Ivermectin/Covid info

Hillhater said:
Who Changed the Scientific Conclusions of a Paper that Could Have Saved Millions?
This could play out interestingly...

On that note here is a study on the useful-ness of masks that was "retracted" a year later.


Long-Term health consequences of wearing facemasks​
Long-term practice of wearing facemasks has strong potential for devastating health consequences. Prolonged hypoxic-hypercapnic state compromises normal physiological and psychological balance, deteriorating health and promotes the developing and progression of existing chronic diseases

The existing scientific evidences challenge the safety and efficacy of wearing facemask as preventive intervention for COVID-19. The data suggest that both medical and non-medical facemasks are ineffective to block human-to-human transmission of viral and infectious disease such SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, supporting against the usage of facemasks. Wearing facemasks has been demonstrated to have substantial adverse physiological and psychological effects. These include hypoxia, hypercapnia, shortness of breath, increased acidity and toxicity, activation of fear and stress response, rise in stress hormones, immunosuppression, fatigue, headaches, decline in cognitive performance, predisposition for viral and infectious illnesses, chronic stress, anxiety and depression. Long-term consequences of wearing facemask can cause health deterioration, developing and progression of chronic diseases and premature death. Governments, policy makers and health organizations should utilize prosper and scientific evidence-based approach with respect to wearing facemasks, when the latter is considered as preventive intervention for public health.
I had the pleasure to visit Japan in the late 1970's, and since it was the wintertime, a surprising number of people wore face masks in what's described as "the flu season". Later on I read that this became common after the 1918 flu that killed roughly 20-million people world-wide. It was just one of a dozen Japanese customs that I did not see in the USA.

I can't say whether or not if anyone in particular has physical issues with a facemask, but...my wife and I don't. It definitely feels better after I take it off (in the car after shopping at the grocery store). My wife commented that since the time that social distancing and wearing masks has become fairly common here, neither of us has gotten a flu or cold.

From here on out, we plan to social distance and wear masks in the flu season. If I see someone who is not wearing a mask in public, I do not call them a Nazi, and I do not want them "cancelled" (lose their job, get kicked out of their home, etc).
spinningmagnets said:
It's been bizarre to watch the public reaction to Ivermectin. That's why I started this thread.

Same here.

spinningmagnets said:
The Metformin gave us a new baseline of "not getting worse", but there were no improvements until we did our own research and implemented these other things.

Good on you. I'd been previously maimed 3 times by doctors when my failing carbohydrate metabolism crossed the 'type 2 diabetes line'. Also, i had spent 4 years of being given completely random diagnoses for my arthritis problems. I had lost my faith in the system by then.

A 1 year long research rampage into the mechanics of the human metabolism lead me to early scientific papers on the Ketogenic diet in 2013. And the mechanisms behind how the ketogenic diet worked made complete sense for the first time in about 5 years of reading research on diet. It sounded crazy..... but it made logical sense.

Everyone told me i was out of my mind and that i'd die from a heart attack. I wanted them to read this evidence, but they wouldn't. The misinformation from big med was flooding out good information back then. The only place where you saw a Ketogenic diet was awesome.. was in personal experience reports and a small number of scientific research papers.

I took the leap, and it changed my life in many more ways than i expected. I have been 100% absent of ALL clinical signs of type 2 diabetes for 9 years.

Lately, big med has turned a 180. In the last two years, the leadership of the AHA and ADA now admit that a ketogenic diet has incredible value, but they are yet to apologize for the 7 decade long misinformation for profit scheme they engaged in.

And these organizations ARE primarily 'sponsored' by drug companies. These organizations also control information related to the diseases they're addressing, and also are considered to have "authority". That makes the primary distributors of health information to the public and doctors an extension of big pharm's wants and needs. Kind of a problem!

How'd we do a 180? the hot pharmaceutical drug of the day for treating heart failure and type 2 diabetes is Jardiance. How does Jardiance work? it forces one to urinate out all their sugar, and therefore forces a ketogenic metabolic state. In the research that explains how it reverses heart failure, the stated beneficial mechanism is that it makes the heart run more efficiently since it's now running on ketones ( a product of fat metabolism ) instead of glucose.

Jardiance is proof that big med and big diet have been lying to the average person about how human biology works for >7 decades.

Jardiance was the straw that recently broke the back of:
Novo Nordisk: CEO quit to start a new company focusing on actually treating T2D instead of stringing people along forever with insulin; he stated he has to follow his conscience, and the old business model is probably dead.
American Diabetes Association: Hired a new president, new president does keto herself after medication failing her, and thus the ADA has done a full 180 and now actually promotes a ketogenic diet.
And last.. the American Heart Association this year decided that they could not lie anymore, and just entered the slow admission phase that the ideas their association was built on to support certain industries were lies.

The lies were not an accident. When you *actually* look at the best research that shows 'fat is bad for you', every time, you will see flaws in the study that are likely intentional. The studies were designed to show a certain outcome. There is still zero smoking-gun level proof that fat is bad for you! But Jardiance's mechanism of action is smoking gun proof that a ketogenic diet is indisputably the best thing for the heart and metabolic system.

A good friend of mine ran an early pro keto blog. A year after i heard his message, the north carolina medical board tried to sue him into the ground for 'practicing medicine without a license' because he told people the ketogenic diet can save you from diabetes, and he also posted scads of proof in the form of blood test results. A libertarian free-speech organization took up his case, and thankfully, he won.


Steve told the world the truth, and pissed off some people who wanted to make money, and their first impulse was to silence him through the use of government force. Period. Steve had overwhelming evidence that keto could save millions of lives a year. That didn't matter. They decided to try to make an example of Steve to send a chilling effect.

The same exact tactics have been used against Ivermectin, but worse.

There was a lot of money big pharma could have made. And successful clinical trials and proof of efficacy of Ivermectin would have denied big pharm and big med from tremendous levels of profits from selling novel medications and vaccines.

The story with HCQ is even more suspicious. HCQ has some efficacy in clinical trials and in real life practice. The efficacy was 'better than nothing', which was the bar we wanted to cross in early 2020. It actually had emergency use authorization for a month, and probably some lives were saved due to it. But it was pulled, and government research into treatments basically came to a standstill in the course of 1 month.... right before the vaccine was introduced. Interesting timing, huh?

Large, high quality clinical trials on Ivermectin were cancelled, or are stalled to this day in the western world.
Development, production of other treatments such as monoclonal antibodies was hampered.

With all the treatment options whittled down to almost nothing.. and your doctor being under threat of losing his profession from straying the course.. and speech being suppressed en-masse.. we went through 1.5 years of 'the vaccine is the only possible solution'.

This was a big and very noticeable grift, and a lot of people in high places are now openly questioning it, freedom of information act requests are being filed, and the public is receiving this kind of 'slow controlled burn' admission that governments and pharmaceutical corporations were in the wrong. But of course, nobody is going to jail.

I would say that vaccines did save lives, but good treatments would have saved many more. The United States had literally the worst hospital treatment outcomes in the world as a result of this approach. We did worse than India and Africa! Also, during omicron, some 3 year old vaccines didn't show the promised efficacy at all, to a point where they would not meet ANY kind of drug/vaccine approval bar.. but what did our system do? just ignore that fact and keep selling/pushing it.

The people engaged in this scheme have a hell of a lot of blood on their hands.

I only hope the average American citizen 'healthcare consumer' is at least somewhat awakened to the nature of how corrupt our system is. It's so corrupt that it doesn't function as a healthcare system anymore. It functions more as a profit scheme, where the treatment is always the 'subscription model' to a pharmaceutical drug with ever increasing prices, who could produce you cheap medication that cures you permanently, but operate in a economic and regulatory environment that makes it so that if they wanted to produce very good treatments, they would go out of business, or their competitors, using misinformation, and government force, would ensure that they went out of business, if they were unable to buy and shelve their new technologies.
My parents (72years old) got early covid, took Ivermectin human dose once a day for 3 days, experienced a rapid recovery after taking it.

Erika and I got Covid (multiple positive tests) after attending an amazing Christmas party a few months ago.
We both were very sick, I hadn't had my fever go below 102degF for the last few days, Erikas fever was similar. My parents pleaded with us to please try Ivermectin, so after learning it's a soil microbe compound with 60+ years of no dangerous side effects in human use, and that it's all made in the same facility, I got a tube for $1.69 at a feedstore I had to drive across LA to find one that had stock. It's controlled in California now so you have to fill out a state form about your horse that needs treatment (not a big problem).

I was amazed how scrambled my brain function was after days of continous fever and low blood O2. After doing the math over 5 times to confirm my fuzzy brained math, I carefully weighed the paste doses out on a mg scale onto little crackers, we each took a dose around 8pm that evening and took my temperature at 102.5f, Erika was 102f.

In our wildest dreams we thought maybe by morning when we woke up we might feel something, but were doubtful. To our surprise, by 10:30pm Erika mentions to me she can breathe through her nose again, I hadn't even noticed, but I was also breathing through my nose again! This had not happened for 3 days for either of us. I take our temperatures again, we both are 98.6degF.... My brain was having the many day fever fog clear.

