Ampler Bilberry torque sensor problem.


1 µW
Mar 16, 2024
I have the Ampller Bilberry bicycle and for sometime now i noticed that my torque sensor is cutting off and now it's broken completly

torque sensor is NCTE 5 pin model 120L-1-8-10
Can someone recommend me some replacement ?
Thanks in advance
If you're certain it's the actual TS unit:

Is the controller programmable so you can tell it the new sensor's parameters / output values? If not, you'll need to get the same version / model you already have to make it work correctly (or possibly at all). There are numerous ways these can work, and ranges of output voltage*** vs torque input, and various types of cadence sensor built in with different signal types and numbers of poles.

***some sensors are not even analog output, and use digital signals of various types, so not compatible at all with an analog input system

It's likely that the NCTE datasheet for that sensor, probably findable with google/etc., would tell you enough about what that sensor is/does to find a replacement by some other maker that is close enough to at least make the system work, if not exactly as it used to.