Trying to fit my axle nut through over under my rear derailleur


100 TW
Jan 10, 2010
Dana Point So. Cal
I have an old trek flex it was designed for rim brakes. I'm trying to fit a muxs 3000 and I can't get the nut on as the rear derailleur is in the way can I just use a different hanger ? Hopefully I just buy a new hanger and hang that XT derailleur a little lower it's only a single speed at the moment I don't know how many speeds I could put in there but it's 80 volts and 50 amps so I'm not going to be peddling much.

Fortunately, since you're running single speed, you don't actually need a derailleur, and have several chain tensioner options. You can get one that mounts on the chainstay, for instance.
I only have dnp7 speed and I know it would widen the rear yoke by 20 cm.I guess . But more than three quarters put together. Al I'm 66 years old I was happy for it fit fit. But I only have DMP 7 speeds sorry I'm watching Charles Bronson.
I only have dnp7 speed and I know it would widen the rear yoke by 20 cm.I guess . But more than three quarters put together. Al I'm 66 years old I was happy for it fit fit. But I only have DMP 7 speeds sorry I'm watching Charles Bronson.

In the picture, it looks like a single speed freewheel. I had the same issue with the MXUS 3K and had to use a derailer extender. I used an old-school 5 speed SunTour freewheel. Found it on eBay and I think it was made in the 70s still in the original packaging.

Here’s a link very similar to the one I purchased. They’re so darn expensive though since they’re a vintage product. Honestly probably my favorite freewheel I’ve used.

Also, you could try to find a 3 speed freewheel to keep the drop out width within reason.

Curious, does your derailer have a clutch?
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Yes the 5sp. Sounds the way out and or just take off the d trailer for now. I grab an older J&B catalog.. Thinking about I don't peddle as I Need a knee replacement. Got the left one done if September and that wore out the right knee. Just going thru the hoopes And the bike is three stories down.
Thinking about it I will run it without a chain to get it on the road and for a different hanger. But remembering the pages and pictures of hangers and a 20 year old bike. The mystery goes on.
Eastwood clutch ?
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Ok dug out the J&B catalog and found 12 pages of hangers or 180 hangers and that's just a side catalog ? It seems like a Volkswagen through the years if you don't know exactly what's going on from 56 to 82 you don't know all the changes that Volkswagen made half year then smog related changes it was a nightmare of knowing.
Oh oh you do it backwards old catalog so mark off the ones that are no good Just to narrow it down.
This seems an impossible task More pics as there 20.00 each single speed or chain free.
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Eastwood I kind uh read thru your post for the extender. I'm going to try for that.
Maybe something like this a derailleur with a drop hanger. Cheap is okay as I always abused things to a part that they're falling apart. I'm a little hard on things.

THALOUS Bicycle Rear Derailleur RD-TZ31-A Tourney 6/7 Speed for MTB Bike Direct Mount/Hanger Mount
Ok dug out the J&B catalog and found 12 pages of hangers or 180 hangers and that's just a side catalog ?
Replaceable derailleur hangers have been a disaster of non-standardization. There are probably 400+ different ones, some of them specific to only a single year and model of frame. The problem keeps getting worse because there's no incentive for manufacturers to get their act together, nor consequences for them failing to do so. has the best finder tool I'm aware of for locating a replacement.

But none of that matters for what you're doing. You need something like a Wolf Tooth Road Link or a generic clone of it.
I like those hangers but think they may be too wide for my nut to fit level or flat next to it ?. Maybe it's just the nut I mean if I go to the hardware store and get the 16 mm 1.50 or 1.25 nut. I might be able to just grind the flange washer off this nut ? My knees blowing out and I just can't run down on a whim three stories I got to wait till Monday when I have to go to the bank anyways. Yahoo I'm going to get some garage time.
Broke a few hangars last year due to riding literal beaver trails, as you know how narrow they are, the bushes and grasses up past shoulders and the axle/hangar/rd sitting so low and hitting bigger end of the bush trunks that are near the ground, as they rip the the hangar and break the rd, then you hope you got the right gear tooth count for a tight single spd on an 8spd chain and 8spd setup, fixing trail side is always fun! Sometimes its just a bent hangar that you can bend back and ride on! Turns out they're $25 a piece but its the popular #25 and yes, get a non flanged, narrower, normal nut as thats what helped me with the axle nut hitting the r.der, but its just the way it is with certain rd's, and their hangars. A closed ended wrench wont help taking it off, I was lucky that I always brought along adj wrench, which came in handy once on a spun axle with bent ta's. I didnt slip the axle deep enough into my hack job custom ta, wires were fine just the ta bent, adj wrench was then used as a ta with, and dont laugh, electrical tape and it was the good 3m stuff! Lets say wrapped around many times, lets also say Field Repair.
What about using a sturdy section of thick-walled tubing with the ID and OD to clear as a washer between the nut and drop-out?

And I don't know your other parts but I would not rely on axle flats for a 3Kw motor. Just sayin'
Hey I already melted first generation Mxus V1 on the first of buy many miles ago. They work if not lug at 72v 80amps A123 no sag battery. The heart of an ebike.
Maybe it's just the nut I mean if I go to the hardware store and get the 16 mm 1.50 or 1.25 nut. I might be able to just grind the flange washer off this nut ?

Maybe you could try a different nut, with or without some narrow rim washers:

Or if you really want to get crafty, you could turn down a coupling nut to say 20mm where it passes the derailleur knuckle, and put wrench flats on the other end:
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Thanks I went to the hardware store and got the 16mm 1.50 nut . And it didn't fit $4.13. So looked and saw a auto wheel nut trapper at the end. To tight must really be 16mm 2.0 ? So lucky monkey I find a no flange nut and it's 16mm 1.50 It's tight as Chinese nut is sloppy. The night I found was tight with a drop of oil it was willing.

It did roll the diarailur barley, but single speed ok.
Thanks guys I had the not all the time you wouldn't want to see my garage. So if I only use that XT derailleur as they chain tensioner Coney Island it will be okay I don't know if I use a 7-speed it would work properly unless I took the corners off the nut and maybe filed a little bit of that aluminum either or or both the nut is what I work on. Plus to center the rim I put Three washers to center. That's on the this side meaning I can't open it up anymore except I do have some axle space if it doesn't run into the frame I might be able to put a five-speed but of no concern of mine I just want the pedals and be able to pedal the show my uncle down at the beach on the street and around PCH cuz my uncle wants to give me a ticket. My uncle's an a******. Heavy cracks down you should crack down on those 13 to 16 year olds doing wheelies looking at you and turning their bike towards you before they veer off at about 18 to 25 miles an hour depends on their ability.
Talk to text haven't proofread.
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Looking at Chalo roundai coupler and I could flip off the corners so the rear diarailur for free movement. As it does not let the diarailur to freely rotate.Then I think a 5sp will fit. But as long as I have a chain and peddles and looks like a bike and not a motorcycle.
Plus living at the beach it must look homeless. Or never let go of it.