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friendly1uk said:
Prisons are big business. The fact you have private one's leads to people kept in boxes for monetary reasons. Judges will be kept sweet as long as they feed the jails, it's that simple. Police forces will get funding based on their results. It's corrupt. That 'land of the free' gag fools nobody. It's just an excuse not to help anyone. Leave them to get on with it, but collect taxes from them. Taxes that pay for the police to arrest you knowing most charges will stick because the judge is mates with the jailer and everybody involved needs work.
Wait, are you suggesting that the judicial system is corrupt? Say it ain't so!
Worst part is, this is only a part of the problem. Those with the power to change the way the system works are invested in it, and would lose money if they made the system fair and balanced.
rborger73 said:
friendly1uk said:
I hope legalisation works for you. Taking money out of organised crime should reduce it's impact. For a while the bottom feeders will resist and turn to other easy incomes, but in time many will turn to normal work. The gangs should shrink, and seeing less of them means fewer numbers will join. The number of range rovers will decline and prisons can keep hold of the continuing offenders for even longer now there is more room in there. It might take a couple of generations but gang culture will be reduced by a large margin.

I think if your carrying legal herbs you should have the sale number recorded on the little bag. So you can prove it came from the right taxable sources. No proof, and your carrying illegal drugs that likely support some undesirables somewhere. One should be legal if your allowed it, or a bit naughty if bought on your behalf. The illegal stuff should be as jailable as ever though. I would like to see homegrown allowed, but it won't stamp out crime. People will just have to buy the stuff. They will only get robbed by the then unemployed slingers if they do grow some anyway. We need to wait a generation

So you would just buy it once and keep the container it came in and put in the new product you buy blackmarket. lol Plus in CO (and washington for the moment though there is a bill underway to take away home grows) you are allowed 6 plants for recreational and 6 plants for medical. I qualify for medical so I'll be growing 12 plants. I'm a pretty big cannabis advocate and am well engaged in the movement and have been for about 6 years. We don't need any nanny state to tell us what we can or can't ingest. Especially when the item being discussed has never ever in the history of mankind has someone died from consuming cannabis. You are a little off on your assessment of cannabis and its legality.

Like refilling whiskey bottles? How many times could you handle a dated little plastic bag( I didn't say container) with a foil sticker on before it's looking old. I have been to amsterdam more than once. I know most herb takes the shine off the bag very quickly. I reckon I could do a good csi job based on bud shapes and contact marks, resin content etc etc.
I didn't go deep into this before, but we can identify the dna of plants and know if it is a licensed cultivar or not. The packaging would be just a pointer. Obviously somebody will try there luck, but we can test to see if the right stuff is actually in the bag. Making a legal product available means the laws on the illegal one can be tightened, so it would be in nobody's interest to avoid the boutique and buy from a slinger. It's just little hurdles. Lots of little hurdles together is a good deterrent.

12 plants is way more than personal based on average plant yields. I guess your going to flower 6 while 6 are cuttings to keep a perpetual cycle going, meaning you have perhaps $5000 worth, half a dozen times a year. Meanwhile, back in the city, Crime gangs are collapsing from a lack of income, and slingers are looking for other ways to make money. Probably related to what they are doing now. Like robbing home grows. Where else is there such worth with so little security being advertised on the internet.

You could actually buy cuttings and have 12 plant batches, worth $10,000 four times a year. Perhaps even $20,000 depending on local prices. Double that again sold in $10 bags. Your making your neighbourhood a target for crime though. I have also seen homes burn because of poor growing equipment. Can you even tell me how long a ballast should be kept in service? Feel free to use the collective knowledge of all the cannabis growers around the world, you may still not have the answer. Perhaps you can tell me the most common cause of grow room fires? Again using any source you want. Then tell me how qualified any of these so called growers really are to be doing this next door to me.

I can't imagine building insurance covering this. Will the fire department have to visit before a grow is considered legal? That is the least I would expect.

Weed laws should reflect alcohol licensing laws. Selling identifiable products in identifiable packaging. Using laws that just collect duty owed when personal production is found. With proper regulation of production facilities. It's lots of electric and water in a building. It needs an expert eye over it.

I want to see the people able to buy what they want. They shouldn't be putting others at risk though. I fear the new laws are little more than them giving up on enforcement and just taking what money they can. Allowing organised crime to function better than before.
friendly1uk said:
It needs an expert eye over it.
I think you need someone to supervise your butt wiping. No telling what kind of harm you are perpetrating, unsupervised.
"I am also and advocate for legalization here in Missouri."

