Retirement Time

markz said:
What do you carry on your bike that you need such large cargo carrying capacity?
Well I know you do carry anything and everything, but just pound off a list of say 10 things, lets say the most recent bulky top 10 items.

Bike wheels
Other people's e-bike batteries
Beers on ice
Parcels for shipping
Bikes (strapped across the top)
Picnic supplies
25 liters of wine in cans


Less recently? Kid:


I don't have a bigger vehicle than this. When I need to haul stuff, it's this bike or one of my cycle trailers, or both.
Thx, Thought I went thru all the builds posted. I'm getting older and that was 1-2 years ago.
At the moment, i'm interested in bikes that last under loads.

I used my things up to their limits or just below and get many years out of them. Looks like your the same. I will reread.
nicobie said:
You can never retire too young. I quit my regular job (sold the business) when I was 39 yrs 11 months old and immediately started started putting in double the hours working at what I wanted for who I wanted. I enjoyed life much more than before, slept better too.

So jealous. Here i am starting that quest at the age you stopped. Nice work.
My Grandfather learned mechanics young, built his own business up. Sold it and opened a small shop in his back yard for a while. He worked in to 47. Shut the door with all the tools in place. By then he owned his house, bought the one next door and rented it out. He did what every he wanted for the next 30 years.

I have not worked in 10yrs now. Forced retirement, mistreated my body and paying for it.
Our AC went out the other day. Fortunately we have record cool temperatures. Getting Home Warranty of America to pay $900 to fix it is another story. Meanwhile swamp cooler is at the ready. :evil:


Smoke from NorCali fires rode the cooler weather down the coast. Today is even worse than yesterday with visibility less than three miles. :x
Time to start collecting Social Security. I need to increase withholding to cover tax liability, according to our tax lady. :evil:
Finally got the AC fixed, plan to keep using the swamp cooler to cut the power bill by 1/2. Savings could pay for the repair in several months of hot weather. How to cut the water bill? Dunno.
No, the coast got 1/4" of oil slick :lol:
And 4 dozen ships at anchor :lol:

ZeroEm said:
You did not get that 1/4" they promised.

Do palm tree's shed leaves? or are there any palm trees in "Desert Pacific Cali"

The fingers said:
Might get to turn off the irrigation system and just spot water if we get some rrrrrrrrain.
Then one last mowing front and back before the leaves fall. :mrgreen:
Think we will cut the summer grass one more time then the winter grass will set in.

I don't get the Palm trees, they had them all over phoenix, AZ. Then they tried to plant them here in San Antonio, TX and they died.
Palm trees need lots of water compared to dry land trees. Guess it from the movies. Palm trees in the desert. The ones next to the watering holes.
I think I would like to retire now...

A long read if you can stomach it:

I don't have the money to do it yet, though.
I realize now why people have 2 or 3 or more dogs.

Oh, how cold does it get in Texasland?
Palm Trees, oh plenty of endless water for that :wink:

ZeroEm said:
Think we will cut the summer grass one more time then the winter grass will set in.

I don't get the Palm trees, they had them all over phoenix, AZ. Then they tried to plant them here in San Antonio, TX and they died.
Palm trees need lots of water compared to dry land trees. Guess it from the movies. Palm trees in the desert. The ones next to the watering holes.
Most of the time it used to get into the 30's and 40's. 10yrs ago it hit a low of 17deg above and last winter 9deg above. all records.
Don't know anymore times have changed. Supposed to be cold again this year. That would not be normal, what is normal?

by markz » Oct 30 2021 1:25am

Oh, how cold does it get in Texasland?
Palm Trees, oh plenty of endless water for that :wink:
It snowed yesterday here, its melting in the sun.
Pretty late for snow here, which is one positive of "Climate Change"
The big one will come sooner or later and stay for another round.
30F'ish last night (-4C).

Autobody shops will be raking the cash in soon, if not already. A couple big crashes in the news today, theres black ice.
Injury lawyers will be busy taking their 30% slice + costs. But thats the game to play for anything serious.
If you know what to do and how to play the game, rush hour is a fine & dandy time.
Light snow or some ice here and it's demolition derby. Have had the benefit of living in different climates. Owned 4x4 for years. Used it for work. Should have gotten into rock climbing but only used it for work. When traction becomes limited like heavy ran or patchy ice then let the destruction begin. :lol:

y markz » Oct 30 2021 4:40pm

It snowed yesterday here, its melting in the sun.
Pretty late for snow here, which is one positive of "Climate Change"
The big one will come sooner or later and stay for another round.
30F'ish last night (-4C).

Autobody shops will be raking the cash in soon, if not already. A couple big crashes in the news today, theres black ice.
Injury lawyers will be busy taking their 30% slice + costs. But thats the game to play for anything serious.
If you know what to do and how to play the game, rush hour is a fine & dandy time.
Our clothes dryer quit working, was warning us for a while. Nineteen years old so not worth the money to fix. Luckily we have a spare.
Neighbors to the east have a new puppy. He’s a sweet malamute but he’s bored so he’s chewing on the back fence. The smell of smoke from their fire pit is worse, and they shouldn’t be burning during fire weather watch. :flame: