Removing speed limit from my ebike


1 µW
Jul 24, 2018
Hi :)
How can i remove the limit of my bike?
I have this controller on my e-bike and I would like to know which cable I should disconnect to remove the speed limit.
Tell me if you need any more details
Thanks alot.
It's different on each bike, and some it can't be removed without changing parts and rewiring.

You may find useful info in one of these threads*+speed*+limit*&terms=all&author=&sc=1&sf=titleonly&sr=topics&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search
or other similar ones.
I would try disconnecting the single blue wires yes the one has a black connection and blue and the other one has a white connector and blue. Let us know what happens. Wait a second that could be the self learning wire ? Other controllers I've seen it's a single white wire that limits the bike to 15-18 miles an hour.
That is a Kunteng (aka KT) controller. If you have an LCD display, you can change the speed limit by changing controller options from the LCD. If you don't have an LCD display, then I'm not at all sure how you'd do it.
There are a bunch of controller with wire diagrams bmsbattery. I would label the ez ones on controller side so you only have one or two left. Good luck.
999zip999 said:
I would try disconnecting the single blue wires yes the one has a black connection and blue and the other one has a white connector and blue. Let us know what happens. Wait a second that could be the self learning wire ? Other controllers I've seen it's a single white wire that limits the bike to 15-18 miles an hour.

You mean this?
Yes I think it's your speed limiter or your self learning wire. I don't know which one I couldn't really see it on the wwwbmsbattery website.. plus labeling your wires on the controller side would never hurt you don't have to label all of them label all that you know so as phase wires all wires throttle Etc
999zip999 said:
Yes I think it's your speed limiter or your self learning wire. I don't know which one I couldn't really see it on the wwwbmsbattery website.. plus labeling your wires on the controller side would never hurt you don't have to label all of them label all that you know so as phase wires all wires throttle Etc

Thanks my friend but its not help :/
Did you look on the bmsbattery website to see if you could match your controller there. They had 6 or more of your style controller. Or did you unplug the wire and try it ?
A different approach - this one is just software for speed tuning ebikes: Eplus Flash from that allows flashing the speed limit to 35 or 50kph in mid-drives and can be reversed/altered as needed. It would allow correct speed display and even automatic gear changing. Has anyone tried it?
Several questions for you.
1) The first video doesn't show clearly the max amperes on the cpntroller label. What is it?
2) What voltage are you running?
3) Does it use an LCD display? If so, which one (show a pic).
4) How fast can you go now?

Some KT controllers do have a speed limiter wire. I looked on mine.
-Two blue wires are for cruise control.
-Two grey wires are for regen braking if you have a direct drive motor.
-Two white wires is speed control. If the connector is in place, speed reduced by 30%.
There's too many wires on a KT controller. I routinely cut all of the above off. I also remove the wires for the headlights.
hello. Got this controller. My white wire does not have a connecto, so i cut it, but it.s not the one. Any idea?


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Andrei169 said:
hello. Got this controller. My white wire does not have a connecto, so i cut it, but it.s not the one. Any idea?

Strip the wires, add heat shrink tubing, solder them, protect with heat shrink.
How fast or slow whichever way you look at it does it go now? :wink:
What kind of speed you expecting ? From you pictures I see it is 36v 14amp controller so max watts output is 490 on full charge so being conservative is more like 400, is not bad ,but is never going to be quick, I'd say about 15mph is that far of what you getting now? :mrgreen: