-51 Celsius at 6am today


100 GW
Apr 8, 2007
Quebec, Canada East
COOOLD !!! :lol:

Temp in our province will be reaching as low as -51 celsius today! (real feel with the wind) but -40C REAL !!

That will be a perfect test for starting my car with 4s4p A123 cylindrical cells again i've been using these cells on my car since 4 years now.. no BMS, just a little blinky balancer.!!

I'd be inside in that weather, in front of a roaring fire, with both St Bernards on top of me like electric blankets.

Today, it will be close to 15C. :twisted: Definitely planning to do some riding.

Even when I skied hard, and camped in igloos I never wanted to see that kind of cold. I liked about -5 C for the low in the AM, enough to keep powder snow fluffy. No more.

My personal best is only about -25 C wind chill. That was at a balloon rally in Gallup. You can see that day on TV, if you dig up the show Dinner Impossible. Cooking outside, the chef was screwed till I loaned him a Turkey cooker equipped with a propane tank that had been heated. All his stoves were hooked up to tanks left out overnight, leaving him about 1 psi. Only us balloonists had warm propane that morning. We heat the trailers the balloons are in at night for cold weather flying. We had toasty warm 100 psi tanks, and kept warm by standing inside a circle made from 10 turkey cookers boiling oil. We ate turkey and drank tequila all day, then at sundown they let us in to the dinner the chef cooked. It was like eating 5 thanksgiving feasts in one day. He cooked nearly all of that dinner for 500 people on my one burner turkey cooker, using the extra large frying pan I loaned him. His stoves could only keep what he cooked on my burner warm. He couldn't bring a boil on his stuff. I think by 4 PM, it got all the way up to -10C.

Another epic cold, visiting relatives in St Paul in January. Trying to roll a joint in the wind out on that frozen lake was pretty difficult. Dumbass from the desert, I never thought about rolling that doobie inside.
Holy shit - 40 ? I could only imagine !

It's crazy that we're as far north as Hudson Bay and were as mild as we are today it's 10 degrees C. It's amazing how the Gulf Stream and jet stream keeps us so mild, mostly anyway. On the downside we get lots of wind, rain and cloud, and the summers are mostly cool.

You'd have to have your car plugged in at those temps though ?
and it's headed my way.... -20 this morning without wind chill factor .. what Quebec has today, we get 1 day later.

Nevermind the cold, this year it's the darn SNOW .. holy crap... i'm running out of space to put it and it's only Jan 1st..... we have gotten more snow early this winter than any year i can recall .
Wow! That's dangerous stuff, stay safe guys!
You know what they say,,,, better you than me :shock:
It is "only" -14 c here with a wind chill of -17 c
-40 c without wind chill sounds terrible. So,,, Doctorbass ebiking today with a video?
I used to live in some of the places Doc is talking about and never plugged my car in. Sometimes it would start and run on only one cylinder but I never had to plug it in!

I've skied cross country at-40 but the sun was out and it wasn't bad. It wasn't good either, lol. Happy New Year!
I lived in weather like that for 2/3rds of my life, which is why we moved - it will be sunny, Blue Skies, and 72 degrees F here in Los Angeles today. :mrgreen:
Quebec is on my "bucket list"(summer of course)....beyond my comprehension how you all deal with that type of winter weather.

o00scorpion00o said:
Holy shit - 40 ? I could only imagine !

It's crazy that we're as far north as Hudson Bay and were as mild as we are today it's 10 degrees C. It's amazing how the Gulf Stream and jet stream keeps us so mild, mostly anyway. On the downside we get lots of wind, rain and cloud, and the summers are mostly cool.

You'd have to have your car plugged in at those temps though ?

My apartment sits about 5 miles from the west edge of the stream....I haven't even put on my jeans yet this year
rasputin1197 said:
Quebec is on my "bucket list"(summer of course)....beyond my comprehension how you all deal with that type of winter weather.

o00scorpion00o said:
Holy shit - 40 ? I could only imagine !

It's crazy that we're as far north as Hudson Bay and were as mild as we are today it's 10 degrees C. It's amazing how the Gulf Stream and jet stream keeps us so mild, mostly anyway. On the downside we get lots of wind, rain and cloud, and the summers are mostly cool.

You'd have to have your car plugged in at those temps though ?

My apartment sits about 5 miles from the west edge of the stream....I haven't even put on my jeans yet this year
It's only been one day.... :mrgreen:
rasputin1197 said:
I haven't even put on my jeans yet this year

Bla Bla Bla ! :lol:

Lucky for some ! :D

I can only dream of waking up every morning to blue skies and sunshine. It's an amazing feeling your mood changes immediately compared to waking up and pulling the curtains to another depressingly dark cloudy day !

Do people that have such paradise appreciate it or take it for granted ?
Lebowski said:
rasputin1197 said:
Quebec is on my "bucket list"(summer of course)....beyond my comprehension how you all deal with that type of winter weather.

o00scorpion00o said:
Holy shit - 40 ? I could only imagine !

It's crazy that we're as far north as Hudson Bay and were as mild as we are today it's 10 degrees C. It's amazing how the Gulf Stream and jet stream keeps us so mild, mostly anyway. On the downside we get lots of wind, rain and cloud, and the summers are mostly cool.

You'd have to have your car plugged in at those temps though ?

My apartment sits about 5 miles from the west edge of the stream....I haven't even put on my jeans yet this year
It's only been one day.... :mrgreen:

Ha Ha, good one !
Doctorbass said:
COOOLD !!! :lol:

Temp in our province will be reaching as low as -51 celsius today! (real feel with the wind) but -40C REAL !!

