What is the best reaction you have gotten from passerbys?


100 µW
Feb 24, 2016
Chico, CA, United States
What the title says!

What's the best (or worst) reaction anyone has had to you riding by, without touching the ground?

I have had a couple of run-ins with people wanting to know what exactly the box thing on the bottom of my board is.
Most of their reactions are along the lines of "Wow! Its motorized??"

I tend to be rather trustworthy and let some of the nice random people give it a go. Probably should re-think that though, considering how easy it would be able to steal it. Perhaps I hold their drivers license while they try it :eek:

One time was when this college guy was hanging out side of my work place, waiting for his family to pick up the kids from the roller rink. As I don't have a parking lot near my house, I like to do laps after work, or just roll down to the Dutch Brothers. He got quite excited when he saw me roll by and wanted a closer look. Apparently he had seen one of these things on Facebook. Seeing he was a good skateboarder, I figured I'd let him have a go at it. He jumped at the chance, and was soon doing laps in the parking lot, hooting and hollering.

Another time I was riding it through my college, and I was stopped by a man, who (judging by the card he gave me) was the director of the college's institutional research.
No idea what that title meant, but he wants me to go to his office some time and show him the works.

And while giving people a chance to look it over/try it is fun, its also way to fun to show up some of the cool guys... :twisted:

My one and only (Well timed I might say) time of doing this, was when I was on my way to tennis class (College GE). It was located at a college's out door tennis courts.
When I got there, (it was evening) I was apparently early, so I decided to do some laps in the parking lot nearby. As I did so, I noticed some guys on skateboards doing tricks. I quickly noticed why; A group of the cheerleaders where nearby and conversing with the guys. I guess they had practice earlier and where hanging around a bit longer, much to the pleasure of the skateboard guys.

Anyway, I figured I would show the guys that I had my own trick or two, and breeze by them, giving a nice nod and wave as I went. Which I did.

You should have seen the look on their faces (the guy's mostly)
I zipped by, 16mph, backpack on my back, helmet on my head, and a glowing humming longboard under me.
Some of the guys had the shock look others had looks of confusion, and the rest where like 'wow check that out'
I then took a nice smooth break, stopping right in front of the tennis court gate, picked the board up, and walked on in like it was the most normal thing ever.
I had a good laugh about that later (yes I am a bit of a show off, not to girls in particular though)

Probably the least impressed person out there would be my dog. She just stares at the board with a look that says "cool, Give me food? (puppy eyes)"

I have heard of some people getting chased by dogs because the dogs have some sort of attraction to the humming motor? No idea what that is all about. My dog never chases the board. I have not tried going by a dog park though (I don't intend to, at least until I finish a board that can outrun the dogs :lol: )

So, to sum it all up. I want to hear YOUR E-board (or scooter, or bike ect.) experiences with;

Other random people?
Police? :shock:
People in cars?
Someone who now wants to buy your board from you?

Concerned citizen in a car: "Yes officer! There was a guy who passed me on his longboard!"
Police Officer: "Is that illegal ma'am?"
Concerned citizen in a car: "I-I don't know! I was going 45mph when he passed me!"
Police Officer: *sigh* "Those down-hill boarders again" :roll:
Concerned citizen in a car: "B-but were both going uphill!"
My pathetic little eCycle Dash, 16" wheels and folding, was enough to get people stopping ahead and waiting for me because they wanted one. This was mostly the active elderly who immediately saw a use for it. My Voy Electra, literally like a miniature Vespa with headlights and turn signals, amused the hell out of people who were disappointed it wasn't on the market anymore. Harley rider types laughed at the thought of just riding one to the store, etc.
Stunt scooters seem to be a fairly big thing in wales and the amount of kids that say wow pull a wheelie or how fast that go is it electric and mobility scooter drivers love too try give a quick race not realizing I can leave them for dust then they ask how ? but some people do look like grow up u idiot and burn some oil.

I not had no trouble with the law luckily touch wood I live rural and mostly use it off road but I have had a play with a bus and few cars and they was gutted when I keep up then suddenly beat them up the steepest hill around I'll have to video that as cars etc must select first gear its so steep and I leave them all behind they faces are like what the hell but it does want to flip I got to get all my weight forward and hold on lol :).
My best experiences on this manner were
- people telling me to get it patented
- sharing the built on ES and scoring more than 12000 views for a less than 100 messages topic
My worst experience was
- answering the board manufacturer who posted in my built thread, spending 9 months and hundred of e mail to developp a prototype that he could actually ride, and then being kicked out of the loop since the concept had been taken over by people like sune_p and vedder (faraday motioon)
on my early evolve days, I had a guy doing a full stop on a german main road during heavy traffic to ask me "what is it and where can I buy it?!"

2 months later he had the evolve carbon :D
I had my board parked at an icecream shop last summer and this young boy walks by it with his family. With a loud very excited voice says... "I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS... BUT I WANT ONE!"

Thought that was the Best eboard quote ever. :D
I had a couple of police officers stop to admire it at LA Union Station. Im sure at first they feared I was some sort of terrorist with a bomb strapped to the bottom of a skateboard as they followed me oit of the station and peered over my shoulder. After they realized what it was they had many questions.
I've only had my board finished for about 3 weeks, but so far the three most popular questions I get (after they say "Whoa, it's motorized", or "Wow, that is cool") are:

1. Is that one of those things that catches on fire?
2. How fast does it go?
3. How far can you go?

Pisses me off that so many people immediately associate these things with those POS, so-called "hoverboards", but I just politely tell them that it better not catch fire, cause I built it myself, and actually use quality components. But if it does, I know who to blame, and it ain't the Chinese. Actually, in my case, it would be the half-Chinese. :wink:
Last summer a couple drinking a 40 in the woods thought I was 'jesus on a mountain bike' :lol: :lol:

Longer brown hair and beard under a boonie hat, lightly pedaling in the distance while silently gliding at an inhuman pace through dense pathless woods lol. I would have thought similarly or that I might have 'lost it' if I wasn't already aware of the wonders of 'E'.

Btw, I have a neighbor and a boosted board to thank for my first awake experience in E. And how amazing it was to find the sphere and realize the same could be done for bike. :D
silviasol said:
A guy riding his bike against the wind yelled over to me "thats cheating".

The petrol goped was a big thing in the UK many years ago, your electric build looks awesome I like it a lot and with the goped name and quality I bet it turns the heads of those who even know what it is, that would go down a storm in my area for sure my razor Cronk of junk gets quite some attention so yours would blow minds.
Went out for a ride today full cold weather gear on barely see my face and I had the best reaction ever,A jumped up spoiled brat of a girl walking her little micro dog said ` pffff what a freak get a life with anger, as i passed her at a distance I did not respond it was too priceless for me this was I chuckled the rest of my journey home haha.