yep. Spot on. I have Riba's spot welder and everything to build the pack (except experience, lol...). The frame should fit 200 cells. Check out the images I posted in the Q76 thread with 20s10p and 12p.
drew12345 said:
Mammalian what's your top speed and watts?

Hi.Drew, I frequently pull 85 amps on the black bike with 64v LiFePo4 packs (around the 5000-6000 watts range). Top speed with OVS 7 on the Adaptto say I hit 51mph. Probably on a slight downhill near my house. I haven't cranked the amps up higher as my motor temperature sensor is not working right so I don't want to cook it. As of now, I just get off and touch the motor case every now and then to see how it is doing. When it gets pretty hot, I ride home and switch bikes.
Posted this in the Raptor 140 thread but I figured I would put it here too. Video of my ride yesterday.

Also, I just posted a thread about a 2016 convention. See my signature for the thread link and post up if you are interested.

Since my bars are direct mount, I added a stem and a shortened bar for my son. Chalo is going to help me fabricate a footpeg mounting bracket for my son.ImageUploadedByTapatalk1450344377.815961.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1450344388.365638.jpg
Mammalian, how bad did you dislocate your shoulder? Did you get an exact diagnoses yet?
Offroader said:
Mammalian, how bad did you dislocate your shoulder? Did you get an exact diagnoses yet?

This one was a little nasty. I had a few partials before but this one dropped down and out quite a bit. MRI review with the doc is tomorrow but initial X-ray and conversation with doc says surgery is likely needed to repair and reduce risk of it coming out more often. Might also need a plate over a gouge in the ball of the arm from impact. It is clicking with movement so that may be it. Metal plate would cover it but I hope not because screws give me the heebie jeebies. Never had to do screws or plates before so I am a bit creeped out by it and my father-in-law's stories of feeling his screws giving him sharp pokes for the last 50 years.

Long story short, I need to quit riding over my ability so I can continue enjoying riding at all. Total bummer watching nice days go by inside the house watching YouTube eBike videos. Better than nothing though so go make more videos guys!
Screws and plates are not so bad man. I have 7 screws and a plate on my collar bone. 1 screw in my ankle, 2 screws in my knee and 1 in the hip. Also 1 rod in my femur. I've had other surgeries, but who is counting. Just chill out on the trails. Gets harder to heal up as you get older. That is one reason my Raptor is just doing street duties now.
snellemin said:
Screws and plates are not so bad man. I have 7 screws and a plate on my collar bone. 1 screw in my ankle, 2 screws in my knee and 1 in the hip. Also 1 rod in my femur. I've had other surgeries, but who is counting. Just chill out on the trails. Gets harder to heal up as you get older. That is one reason my Raptor is just doing street duties now.

Wow Snellemin. 100,000 years from now, they are going to find our remains and think you were part machine! That is a large number of screws!!!
I broke my collar bone this summer and needed a rod put in. I went the rod route instead of the plate and screws. This was due to taking a fall on my bike, but it was due to negligence on the part of a city employee and I have a lawsuit in process. I'm not someone to sue for stupid stuff but I had to pay out of pocket for the surgery and it was totally his fault.
I would say at 5 weeks after surgery I was riding slowly, but maybe 6th or 7th week to ride hard. Riding actually helped to loosen up my shoulder area which was stiff from the surgery.

But I believe your injury could be worse if you damaged some of the stuff around the shoulder like ligaments. What I learned is that unless you really need surgery sometimes your better off giving it time as surgery can make things worse. But it depends on what they find and like with my broken collar bone I had no choice.

I would also seek out the best doctor. I flew cross country to Seattle to get my collar bone fixed from one of the best surgeons I could find, he has fixed over 1000 of these and uses the best procedure a flexible rod instead of a plate and screws. I'm going to get that rod out as soon as I can because it pokes the skin at one spot and is irritable with weight placed on it, like even heavy winter clothing. But because it is a rod it is easily removed once the bone is healed enough. If I would have a plate it may have been worse as many find the plate very irritable. The plate also is more difficult to remove as it is 4-6" long.

I know from researching doctors that the best orthopedic doctor for dirt bike injuries, lots of shoulder, knee, collar bone is Dr. Mark Sanders from Sandersclinic and is in Houston. I'm not sure how far that is but I would without doubt go see him if possible. Lots of people fly to have surgery with him.
Offroader said:
I would say at 5 weeks after surgery I was riding slowly, but maybe 6th or 7th week to ride hard. Riding actually helped to loosen up my shoulder area which was stiff from the surgery.

But I believe your injury could be worse if you damaged some of the stuff around the shoulder like ligaments. What I learned is that unless you really need surgery sometimes your better off giving it time as surgery can make things worse. But it depends on what they find and like with my broken collar bone I had no choice.

I would also seek out the best doctor. I flew cross country to Seattle to get my collar bone fixed from one of the best surgeons I could find, he has fixed over 1000 of these and uses the best procedure a flexible rod instead of a plate and screws. I'm going to get that rod out as soon as I can because it pokes the skin at one spot and is irritable with weight placed on it, like even heavy winter clothing. But because it is a rod it is easily removed once the bone is healed enough. If I would have a plate it may have been worse as many find the plate very irritable. The plate also is more difficult to remove as it is 4-6" long.

I know from researching doctors that the best orthopedic doctor for dirt bike injuries, lots of shoulder, knee, collar bone is Dr. Mark Sanders from Sandersclinic and is in Houston. I'm not sure how far that is but I would without doubt go see him if possible. Lots of people fly to have surgery with him.

Awesome. Thanks for the recommendation Offroader. Houston is only a few hours from me. I'll check him out.
Dr. K Mathew Warnock in Houston, is the dude that fixed my shoulder and my son's arm. Pretty good guy that has a great sense of humor. My request was to be mobile and function normally ASAP, as my job requires a lot of lifting. I didn't have to take out the plate and screws after I healed up. It did take some serious work outs to get me to function normally. Lots of tears were sacrificed when lifting about the head.