Rear hub motor with torque bracket sensor for an Kosda mini velo?


1 mW
Aug 21, 2022
I am building an Kodsa mini velo with 20 inch wheels. I like to have rear hub motor with an bottom bracket with torque sensor.
Any advice on what motor/bracket etc to get?, no need for high power, 300-500W should be ok
Is that one of these?

What is the distance between the dropouts on the rear? What kind, size, and width of BB does it have? You'll need to know those to find parts that fit it.

To be sure you get enough power, I'd recommend determining the job it needs to do for you and what conditions it has to do that under, then using something like the motor or trip simulators or / etc to see about how much power that will take.

Then you can better choose the battery, motor, and controller required to do the job.

If you don't need much power and you want to keep it lighter, you can use a smaller geared hubmotor and controller; the battery requirement will be determined by that plus the range you need.

There are a few kinds of BB torque sensor, but not many controllers support any of them directly. Erider has a few versions of BB TS that are directly compatible with certain controllers that come with them (or can be bought separately but you have to be sure you are getting the right BBTS and controller). IIRC the Open Source Firmware OSF OSFW for some KT KunTeng controllers supports some BBTSs, but you'd have to check the thread(s) for the OSF to find out which ones are presently supported (and you'd also have to get into it enough to install and configure the OSF into the controller and display after you buy those).

Alternately you can use the Cycle Analyst to translate almost any TS and/or cadence (PAS) sensor into a throttle signal for a "dumb" controller that doesn't require PAS input or a display to change assist levels. But the CA does take a fair bit of setup to get going, and sometimes some tuning to get it to do the job exactly the way you want it to. Once setup it's nice...but can be PITA to do that. FWIW, also sells "ready to roll" kits that might do the job you want...but they're not cheap, and will still likely require some setup on your part. I used to promote them for their great technical help, but reports lately have been that you may be on your own with that (with help from the forum where possible). But the CA still works well for this sort of thing if you don't mind the DIY and setup.