Watt??? And put law enforce families out to beg for bread??? (Well, OK, maybe yummy munchies too.) But maybe "law enforcement" families (parents) might have something better to do. Like maybe electric bicycles (manufacture and repair), and components thereto.

"the judicial system is corrupt?

Some might suspect human animals are involved (like in EG "business")...

"Those with the power to change the way the system works are invested in it."

So, EVery ebiker that has bought an electric thingee?

"I think you need someone to supervise your butt wiping."

So GoGoGo? I am curious... watt part were you referring to please?
friendly1uk said:
rborger73 said:
friendly1uk said:
I hope legalisation works for you. Taking money out of organised crime should reduce it's impact. For a while the bottom feeders will resist and turn to other easy incomes, but in time many will turn to normal work. The gangs should shrink, and seeing less of them means fewer numbers will join. The number of range rovers will decline and prisons can keep hold of the continuing offenders for even longer now there is more room in there. It might take a couple of generations but gang culture will be reduced by a large margin.

I think if your carrying legal herbs you should have the sale number recorded on the little bag. So you can prove it came from the right taxable sources. No proof, and your carrying illegal drugs that likely support some undesirables somewhere. One should be legal if your allowed it, or a bit naughty if bought on your behalf. The illegal stuff should be as jailable as ever though. I would like to see homegrown allowed, but it won't stamp out crime. People will just have to buy the stuff. They will only get robbed by the then unemployed slingers if they do grow some anyway. We need to wait a generation

So you would just buy it once and keep the container it came in and put in the new product you buy blackmarket. lol Plus in CO (and washington for the moment though there is a bill underway to take away home grows) you are allowed 6 plants for recreational and 6 plants for medical. I qualify for medical so I'll be growing 12 plants. I'm a pretty big cannabis advocate and am well engaged in the movement and have been for about 6 years. We don't need any nanny state to tell us what we can or can't ingest. Especially when the item being discussed has never ever in the history of mankind has someone died from consuming cannabis. You are a little off on your assessment of cannabis and its legality.

Like refilling whiskey bottles? How many times could you handle a dated little plastic bag( I didn't say container) with a foil sticker on before it's looking old. I have been to amsterdam more than once. I know most herb takes the shine off the bag very quickly. I reckon I could do a good csi job based on bud shapes and contact marks, resin content etc etc.
I didn't go deep into this before, but we can identify the dna of plants and know if it is a licensed cultivar or not. The packaging would be just a pointer. Obviously somebody will try there luck, but we can test to see if the right stuff is actually in the bag. Making a legal product available means the laws on the illegal one can be tightened, so it would be in nobody's interest to avoid the boutique and buy from a slinger. It's just little hurdles. Lots of little hurdles together is a good deterrent.

12 plants is way more than personal based on average plant yields. I guess your going to flower 6 while 6 are cuttings to keep a perpetual cycle going, meaning you have perhaps $5000 worth, half a dozen times a year. Meanwhile, back in the city, Crime gangs are collapsing from a lack of income, and slingers are looking for other ways to make money. Probably related to what they are doing now. Like robbing home grows. Where else is there such worth with so little security being advertised on the internet.

You could actually buy cuttings and have 12 plant batches, worth $10,000 four times a year. Perhaps even $20,000 depending on local prices. Double that again sold in $10 bags. Your making your neighbourhood a target for crime though. I have also seen homes burn because of poor growing equipment. Can you even tell me how long a ballast should be kept in service? Feel free to use the collective knowledge of all the cannabis growers around the world, you may still not have the answer. Perhaps you can tell me the most common cause of grow room fires? Again using any source you want. Then tell me how qualified any of these so called growers really are to be doing this next door to me.

I can't imagine building insurance covering this. Will the fire department have to visit before a grow is considered legal? That is the least I would expect.

Weed laws should reflect alcohol licensing laws. Selling identifiable products in identifiable packaging. Using laws that just collect duty owed when personal production is found. With proper regulation of production facilities. It's lots of electric and water in a building. It needs an expert eye over it.

I want to see the people able to buy what they want. They shouldn't be putting others at risk though. I fear the new laws are little more than them giving up on enforcement and just taking what money they can. Allowing organised crime to function better than before.

So much ignorance I don't know if I have the urge to reply. I'll actually be juicing it as a dietary supplment, making oil which is highly concentrated extract of the raw flower.

I'm actually an established grower thanks. I use LED lighting and an aquaponic setup. I'm also gifting (yes we are allowed to GIVE IT AWAY) to a girl with MS and a 2 others fighting cancer and another with an immune deficiency condition. Before you go on and on for paragraphs about something you should really have a bit more of a clue. lol Most of the things you mention are just flat out poorly put together opinions about things the law already covers. lol

Maybe stick with what you like to argue about already. R/C chargings systems being toys.. You talking about Cannabis is like a 6 year old talking about quantum physics. lol

There are auto flowering strains as well. I'm not a noob at this lol. Would you also send out cops to check on people hydroponic tomato grows to make sure they won't harm themselves? Oy vhey..


Does it allow adults to grow marijuana? Yes. For an adult 21 and older, Amendment 64 removes all state legal penalties for the home growing of up to six marijuana plants (only three of which may be mature) in an enclosed, locked space. Adults 21 and older are also allowed to give away their marijuana (including marijuana they grew) to other adults who are 21 and older. The law does not allow adults to receive any money in exchange for the marijuana grown at home.

And yes 6 will be in flowering and 6 seedlings in rotation. If you are rec you get 3 flowering 3 seedlings if you get medical you are allowed 3 and 3 as well. If you qualify for medical it doesn't disallow you from growing recreational as well. And you can store what you don't use and keep ALL that you grow. Only allowed to carry 1 oz in public.

I'm also certified to do electrical work on houses and family owns a heating and cooling business. It is amazing how statists welcome in overlords to control them. lol
friendly1uk said:
Like refilling whiskey bottles? How many times could you handle a dated little plastic bag( I didn't say container) with a foil sticker on before it's looking old. I have been to amsterdam more than once. I know most herb takes the shine off the bag very quickly. I reckon I could do a good csi job based on bud shapes and contact marks, resin content etc etc.
I didn't go deep into this before, but we can identify the dna of plants and know if it is a licensed cultivar or not. The packaging would be just a pointer. Obviously somebody will try there luck, but we can test to see if the right stuff is actually in the bag. Making a legal product available means the laws on the illegal one can be tightened, so it would be in nobody's interest to avoid the boutique and buy from a slinger. It's just little hurdles. Lots of little hurdles together is a good deterrent.

12 plants is way more than personal based on average plant yields. I guess your going to flower 6 while 6 are cuttings to keep a perpetual cycle going, meaning you have perhaps $5000 worth, half a dozen times a year. Meanwhile, back in the city, Crime gangs are collapsing from a lack of income, and slingers are looking for other ways to make money. Probably related to what they are doing now. Like robbing home grows. Where else is there such worth with so little security being advertised on the internet.

You could actually buy cuttings and have 12 plant batches, worth $10,000 four times a year. Perhaps even $20,000 depending on local prices. Double that again sold in $10 bags. Your making your neighbourhood a target for crime though. I have also seen homes burn because of poor growing equipment. Can you even tell me how long a ballast should be kept in service? Feel free to use the collective knowledge of all the cannabis growers around the world, you may still not have the answer. Perhaps you can tell me the most common cause of grow room fires? Again using any source you want. Then tell me how qualified any of these so called growers really are to be doing this next door to me.

I can't imagine building insurance covering this. Will the fire department have to visit before a grow is considered legal? That is the least I would expect.

Weed laws should reflect alcohol licensing laws. Selling identifiable products in identifiable packaging. Using laws that just collect duty owed when personal production is found[/b]. With proper regulation of production facilities. It's lots of electric and water in a building. It needs an expert eye over it.

I want to see the people able to buy what they want. They shouldn't be putting others at risk though. I fear the new laws are little more than them giving up on enforcement and just taking what money they can. Allowing organised crime to function better than before.

let me clear up a few things wrong here..

1. Most people who grow their own do not use plastic bags. Mason Jars. But to answer your question, It depends on the plastic bag. A sandwich bag wont last long. A zip lock freezer bag will. YMMV
2. You can identify dna from different plants. But using this method will be impossible for the pot industry. Currently there are a "recorded" 4300 varieties of cannabis. Out of those 4300 each plant type can have up to 4 different phenos of characteristics. DNA testing wont work. I personally have created new strains of smoke that other don't "mass produce"
3. Your entire paragraph about 12 plants being enough is wrong. You are operating under the wrong assumption that everyone smokes pot. I enjoy smoking sure. But i get way more medicinal use with edibles. So with 6 plants in harvested, 2 may go to smoke, the rest will go to canna butter/concentrates. For that, then i would want 12 plants per harvest possibly more.

4 I have seen homes burn because of a large number of ordinary reasons.

5 Ballast replacement will depend on the type. Magnetic vs Digital and also HPS vs MH vs Switchable. Your typical Magnetic can last for years. I know people who have been using the same Mag ballast for 20 years or more just replacing the capacitor every other year. (indoor tomato growers) As for Digital, their newer tech and nobody knows. I have a Digilux 1000 that had been in use for 2 years in a dust proof box. Any true home grower will have a fire suppressant system in their grow op.

6 This is interesting. Eric Holder just came out recently and said that they will be writing provisions so legal breeders/producers/sellers of marijuana can use the banking system. The federal government isnt going to get involved with states that have legalized. Insurance however is still in that weird legal/illegal place until provisions get written in. My mom works for American Familys Divisional office here in Missouri and she has had lots of people calling in to get commercial quotes and being denied. AmFam wont cover legal pot businesses.

7. In Colorado right now they are writing their laws similar to alcohol laws. (so is Washington) There are some difference. There are no provisions to limit quantity of alcohol to people. There should be.

8. Collecting duty would also have to start covering the THOUSANDS of wine and micro brewers here in the USA. Wont ever happen.

9. Lots of electric and water and needs a expert eye? Dude were talking about a 12 plant home grow. Not a 30,000 plant warehouse. 12 plants is 1 1000 light, ballast, hood/hanger. I know old women who run this basic setup with deep water culture buckets for tomatoes year around. try to remember you basic light set ups are made with a "Home user" in mind. If you kept to smokable only 1 1000 watt plant with a good perpetual cycle can keep 3 heavy daily users with smoke year around and never pay more then an extra 30 bucks a month in electricity.

10. Concerning "organized crime". Prohibition causes organized crime to grow. Look at the Prohibition of Alcohol in the 1930s. Those who don't mind history are doomed to repeat it. Sadly the US has been repeating this for 80+ years.

The whole growing indoors and all that would go away with legalization in the "warm southern" states. Most people will grow outside. In the winter states, enough will be grown during the summer that most people will only maintain new plants and growing them in a veg state so they have big plants when the out door season starts. A run like that could see upwards of 5lbs (2.2 kg) per plant. that can run up to 60 lbs (27 kg) per yearly harvest. Way more then any "hobbyist" would grow indoors.
LockH said:
"I am also and advocate for legalization here in Missouri."

Watt??? And put law enforce families out to beg for bread??? (Well, OK, maybe yummy munchies too.) But maybe "law enforcement" families (parents) might have something better to do. Like maybe electric bicycles (manufacture and repair), and components thereto.

"the judicial system is corrupt?

Some might suspect human animals are involved (like in EG "business")...

"Those with the power to change the way the system works are invested in it."

So, EVery ebiker that has bought an electric thingee?

"I think you need someone to supervise your butt wiping."

So GoGoGo? I am curious... watt part were you referring to please?

Every single cop i know wants pot legal. They are sick and TIRED of dealing with it. It soaks up so much of thier work time that real criminal slip through the cracks. Its sad really.
m4s73r said:
friendly1uk said:
Like refilling whiskey bottles? How many times could you handle a dated little plastic bag( I didn't say container) with a foil sticker on before it's looking old. I have been to amsterdam more than once. I know most herb takes the shine off the bag very quickly. I reckon I could do a good csi job based on bud shapes and contact marks, resin content etc etc.
I didn't go deep into this before, but we can identify the dna of plants and know if it is a licensed cultivar or not. The packaging would be just a pointer. Obviously somebody will try there luck, but we can test to see if the right stuff is actually in the bag. Making a legal product available means the laws on the illegal one can be tightened, so it would be in nobody's interest to avoid the boutique and buy from a slinger. It's just little hurdles. Lots of little hurdles together is a good deterrent.

12 plants is way more than personal based on average plant yields. I guess your going to flower 6 while 6 are cuttings to keep a perpetual cycle going, meaning you have perhaps $5000 worth, half a dozen times a year. Meanwhile, back in the city, Crime gangs are collapsing from a lack of income, and slingers are looking for other ways to make money. Probably related to what they are doing now. Like robbing home grows. Where else is there such worth with so little security being advertised on the internet.

You could actually buy cuttings and have 12 plant batches, worth $10,000 four times a year. Perhaps even $20,000 depending on local prices. Double that again sold in $10 bags. Your making your neighbourhood a target for crime though. I have also seen homes burn because of poor growing equipment. Can you even tell me how long a ballast should be kept in service? Feel free to use the collective knowledge of all the cannabis growers around the world, you may still not have the answer. Perhaps you can tell me the most common cause of grow room fires? Again using any source you want. Then tell me how qualified any of these so called growers really are to be doing this next door to me.