So, is that -40 actual ℉ or ℃? :wink:

[EDIT after AW's post below]
Says "C" right after it. ;)

Here in Phoenix, it was only down to 36F, not even freezing. Where I slept (or tried to) on the back porch at Bill's, keeping Tiny company so she wasn't *quite* as freaked out about hte fireworks all night (worst at midnight but went on for hours before and after, is still going on occasionally, at almost 11am the next day), it only got down to 44F, up against the wall of the house next to the back door, between the wall and the pile of boxed up stuff I have here from the apartment, awaiting my house to finally be ready to move back into....

Thankfully, no wind, so no windchill.

Most likely I'll have to do it again tonight, cuz there will certainly be people doing fireworks tonight, possibly the next several, until they finally run out, and Tiny will be so freaked out by it she'll end up trying to dig her way thru the back door, and might break the glass too. :( And since I beefed up her dog run enclosure she'd be in, after she figured out how ot open it, she'd probably hurt herself first getting out of that. So I hope it doesn't get windy tonight--if it is just cold, then several layers of blankets and clothes plus having her right there will be plenty warm enough. If it gets windy...all bets are off.

I can't imagine what I'd end up doing if Phoenix was like up in Quebec. I'd have to set us up in the shed instead, to keep the warmth inside, I guess. That would be a lot of moving stuff out for the night, then moving it all back in after dawn.
Minus 40 is cold for certain. Been in it only a few times. We had 30 something below some years back and car needed a jump start. Remember snapping off a big part of the front plastic grill when my gloved pinky caught it lightly when reaching in to get to the hood release. Snapped like a thin piece of glass.

One thing to try if you have never tried or seen it, is to take a cup of warm water and wing the water in the air. Fun to watch.
A low of 18°C this morning, and now 24° and breezy. That's 64-75° for the fahrenheit folks. There's freedom of transportation here in the western hemisphere (though arguably less than we used to have), so living somewhere that it gets down to the temperature that celsius and fahrenheit are equal is crazy. That's -40° and it's a temperature dangerous for humans.

Snow is good for vacations, but we do need some people there keeping the roads clear, trucking food in, and grooming the slopes, so I guess someone has to live there.

Sorry but I gotta poke some fun to rub it in a bit.

Happy New Year everyone, and keep warm if you live somewhere not fit for year-round human habitation.

I was quietly pleased to read the topic was using centigrade. Even more so reading wiki's verdict that quebec is actually the most likely place to hear foreignheight. Generally for making out your pool is hotter than your neighbours, Or following heirloom cooking recipes, but it's still perfectly legitimate use of the term :)
Here in the uk we got about 30 years to get used to metric, then for the last 10 years or so, any greens grocer found using imperial measures has been locked in wooden stocks and buggered. Unless your the government of course. In which case you can cover the roads with imperial units, no longer taught. Who's going to do anything about it lol

Been bloody freezing here. Well frosty at least, but the bikes wind chill had my forehead aching like I had an ice cream stuck to it. It's terrible lol
We need to share somehow !
..Its 30+ C here near the water, ..not too bad, but some inland parts are up close to 50C this week !
..yet just a little south, we have a ship full of scientists stuck in pack ice with 3 ice breakers unable to break a path through to them !
dont you just love nature !
I did my run today shirtless, and picking shaded trails because the sun was a bit warm for running hard.

If it was -51c I would move to a warmer area. Lol
o00scorpion00o said:
rasputin1197 said:
I haven't even put on my jeans yet this year

Bla Bla Bla ! :lol:

Lucky for some ! :D

I can only dream of waking up every morning to blue skies and sunshine. It's an amazing feeling your mood changes immediately compared to waking up and pulling the curtains to another depressingly dark cloudy day !

Do people that have such paradise appreciate it or take it for granted ?

I know I must take it for granted, we only need the heat and/or ac maybe 2-3 weeks a year. Weather is mostly paradise but other problems (ie: smog, traffic, crime, noise, cost of living) and general quality of life in a major population center can become a rat race so it probably evens out overall. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, but be it ever so humble there's no place like home.
Hey Doc... Come over here. It was 8 above today and about 6 above over night. And guess what I don't even heat my shop :) I just use two heat dishes facing where I'm working when its really cold. :pancake:
I noticed that, at -40 the conversion from F to C is easy. Yesterday, it got warmer than I thought. Did my loop around the dirt trails by my house with no coat, and nearly stripped off the shirt.

I'm feeling perky this week, and actually making body heat. Almost normal energy the last 3 days. It was about 62F when I was out riding, but mostly it was zero wind, and intense sun that made it feel so warm.

Same thing that makes 100F feel like 140F six months from now. Come on down if you can afford it, but go past where I live, and enjoy south Texas. Padre Island is heaven right now.

By Easter the weather will suck here again, not so cold, but windy with sand flying everywhere.
Hey GD (Good Doctor)! Toronto reporting in here. Maybe not -40C, but just spent a couple or three daze huddled around a fire (pit) in our back yard. No electricity to recharge my rusty steed (frame welds currently borken in three places anyway.) Apparently something to do with something called "nature". (No lights, heat, recorded music were an inconvenience also). Working on that problem right now (think canopy with PV panels plus LA to store some Good Old King Sol. Did speak briefly with our Major yesterday at his Warships annual New Years Levee - new year per the Christian calendar)
PS. And NO internet. The horrors! The horrors!