In the morning, we both felt so amazing to not be gurgling snot in a fever delerium.
This is where I should have followed the dose advice and taken another dose each day for 3 days. However, we both felt 100% and I didn't give us any more doses.

I never again had any symptoms and fully recovered, however Erika after two days got light symptoms back (running nose and occasional fever chills), and these light symptoms lasted 5 days of her testing positive after I stopped testing positive.

Retrospectively, I should have given us both the 3 dose over 3 day remediation, and perhaps it would have saved 5 extra days of quarantine time and health risk.
liveforphysics said:
My parents (72years old) got early covid, took Ivermectin human dose once a day for 3 days, experienced a rapid recovery after taking it.
That's great. Every bit of evidence so far tells us that they would have seen the same recovery if they took aspirin. (Or urine, which was being touted by Dr. Edward Group as a "golden nectar" that is an antidote to COVID. He claims that many of his patients drank it and recovered.)

BAhahahah haha hahahahahaha.

Yup. 100%.
If Ivermectin ever worked you wouldn't constantly see posts from it's "proponents" seeking validation- seriously, ya'll have remade this thread 3 times in like 6 months. I still see people show up in my ICU vented and trached like the rest, and healthcare workers like myself are just gonna show up and laugh.

I now have a small cell of doctors locally whom have "treatment guidelines" of the horse paste for their patients, but it wouldn't shock me if they were purposefully giving them low, placebo doses just so they can save more of these morons and get them into the hospital for actual treatment. Eventually, you just need oxygen and time, and Xrays to see how much ground glass you have in your lungs.

Now for a prior post I made, which not only shows that there's no "silencing" of "DA TRUFF" but that nobody still really knows if there's anything to it. I still haven't seen a graph of how the human body takes an anti-helminth that stimulates the intestines and how it comes around to providing some vascular-protective nature, or how it does something in the lungs to prevent the scarring. Sure as shit ain't doing that for my patients right now.
1) This study is really the collated research of several randomized trials, comparing them using public systems to test bias. They found no new evidence, specifically because (quoted) "The completed studies are small and few are considered high quality. Several studies are underway that may produce clearer answers in review updates. Overall, the reliable evidence available does not support the use ivermectin for treatment or prevention of COVID-19 outside of well-designed randomized trials. "

2) This Indian study says it does work and gives some figures, but doesn't show any text- the ID numbers still exist, so it's just a matter of searching and finding it.

3) This study found use of Ivermectin to be inconclusive, as "larger trials may be needed to understand the effects of ivermectin on other clinically relevant outcomes. "

So far looking at studies the dosages are all different as well- #3 gave 300μg/kg, some (with no updates) gave only single doses within 48 hours of symptom onset.

So what the hell? Even if it wasn't for the lack of information- we're only just now starting year 2- we haven't nearly had the time to fully test and refine what is effective and what isn't, so it's entirely possible the neigh-neigh paste actually works but we aren't dosing it properly at all or even worse, can't dose properly, because systemic circulation might frock with it (such as with Amphotericin, which can only be given with fat-soluble materials in a surgical line). How much ivermectin are you getting in a pea-sized drop? Who knows! You need actual FDA-measured tablets, but like frock any of these Facebook mouth breathers are trying to actually measure consistent dosing regimens versus medical half-lives. What if you need high doses and we have to check Peak & Trough levels like with Vancomyacin? What if it's treatment regimen is only useful within the first 48 hours?

Point is simple- Ivermectin is crazy expensive now, being hoarded and sold by people trying to make money in a crisis. I've seen tubes go for over 400% their OG cost and who knows if they'll ramp up production. You don't know how much you need, when to take it, or how to know you've overdosed or underdosed. You don't know how much or how long, and the only people talking about it are medical researchers... and facebook moms. So why take the chance on a $400 miracle "cure" when you can be immune for free, and never have to take it in the first place?

Also one final study showing the number of trials out now- figure 3 is super interesting, showing what treatments show promise like Resevdimir and some antiviral called "Bamlanivimab". blahblabblabblab.
spinningmagnets said:
I got Ivermectin for $12
huh wonder why they all stopped buying then

lol but for real, I just copy and pasted this response from another thread on this junk from several months ago, during the worst of Omicron. I don't know what it's cost is anymore, or what the current """""arguement""""" these cults have against current COVID treatment regimes after billions spent and millions dead.
Nothing to see here, nothing to do with that, it's just different, you wouldn't understand... :shock:

"Lab tests suggest a "major mismatch" between the vaccine and the new, mutated version of H3N2, study leader Scott Hensley, a professor of microbiology at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, told CNN.

That finding may help explain a flu outbreak at the University of Michigan last month that affected more than 700 people. More than 26% of those who tested positive had been vaccinated -- the same percentage as those who tested negative. That suggests the vaccine was not effective in preventing infection, CNN reported."
Stealth_Chopper said:
Nothing to see here, nothing to do with that, it's just different, you wouldn't understand... :shock:

"Lab tests suggest a "major mismatch" between the vaccine and the new, mutated version of H3N2, study leader Scott Hensley, a professor of microbiology at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, told CNN.

That finding may help explain a flu outbreak at the University of Michigan last month that affected more than 700 people. More than 26% of those who tested positive had been vaccinated -- the same percentage as those who tested negative. That suggests the vaccine was not effective in preventing infection, CNN reported."

Aw that's cute.

Prove it. Seriously, ya'll have made 3 other threads where you randos kept spouting this "UHHHH ACKCHUALLY" crap but not proving anything, only to get all butthurt when someone spends 5 minutes on PubChem and knows what a DOI is. It's like I'm on facebook with the same hugboxes, except nobody here can witness my fabulous hair.
My thinking process was guided by what I would "expect" a murderous psychopath to want to do if they wanted to murder 90% of the world population... but for HIM to not die.

If the Covid actually was a true GMO creation entirely done by computer then they had FREE WILL in deciding how lethal it would be.

My "guess" was that even a Bill Gates type or a Klaus Schwab would not want a genuine threat released because it might kill them too.

This was why I refused "the mark of the beast" using the biblical metaphor and decided going natural was the way.

So there was a certain sense of "I will endure this even if it kills me."

As others reported the fever on the front side of this creation is pretty severe and the choking sensation encourages a panic response which could have been very scary if it wasn't so short.

Was the original weapon stronger?

That seems to be what people are saying.

Does everyone remember the movie : THE ANDROMEDA STRAIN ?

That's how I see it as having unfolded... very scary initially, but the weapon got less threatening later on as it mutated.
spinningmagnets said:
Does everyone remember the movie : THE ANDROMEDA STRAIN ?

The surviving baby and old alcoholic both had a blood pH that was outside normal parameters. The pathogen needed a normal pH to spread.

But as the alien organism mutated it became non-threatening to everyone.

So at the beginning the scientists were "chasing" the blood pH angle but by the end the new evidence made them realize the threat had disappeared.

The plot twist was that an accidental breech of the containment triggered the automatic nuclear destruct sequence, so in the end the humans were fighting AGAINST the stupid machines designed to behave in programmed ways.

The movie touched deeply on the need to use Critical Thinking. (which was once the central theme of science before it became dogma like today)

It was one of my favorite movies as a kid.

A very thought provoking movie that applies well to the Covid drama we passed through.
Quinc said:
And so far, the science says it doesn't do jack against COVID.
It'll be a huge help if you have pinworms tho.

Remember when the "science" said that fat was bad and sugar was good... Or the current science that says you can choose your gender.. :bigthumb:

That former assertion wasn't science; it was agribusiness propaganda.

As for the latter, I think it's something both science and society are struggling with. I personally wonder why folks can't find it in themselves to be whatever freak they wanna be, in whatever body they got in the lottery. Most of us clearly can manage it.
Chalo said:
Quinc said:
And so far, the science says it doesn't do jack against COVID.
It'll be a huge help if you have pinworms tho.

Remember when the "science" said that fat was bad and sugar was good... Or the current science that says you can choose your gender.. :bigthumb:

That former assertion wasn't science; it was agribusiness propaganda.

As for the latter, I think it's something both science and society are struggling with. I personally wonder why folks can't find it in themselves to be whatever freak they wanna be, in whatever body they got in the lottery. Most of us clearly can manage it.

Because being a freak does not work out in the long term. Both MIT and Elon Musk confirm that unless humans change their ways we're heading for a population collapse. The "freaks" and the "normal people" both have about 30 to 40 years to realize that there is a limited supply of cheap labour from immigrants and if we dont realize that the gift of life bestowed upon us by our parents is also a loan that must be repaid in the form of doing our due dilligence and making kids of our own then we're in for a world of hurt when we get older.

No this does not apply to everyone, but it does need a great deal more consideration, and able bodied and able minded people should consider that delaying or avoiding parenthood altogether is not the best thing for our future.

Just something to consider.
TrotterBob said:
if we dont realize that the gift of life bestowed upon us by our parents is also a loan that must be repaid in the form of doing our due dilligence and making kids of our own

Absolutely not. There are already at least ten times as many of us as are ecologically tenable, and the most responsible thing anybody can do now is not crap out more vermin like themselves.

If that means the brightest and best do the right thing, so be it.
TrotterBob said:
Because being a freak does not work out in the long term.
Have you ever actually met any transgender people?
Both MIT and Elon Musk confirm that unless humans change their ways we're heading for a population collapse.

The only way forward is to collapse our population. We are currently at 8 billion, which is way beyond the carrying capacity of the planet. That's why we have problems with resource shortages and pollution and climate change and traffic and high housing prices and famines and droughts. Reduce our population by (say) a factor of 2 and all those problems are either mitigated, or go away completely.

The "freaks" and the "normal people" both have about 30 to 40 years to realize that there is a limited supply of cheap labour from immigrants
Yep. And more and more we don't need that cheap labor. Self checkouts mean we don't need cashiers. Robotic garbage trucks mean we don't need garbage men. Automated telephone exchanges mean we don't need operators. Voice recognition means we don't need secretaries. Copiers mean we don't need scriveners. Etc etc.
No this does not apply to everyone, but it does need a great deal more consideration, and able bodied and able minded people should consider that delaying or avoiding parenthood altogether is not the best thing for our future.
Delaying parenthood will have four huge benefits:

1) Parents will have the resources to take care of their children without having to work two jobs, get childcare etc.
2) More mature parents will make better parents overall.
3) Humans will evolve to have a longer lifespan.
4) The population will tend to decline.
Population collapse means too many old people and not enough people of working age to support them. Its that simple. And no matter how many robots you create, you will need a certain number of humans to support them.

Maybe you should actually read the study done by MIT. I dont care to argue this further.
Quinc said:
And so far, the science says it doesn't do jack against COVID.
It'll be a huge help if you have pinworms tho.

Remember when the "science" said that fat was bad and sugar was good... Or the current science that says you can choose your gender.. :bigthumb:
Have you ever met a trans person you cumstain?
As for the prior comment, it's because new science came out and invalidated the old. Or altered it, or improved our understand to draw a new conclusion (or was the result of lobbyist groups in that case). Dipshits have whined this entire pandemic that "The science changed!!!!" when the sad truth is, they just got left behind.
As was gone over in the prior thread before lock- Masks work, vaccine good, Ivermectin does nothing, still your choice, don't be an asshole.

JackFlorey said:
Delaying parenthood will have four huge benefits:

1) Parents will have the resources to take care of their children without having to work two jobs, get childcare etc.
2) More mature parents will make better parents overall.
3) Humans will evolve to have a longer lifespan.
4) The population will tend to decline.
Just don't fall into the "Personal Myth" trap in thinking such changes wont have an affect upon you. Lots of people falsely believe that such "collapses" won't affect them personally, and yet the entire COVID epidemic showed how truly fragile our little lives are and how easy it is to shut ourselves away. Besides, China is beginning to feel what such a "population collapse" looks like; their birthrate is as low as 0.95 in some Providences (!).
Quinc said:
And so far, the science says it doesn't do jack against COVID.
It'll be a huge help if you have pinworms tho.

Remember when the "science" said that fat was bad and sugar was good... Or the current science that says you can choose your gender.. :bigthumb:
Have you ever met a trans person you beautiful person?
As for the prior comment, it's because new science came out and invalidated the old. Or altered it, or improved our understand to draw a new conclusion (or was the result of lobbyist groups in that case). Dipshits have whined this entire pandemic that "The science changed!!!!" when the sad truth is, they just got left behind.
As was gone over in the prior thread before lock- Masks work, vaccine good, Ivermectin does nothing, still your choice, don't be an asshole.

JackFlorey said:
Delaying parenthood will have four huge benefits:

1) Parents will have the resources to take care of their children without having to work two jobs, get childcare etc.
2) More mature parents will make better parents overall.
3) Humans will evolve to have a longer lifespan.
4) The population will tend to decline.
Just don't fall into the "Personal Myth" trap in thinking such changes wont have an affect upon you. Lots of people falsely believe that such "collapses" won't affect them personally, and yet the entire COVID epidemic showed how truly fragile our little lives are and how easy it is to shut ourselves away. Besides, China is beginning to feel what such a "population collapse" looks like; their birthrate is as low as 0.95 in some Providences (!).

Why are you so angry? I have multiple trans/gay/undecided/etc friends. They all still believe if you are born with a penis you are biologically a man. My point is this "science" that you are so fond of is most likely going to change too so why are you so set on it?

Good example here (ted talk) on how pharmaceutical companies hide the science they don't like..