ToSeven DM01 Set Up Questions

Please note that we released the latest firmware last week, we have corrected the following issues, please visit our website for downloading, thanks
1- Resolves the issue of turning on and then turning off
2- Eliminates the occurrence of repeated power-on when stopping
3- Enhances performance in M2 mode
4- Updates motor parameters concurrently with firmware updates

And we have also updated our display firmware, the latest firmware has deleted M2 mode, if you prefer our motor without M2 mode, please re-flash your display, thanks.

Any further questions please let us know, thanks
Where can I buy the dedicated programming kit needed for the update???
Köszönöm, de sajnálattal látom, hogy a DM01 programozókészlet jelenleg nem érhető el Aliexpressen.... Múlt héten még elérhető volt....
Nem tudom hol szerezzem be, hogy a gyártó honlapján leírtak szerint tudjam frissíteni a firmware-t.
Remélem hamarosan újra kapható lesz.... A Toseven üzletben
No hablo espanol
It is Hungarian ;)

Köszönöm, de sajnálattal látom, hogy a DM01 programozókészlet jelenleg nem érhető el Aliexpressen.... Múlt héten még elérhető volt....
Nem tudom hol szerezzem be, hogy a gyártó honlapján leírtak szerint tudjam frissíteni a firmware-t.
Remélem hamarosan újra kapható lesz.... A Toseven üzletben
"Thanks, but I'm sorry to see that the DM01 programming kit is currently unavailable on Aliexpress.... It was still available last week....I don't know where to get it so that I can update the firmware as described on the manufacturer's website.I hope it will be available again soon.... In the Toseven store"
Ez magyar ;)

"Köszönöm, de sajnálattal látom, hogy a DM01 programozókészlet jelenleg nem elérhető az Aliexpressen.... Még a múlt héten is elérhető volt....Nem tudom, hol szerezhetem be, hogy frissíthessem a firmware-t a gyártó honlapján leírtak szerint.Remélem hamarosan újra kapható lesz.... A Toseven üzletben"
Tényleg magyarul írtam volna 😃
A firmware frissítő programozó készlet vásárlásával kapcsolatban különböző kedves válaszokat kaptam a Toseventől és az Aliexpress áruháztól, de megoldást még nem találtak.
Ráadásul nem is tudom, mennyire fontos ez a frissítés a dm01 használata szempontjából?
Tényleg magyarul írtam volna 😃
A firmware frissítő programozó készlet vásárlásával kapcsolatban különböző kedves válaszokat kaptam a Toseventől és az Aliexpress áruháztól, de megoldást még nem találtak.
Ráadásul nem is tudom, mennyire fontos ez a frissítés a dm01 használata szempontjából?
Tényleg magyarul írtam volna 😃
A firmware frissítő programozó készlet vásárlásával kapcsolatban különböző kedves válaszokat kaptam a Toseventől és az Aliexpress áruháztól, de megoldást még nem találtak.
Ráadásul nem is tudom, mennyire fontos ez a frissítés a dm01 használata szempontjából?
"I really would have written in Hungarian :D
Regarding the purchase of the firmware updater programming kit, I received various kind responses from Toseven and the Aliexpress store, but they have not yet found a solution.
Also, I don't know how important this update is to using dm01?"

On this forum the English language is standard, so please use a translation app. before posting.
For now I did this for you two times. But what I can do, should be no problem for you too.

"Ezen a fórumon az angol nyelv szabványos, ezért kérjük, használjon fordítóalkalmazást. közzététel előtt.

Egyelőre kétszer csináltam ezt neked. De amit én tehetek, az neked sem jelenthet gondot."

On topic:
About the importancy of updating the firmware of DM01
I understand that the latest version is a main improvement over the past version updates.
The sensitivity of the torque sensor in particular seems to have been improved.
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Hello, thanks for your inquiry, please send your purchase request to:, we will guide you to complete the order, thanks
LOL! Those AI bots are funny.

Mr. AI BOT fix your aliexpress page. DM02 is no longer available as separate product.


Instead it is hidden in DM01 product page for some weird reason!

Overall layout is also too complicated. Why not something like this?

[DM01] [DM02]
[Display T24] [Display T154]
[250W] [350W] [500W] [750W] [1000W]
[60V] [48V] [36V]
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LOL! Those AI bots are funny.

Mr. AI BOT fix your aliexpress page. DM02 is no longer available as separate product.


