Amberwolf gratitude thread


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
Utah, USA
As some of you may know, amberwolf recently resigned as a moderator.
Amberwolf gave us many years of service here on ES and primarily kept our spam problem at bay like a damn boss, without asking for anything in return. He is probably singlehandedly responsible for 75% of the moderation here, actually.

Amberwolf, i would personally like to thank you for your service right now.
To anyone else, please say thanks here.
Good man and his "service" will be severely missed.

Thank you amberwolf...
I've been working nights recently, and that's frequently when spam gets loaded onto ES. By the time most people in North America wake up and might check to see what's new? Mike has nuked a lot of spam, just about every day.

I've tried to help with nuking spam, so Michael is free to do other things for ES that he is good at, have to be pretty fast on the button to beat him to it.
Enjoy the break Mike! Moderating a forum on the internet must be like painting over graffiti-filled wall in Harlem.

Thanks for your efforts, mate. They definitely haven't gone unnoticed. :mrgreen:
Thank you for your efforts. This forum has been a great resource and one of the best aspects was that I didn't see any spam and very few off topic postings. I hope you have something satisfying planned for all that extra time you'll have now. Take care.
Moderating is a one of those thankless and often invisible jobs that makes things work.

Many thanks for the years of selfless service and keeping things working.

Hope you find your way back after some much-deserved down time. :)
Amberwolf, thank you.
Even though I would not recognize you if we walked past each other on the street, I've come to know you as a kind and creative person, active recycler, mechanical whiz and a guy who loves dogs. Plus you give an exceptional amount to this forum. Thank you again.

Same to each of the other moderators: thank you.
A sincere thanks to Amberwolf for all of his hardwork over many years making and keeping this forum a safe, comfortable and most of all educational resource free of annoying spam. Nearly all of us have benefited from this forum more than we've given back to it, but Amberwolf is one of the one's with a real net positive. That kind of dedication does not go unnoticed and will not go unmissed either.
Amberwolf has always been around to lend a helping hand, thanks for all the taken advise and don't let a couple of brattish kids get the better of you, have a well deserved rest
I haven't really been active in ages, but I know the name Amberwolf and anyone who volunteers their time like this has my respect and gratitude. Sorry to see you go!
Thanks for doing a job you don't get paid for and making this a better forum and helping the future of ebikes. And to rest of moderators, thank you also.
I,ve Followed this forum for years w/o ever posting .....but wanted to join in to THANK YOU for all of your time spent keeping ES a superior recorce and enjoyment refuge......spend some time with the pups, again thank you
I've been on ES for some years now and the more I learned about the site, the more I realized the work involved with keeping this a great place. I greatly appreciate AW's efforts. Even through the toughest of personal times, he's always shown grace and strong work ethic.

My hat's off to AmberWolf. I hope someone(s) can fill his shoes and that he still hangs out here.
Thank you AW. You have some of the most thorough and helpful posts on the forum. Your service will not be forgotten and the value you added here was significant.
I imagine being a moderator is a lot like being a cop, where you spend your days dealing with not only bad people, but good people when they're at their worst. Thank you, Amberwolf, for all you've done over the years to help make ES a better place.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah, looks like Amberwolf gets to complain about the moderating now. And he gets to gripe right back at people. And he gets to use his superior knowledge of the ES culture when someone thinks they're backing him into a corner. Sayshell, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?

Ah well, we don't really lose him, except of course there's other moderators whose life just got more hectic. But this is a great forum with a little too much allowed to go on, because too much is never enough. Amberwolf has been such a big part of making that possible.
