Votol em150/2 newbie help!

Jan 24, 2023
Hey all, I'm new and this is my first post!

I have a votol em150/2 controller, qs138 v3 motor, dkd screen kit i bought off eBay and after hours of head scratching because the looms supplied didn't match up and the seller wouldn't help, I got it all wired up correctly!

The motor won't turn, everything works, speed buttons, reverse park etc, when throttled the motor just makes a little tick like a relay and the slightest of slightest movements.

I assume this is a programming issue as I've been through everything else countless times, will the cheap £12 usb leads on ebay with the blue housings work with this controller? They say votol em150 but we all know what that means haha.

I've been building high power bikes for years but have never tried votol, kinda wishing I didn't now!

I see from videos there's a million different parameters on the software and understand that its not something to be messed with without knowledge so I will go carefully!
You may have already done these things, but:

Given the symptom, the first thing I would do is verify your hall sensors are working correctly. There are instructions in various forum posts, or over on in the learn-troubleshooting section.

If they are correctly working, then the next thing would be to either use the controller's self-learn phase/hall combo function if it has one (sometimes called "hall angle identify" or something along those lines), or manually swap pairs of phase wires until it starts, then if it is rough or otherwise abnormal, or takes too high a current even under load, swap pairs of hall signal wires until it runs in the right direction normally. Then tune as needed in the controller software, if required.

If it's useful, there are quite a few threads about the Votol (etc) EM150 (and other models), here on ES.
Hey all, I'm new and this is my first post!

I have a votol em150/2 controller, qs138 v3 motor, dkd screen kit i bought off eBay and after hours of head scratching because the looms supplied didn't match up and the seller wouldn't help, I got it all wired up correctly!

The motor won't turn, everything works, speed buttons, reverse park etc, when throttled the motor just makes a little tick like a relay and the slightest of slightest movements.

I assume this is a programming issue as I've been through everything else countless times, will the cheap £12 usb leads on ebay with the blue housings work with this controller? They say votol em150 but we all know what that means haha.

I've been building high power bikes for years but have never tried votol, kinda wishing I didn't now!

I see from videos there's a million different parameters on the software and understand that its not something to be messed with without knowledge so I will go carefully!
hello i am having a issue which is the same , except the motor wont turn at all when connected to my pc on the display page theres nothing. no errors 0 way of me tell what my problem is motor wont turn when put into reverse it makes a high pitch sound thats all i got so far anyone who knows how to help or willing to give it a shot please email me contact me there and let me know any suggestions!!!!
Correct in the case of a votol is where you’ve associated wires with, and assigned appropriate functions to, suitable ports. There’s eight wires, as many usable ports, and dozens of functions. Lots and lots of permutations, all of which are “correct”.
Correct in the case of a votol is where you’ve associated wires with, and assigned appropriate functions to, suitable ports. There’s eight wires, as many usable ports, and dozens of functions. Lots and lots of permutations, all of which are “correct”.
I got all my stuff working I mean everything! Only problem was when I was using my throttle the RPM went into negative, I tried fixing this by putting my hall angle to -179 because I wanted to fix the rpm being - and also I wanted my motor to spin the other way, when saved nothing worked at all , I have put self learning back on and there’s no motor movement what are the odds of me braking it 😭
Sorry, I was replying to the original poster, didn’t realise you’d bumped an old thread.

It’s normal for Votol to give negative RPM readings when releasing throttle. I think you can safely ignore that.

You’re unlikely to break anything, but you’re also unlikely to arrive at a functional configuration without understanding what you’re doing. You’ll need to post configuration screenshots. I’d recommend doing that in the long Votol thread.