Instead it is hidden in DM01 product page for some weird reason!

Overall layout is also too complicated. Why not something like this?

[DM01] [DM02]
[Display T24] [Display T154]
[250W] [350W] [500W] [750W] [1000W]
[60V] [48V] [36V]
I don't think it is a AI bot. I actually appreciate that he gave here the only way to buy To7 kits for German screwed customers (via contacting Katherine). This "disappearance" of DM02 and hiding it under DM01 was the only way to still be able to sell it, at least for you guys who are lucky to see the listings of ToSeven Motors Store. In Germany we cannot even see this page. These f~g restrictions have not been originally imposed by AE but requested by our ret&rded yet ter0rM*nded puppett Regierung.
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Am I out of line for thinking the programming cables should be shipped free of charge to anyone who has purchased To7 to update firmware? Without a decent manual explaining adjustments to motor parameters as well as the motor not being optimized to perform properly out of the box (hence FW updates), it seems it would be in interest of To7, or any motor manufacturer, to provide the programming cable for free.

Or is being the extended R&D testers on our own dime just expected in the E-Bike realm? If so, I'll shut up & keep tinkering....
Am I out of line for thinking the programming cables should be shipped to anyone who has purchased To7 to update firmware? Without a decent manual explaining adjustments to motor parameters as well as the motor not being optimized to perform properly out of the box (hence FW updates), it seems it would be in interest of To7, or any motor manufacturer, to provide the programming cable for free.

Or is being the extended R&D testers on our own dime just expected in the E-Bike realm? If so, I'll shut up & keep tinkering....
If you order from official aliexpress store you will get programming cable by default. You will also get motor with latest firmware so most likely you do not have to perform an update. Latest firmware is really good. You do not have to manually change anything in setting unless you really want to.
Does anybody know where to eventually buy the To7 programming cables for those who cannot buy anything from the official ToSeven Aliexpress store (because of the Georestrictions for Germany)? PSW don't sell them. I plan to make the cables somehow myself after I get the motor, found one YT video but he speaks Polish so a bit difficult to understand:
If you order from official aliexpress store you will get programming cable by default. You will also get motor with latest firmware so most likely you do not have to perform an update. Latest firmware is really good. You do not have to manually change anything in setting unless you really want to.
I ordered from PSW back in January. Now the PAS has quit working after running great. Kat at ToSeven asked me to check Torque Sensor and PAS sensor both idle and under pedal power. The TS was reflecting proper readings; the PAS is reflecting nothing. Kat then asked me to open motor and check no disconnected wires. I did and nothing jumped out at me. So I'm wondering if there is FW update which may fix. And if so, then I'd now have to order programming cable.

Forgive my bitterness, but I lost a lot of riding time last summer due to poor performing Tongsheng with worse support. Hence the reason I purchased a To7 in winter. Yet, Memorial Day, the unofficial start to summer in US, was last weekend and ebike motor from different manufacturer is acting up again.

The first manufacturer who can build a decent performing, but very reliable motor kit, will rule this segment of ebike industry.
Just Ask then directly.
YouTube videos can be translated. Just google IT.
Of course I know how to auto-translate YT captions, the result is however not quite understandable though. I was able to catch like 50%.
The purchase directly from To7 is considerably more expensive than from PSW. Although directly from To7 I could get the programming cables while PSW don't sell them. But either way the DM02 kits are out of stock right now anyway so I must wait.
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If you order from official aliexpress store you will get programming cable by default. You will also get motor with latest firmware so most likely you do not have to perform an update. Latest firmware is really good. You do not have to manually change anything in setting unless you really want to.
I should order another motor from Aliexpress? To fix the current 6 mos old motor purchased this past January? Should I also purchase a new house if builder put in faulty air conditioning unit? No, the builder should fix for free since it wasn't right as advertised. And To7 should fix this issue as well. Or better yet, not use customers hard-earned money to finance their computer program testing....get it right before releasing product for sale.
Have you asked Kate how much would cost a replacement Torque & PAS sensor unit? How about Warranty claim (provided that the sensor is definitely KO)?
Well, I got impression Kat & To7 were going to ship me new torque sensor I could install as well as programming cable. But after doing their investigative work for them and confirming the issue, they've now gone radio silent for past week....nothing but crickets....

So, how are the Bafangs? Should that be my next attempt at installing a reliable mid-drive? I cannot rely upon Tongsheng or To7 for quality after sale support apparently...