Do you think trump will end up like OJ?

markz said:
john61ct said:
Yes, and he's trying to salt the scorched earth behind him

That was Mr. Bush and Cheney

leisesturm? It's his FINGERS that he scorched, maybe the forked tongue, too. Don't know that salt will help. But I guess the Cultie is experienced in such methodology.
Dauntless said:
markz said:
john61ct said:
Yes, and he's trying to salt the scorched earth behind him

That was Mr. Bush and Cheney

leisesturm? It's his FINGERS that he scorched, maybe the forked tongue, too. Don't know that salt will help. But I guess the Cultie is experienced in such methodology.
Hmmm. This calls for some sort of response. <chews finger> What should it be ... <snap> I know! #ihauntyou
The fingers said:
markz said:
Biden had zero enthusiasm was looking at his watch, stuttering like crazy midway.

The question of the hour is, what is he on? :twisted:

If you watched the CNN version, they had split screen all the way through. The only other channel for the debate I changed channels to was CBC and they had 2 or 3 video angles.

Here are the top 5 drugs for Dyslexia
1.Cyclizine [Marezine]
2. Meclizine [Antivert]
3.Dimenhydrinate [Dramamine]
4. Methylphenidate [Ritalin]
The fingers said:
markz said:
Biden had zero enthusiasm was looking at his watch, stuttering like crazy midway.

The question of the hour is, what is he on? :twisted:

Something less toxic and debilitating than Christianity. I'm guessing old age.
markz said:
Biden had zero enthusiasm was looking at his watch, stuttering like crazy midway.
Trump couldn't even remember Obama and Biden's name twice. They got his latest drug cocktail wrong. HEADS WILL ROLL!
Balmorhea said:
The fingers said:
markz said:
Biden had zero enthusiasm was looking at his watch, stuttering like crazy midway.
The question of the hour is, what is he on? :twisted:
Something less toxic and debilitating than Christianity. I'm guessing old age.

Biden is a catholic, the same christian faith that the even more geriatric Dianne Feinstein wants to keep out of the Supreme Court. Seems you and she are in the same alternate Dementia.

But dammit, you only named 4. WHAT IS THE FIFTH DYSLEXIA DRUG?
Dauntless said:
Biden is a catholic, the same christian faith that the even more geriatric Dianne Feinstein wants to keep out of the Supreme Court. Seems you and she are in the same alternate Dementia.
Biden and ACB being both Catholic is kind of like RBG and Bibi Netanyahu being both Jewish. The evangelical cult that ACB aligns herself with has only passing resemblance to mainstream Catholicism. You'll see.
Yes Catholicism is far from monolithic politically, look at the jihad Bannon has been waging against the current Pope, the fact he now supports LGBTQI+ right to civil marriage!

Many Catholics actively supported the Nazis knowing full well about the Holocaust, others are full-on socialists advocating revolution.

markz said:
john61ct said:
Many Catholics actively supported the Nazis knowing full well about the Holocaust, others are full-on socialists advocating revolution.

Ford Corp. and IBM supported the Nazi's.
And? I don't see how that impacts John's observation one way or another ...
Some people just really need their faces slapped. Sheer petulance.

john61ct said:
Many Catholics actively supported the Nazis knowing full well about the Holocaust, others are full-on socialists advocating revolution.

You left out the enormous number of JEWS who were active NAZI's, putting Hitler in power, once rescuing him in the early days when a demonstration turned to a riot and there was the attempt to assassinate him, as was common in Germany at the time. And you left out the Catholics who hid Jews during the war. Why did you do that?

The Social Democrat party that was founded by Vladimir Lenin was mostly Jewish, up to several years before the revolution when there was a split.

leisesturm said:
markz said:
Ford Corp. and IBM supported the Nazi's.
And? I don't see how that impacts John's observation one way or another ...

It wasn't supposed to. It was a TAKEDOWN. Ford didn't really support the NAZI's. they had a plant there which of course was taken over. GM also had investments. Prescott Bush made $1.5million in commissions for gaining American investments in prewar Germany, which of course were all lost. But after the war, the U.S. government returned the money they'd confiscated. Bush went on to 2 terms in the senate and to have a son and grandson as president.

Before Germany DID anything, there was nothing wrong with being involved with them. Franklin Delano Roosevelt ran for president expressing his admiration for Benito Mussolini and the Fascist party, which he began emulating when he won the election. That didn't last.

leisesturm said:
Dauntless said:
Biden is a catholic, the same christian faith that the even more geriatric Dianne Feinstein wants to keep out of the Supreme Court. Seems you and she are in the same alternate Dementia.
Biden and ACB being both Catholic is kind of like RBG and Bibi Netanyahu being both Jewish. The evangelical cult that ACB aligns herself with has only passing resemblance to mainstream Catholicism. You'll see.

Why? Because YOU say so? There's never a strong argument coming from you, who are also in the same alternate dementia.
There is much wrong with that. It's been a favorite disinformation campaign to attack Henry Ford for a long time.

Ford blamed WWI on "Financiers." Pretty much any quote you find from Ford himself was in fact a statement about 'Financiers' where people later change it to 'Jews.' Original quotes are intact, in print, but then changed to suit someones' purpose.

Henry Ford owned but did not run the Dearborn Independent. Articles appeared with a Henry Ford byline that he knew nothing about. He was increasingly questioned about the newspaper and would profess no knowledge of these things, until one day he announced he was closing the very successful newspaper. Saying anything other than that is an OPINION, but what I listed is what happened.

The worst part of that article is that starts in with what others said, elsewhere in the world, pretending that says something about him. Proves how bad you are when you behave like NAZI's, just cooking up your own opinions of people and treating them as facts.
alot of people dont know Hitler gave the Jews $100 million for seed money to move to what is now Israel. somethings are pretty obvious like the ashkeNAZI Bankers , that Albert Einstein wrote about, a recent poll in Canada showed 80% of Canadians dont think its antisemetic to criticize Israel but in an America, holy cow, ANTISEMITE. just like you cant say it was an attempted American Jew coup d etat of Trump. alot of FAKE Jews using it for cover.
markz said:
Ford Corp. and IBM supported the Nazi's.
Yes I know full well, many of their ideas arose first or were very much developed and strengthened in America long before Hitler left the army.

Lots of British aristocracy as well, not sure how any of that is relevant?

I was just pointing out that Catholicism itself does not correlate with any specific point along the old-school left-right political scale.

For authoritarian vs liberty, I suspect being so hierarchical an organization, tends toward the former, for both left and right.
Much legend on OJ defense.

The first was said to be $10 million but he only paid $3 million. When multimillionaire attorneys die saying OJ owes them money, don't you shed tears?

The Las Vegas attorney has claimed he never got the $250,000 he was supposed to get, but them he didn't get OJ off, either.

So they say his NFL pension payments while in prison were over $600,000. He also has a SAG pension that was supposed to be more than 5X as much. All of which is safe from the $33 million judgement from the murder lawsuit in Florida.

Poor OJ was supposed to still be worth $10 million after his divorce, but it mostly went poof. But by now it's back. His kids are paying cash for property in Florida, most likely with Dads' money.
Wow, even here on ES we have people defending the Nazis.

After 80 years, Trump has managed to bring back . . . Nazis. Winning!