I can't imagine building insurance covering this. Will the fire department have to visit before a grow is considered legal? That is the least I would expect.

Weed laws should reflect alcohol licensing laws. Selling identifiable products in identifiable packaging. Using laws that just collect duty owed when personal production is found[/b]. With proper regulation of production facilities. It's lots of electric and water in a building. It needs an expert eye over it.

I want to see the people able to buy what they want. They shouldn't be putting others at risk though. I fear the new laws are little more than them giving up on enforcement and just taking what money they can. Allowing organised crime to function better than before.

let me clear up a few things wrong here..

1. Most people who grow their own do not use plastic bags. Mason Jars. But to answer your question, It depends on the plastic bag. A sandwich bag wont last long. A zip lock freezer bag will. YMMV
2. You can identify dna from different plants. But using this method will be impossible for the pot industry. Currently there are a "recorded" 4300 varieties of cannabis. Out of those 4300 each plant type can have up to 4 different phenos of characteristics. DNA testing wont work. I personally have created new strains of smoke that other don't "mass produce"
3. Your entire paragraph about 12 plants being enough is wrong. You are operating under the wrong assumption that everyone smokes pot. I enjoy smoking sure. But i get way more medicinal use with edibles. So with 6 plants in harvested, 2 may go to smoke, the rest will go to canna butter/concentrates. For that, then i would want 12 plants per harvest possibly more.

4 I have seen homes burn because of a large number of ordinary reasons.

5 Ballast replacement will depend on the type. Magnetic vs Digital and also HPS vs MH vs Switchable. Your typical Magnetic can last for years. I know people who have been using the same Mag ballast for 20 years or more just replacing the capacitor every other year. (indoor tomato growers) As for Digital, their newer tech and nobody knows. I have a Digilux 1000 that had been in use for 2 years in a dust proof box. Any true home grower will have a fire suppressant system in their grow op.

6 This is interesting. Eric Holder just came out recently and said that they will be writing provisions so legal breeders/producers/sellers of marijuana can use the banking system. The federal government isnt going to get involved with states that have legalized. Insurance however is still in that weird legal/illegal place until provisions get written in. My mom works for American Familys Divisional office here in Missouri and she has had lots of people calling in to get commercial quotes and being denied. AmFam wont cover legal pot businesses.

7. In Colorado right now they are writing their laws similar to alcohol laws. (so is Washington) There are some difference. There are no provisions to limit quantity of alcohol to people. There should be.

8. Collecting duty would also have to start covering the THOUSANDS of wine and micro brewers here in the USA. Wont ever happen.

9. Lots of electric and water and needs a expert eye? Dude were talking about a 12 plant home grow. Not a 30,000 plant warehouse. 12 plants is 1 1000 light, ballast, hood/hanger. I know old women who run this basic setup with deep water culture buckets for tomatoes year around. try to remember you basic light set ups are made with a "Home user" in mind. If you kept to smokable only 1 1000 watt plant with a good perpetual cycle can keep 3 heavy daily users with smoke year around and never pay more then an extra 30 bucks a month in electricity.

10. Concerning "organized crime". Prohibition causes organized crime to grow. Look at the Prohibition of Alcohol in the 1930s. Those who don't mind history are doomed to repeat it. Sadly the US has been repeating this for 80+ years.

The whole growing indoors and all that would go away with legalization in the "warm southern" states. Most people will grow outside. In the winter states, enough will be grown during the summer that most people will only maintain new plants and growing them in a veg state so they have big plants when the out door season starts. A run like that could see upwards of 5lbs (2.2 kg) per plant. that can run up to 60 lbs (27 kg) per yearly harvest. Way more then any "hobbyist" would grow indoors.

Hehe thanks for giving it more effort than I was prepared to at the time. ;) Stupid wisdom tooth moving and I'm struggling to hold my thoughts together as it is. ;)
Wisdom teeth suck.
Honestly after reading his post again, Im wondering if there is a country disparity. If he is in europe, aus, or asia then I wouldn't expect him to be conversant on US law.

Edit: Should have looked at the name more closely. friendly1uk is proly from the UK. lol
m4s73r said:
Wisdom teeth suck.
Honestly after reading his post again, Im wondering if there is a country disparity. If he is in europe, aus, or asia then I wouldn't expect him to be conversant on US law.

Personally I only try to opine on things I'm familiar with. ;)
This side of the world we get people walking in the road/crossing it while stupidly drunk and end up with a car taking their life..
We need a law like that.