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Arduino Bluetooth Control with Andoid App


1 mW
Oct 26, 2015
Hello everybody,

i build a Longboard myself and used the Wiiceiver Software with a Wired Nunchuck. My Wireless Chuck gave me headache so i started to Code a Android App.

What you need:

  • 1x Arduino ( Uno or Nano )
  • 1x HC-06 Bluetooth Module
  • 1x Some wires (Dupond)
  • 1x Android App

  • AttoPilot Current and Voltage Sensor

Features of App :

  • Joystick Control
  • Ramp Acceleration if Enabled (found out you dont really need it because your finger on the screen has enough friction for smooth positioning of your thumb)
  • Ramp Control
  • "Dead Men" and lost connection detection (keep alive)
  • Current and Voltage Sensing (Displayed in App) (Capacity used and Current )
  • "Turtle" - Beginners Mode --> Scales the input down to 75% for less max Speed
  • 3 Buttons for ESC Calibration

  • GPS Distance and Speed
  • Range Left

Arduino func:

  • ESC Control
  • lost connection detection
  • Voltage and Current sensing and reporting
  • Ramp Values and Time intervall for keep alive are stored in EEPROM and can be configured with the APP

It is all "Coded" with MIT App Inventor and not very pretty. So this is one thing to enhance.

Any Comments or Ideas ?

Will be Open Source and available once it is stable enough for other to try. So far it is working with only some minor issus.

Also started a Blog on http://www.sierra-november.de

Hi there, I'm currently working on a similar project at the moment so feel free to reach out for help/advice.

No comments on the application yet as I'm sure it's still changing, but why MIT App Inventor? Android Studio seems to provide much better functionality granted that you're very familiar with Java.
App Inventor is generally geared towards non-programmers, so it's hard to debug or improve the performance of your application because it's so highly abstracted. It also makes it very difficult for you to implement a Material Design theme (which is a must today).

Is this the only activity you have at the moment?

Also, you should avoid adding the overflow button in the navigation bar as google suggests it creates user confusion amongst other points.
Read more about it here: http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2012/01/say-goodbye-to-menu-button.html

- S.
Hey thanks for your post!

You are right, MIT App inventor is very limited when it comes to Themes / Style and more advanced Apps. Yet it is very easy and fast way to get your Proof of Concept going. So basically this app was coded within a weekend as our Wireless Nunchuck gave up on us and those parts where within reach.

Also, you should avoid adding the overflow button in the navigation bar as google suggests it creates user confusion amongst other points.
Correct! MIT APP Inventor adds it automatically.

Is this the only activity you have at the moment?

Yes! Only One Screen and everything is happening right in front of you.
With Android Studio a Setup Menu should be implemented, setting various values and parameters.
Also i am not a expert when it comes to Programming --> Finishing Degreed in Mechanical Engineering next Spring.
So help is welcome!

Started in Android Studio few days ago to get the PoC into a more eye friendly environment.
Will keep you updated =)
Hey Guys,

i just want to ask if there is a general interest into this topic ? Or do you prefer the good old 2.4GHz transmitter with hardware throttle at your index finger. :?:

I am asking because the PoC is working so far nice and only some really minor issus have to be canceled --> i can live with them so far.

If there should be a interrest noticeable, i go ahead and put it into Android Studio with better Code for everyone to use....

So please let me know....

@admin /mod : is there a chance for me to add a Poll ?

I have put thought into this before, but at the end of the day my phone is the last thing I want to be holding in my hand if I need to bail. Also, there is something to be said for tactile feedback and safest control of the throttle/brakes... not sure I will be able to adapt to using a touchscreen well enough especially considering it is now cold enough to require full fingered gloves.
I apologize if this is not something you wanted to hear after spending a lot of time on the project, but please don't let me thwart your efforts if you feel it is going to work well for you.
Thanks for your reply!

ecycler said:
I apologize if this is not something you wanted to hear [...]

Dont worry! Every feedback is welcome!

And i do agree with you on your suggested points! It does have some advantages such as direkt Feedback from Sensors, Controller "always" in your Pocket but some points as you mentioned are negative.

Keep the comments coming! :wink:
Mevel said:
If there should be a interrest noticeable, i go ahead and put it into Android Studio with better Code for everyone to use....

I think Android Studio is the only way to go for Android Studio these days. All anyone who wants to contribute or hack away is download Android Studio, import the project and Android Studio takes care of all the dependencies all on their own. It's so simple! Do it!

Mevel said:
@admin /mod : is there a chance for me to add a Poll ?

Yes, I believe you can only create a poll on the first post. If you cannot edit it to create a post now, you might need to make a new post