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Electric bikes for sale at Sears?


100 MW
May 24, 2007
Toronto Harbour
Freekin' Sears is paying Google to rank their name at the top of a search for ebikes for sale in Canada, and they don't even sell ebikes!
Guessed as much...

Electric bikes for sale at Sears?
Tuesday, January 19, 2010 12:13 PM
From: "Lock Hughes"
To: home@sears.ca
Message contains attachments1 File (26KB)Sears.jpg
Hi Sears...

I'm looking at a Google search for electric bikes for sale in Canada and right at the top of the results is a "Sponsored Link" titled "Electric Bicycle For Sale" with a link to Sears.ca

Following that link to the Sears online catalogue I don't see any electric bikes?

Please advise?
Lock Hughes

CASE: 1636151 Electric bikes for sale at Sears?
Thursday, January 21, 2010 4:44 PM
From: "home@sears.ca" <home@sears.ca>
To: loc khug hes@
Hello Lock Hughes,
Thank you for taking the time to contact Sears.
We could not find a product that matches your description on http://www.sears.ca or in our current catalogue media.
We regret any inconvenience this may cause.
If you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for choosing Sears.

View attachment Sears.jpg
They may be "fishing" to see how much interest there is.
Cool. I'll be sure and click on that a bunch :twisted:

...it gets weirder... same search, but narrowed to only "Pages from Canada" and their top of the list again except now the link is titled "Mongoose(R) Electric Bikes" with this link:

...and none of these are electric? Currie hasn't made an electric "Mongoose" for years? And isn't "Mongoose" now Dorel? With no Mongoose branded ebikes for 2010???

They may be using the USA database. Try Googling "electric bike site:sears.com"
Awferchrissakes...... sears.com "bought" the X-Treme brand scooter-style range of "ebikes"... Not a "mongoose" in sight... or is that "site"...
Hehe... NO man... What I was looking for originally was STATISTICS on ebike sales in Canada.

But others will be buying ebikes from Sears and Wallymart and Crappy Tire et al... not good me thinks. It does look like sears.CA (or Dorel/Sears?) are testing out Canadian waters... The last time I saw an ebike at CdnTire it was a guy returning his one day after he bought it because one wheel wobbled around from side to side about one inch. :cry:
The specialty shops are worse.

I rode by as a customer brought her week-old bike in for service + repairs last summer at a shop on Gerrard. The back tire was nearly flat, the chain was rusty, and the rear brake cable had fallen off (!) and was dragging on the road. The kickstand broke as they hauled it off the road onto the sidewalk.

On the other side of the coin, I've overheard (citation needed) that we're to expect to see ELECTRIC CARS for sale at WalMart and CostCo in the coming decade.

Frightening thought, eh?
Well they do sell this

Dang... Max.rider weight only 90lbs :lol:
Ahhh... young EVers of tomorrow... Once they try batt they never go back
northernmike said:
I rode by as a customer brought her week-old bike in for service + repairs last summer at a shop on Gerrard. The back tire was nearly flat, the chain was rusty, and the rear brake cable had fallen off (!) and was dragging on the road. The kickstand broke as they hauled it off the road onto the sidewalk.

HAHA!... Errr... wait, that's not funny. Gawd that was probably the Mobility Unlimited shop on Gerrard St.East... Ya, they sell the scooter-style Chineesy made "ebikes"... There's folks in the Toronto bike community upset about the "escooters"... I've been trying to "hang" with this ebike scooter crowd online:

...giving they some headsups about the local back rooms goings on... but it's hard. Some of `em know what I think about their vehicles :twisted: I mean well, it's hard...
oops, my last post was in the wrong place...too many windows open! :oops:

in the US, Sears now has tons of ebikes! R martin bikes and scooters, and a few i have never heard of!

the one thing that is interesting about this, is that Sears actually might be a good place to buy from becasue thet put customers service up pretty high.

couldbe interesting if you want a name that will help you ease into the world of ebikes
or some kind of universal google script that takes the keyword and builds links from a list of businesses

i should know i wrote a script a few years ago to take all the aol users harvested from a newsgroup and add "http://members.aol.com/" before the user name to see how many users had web pages on aol.

gogo said:
They may be "fishing" to see how much interest there is.
lester12483 said:
All ebikes need servicing at some point.

Will sears be able to offer that? prolly not.

It would be nice if sears offered the same warranty on their ebikes as they do for their Craftsman tools. Bring your bike back in any condition and we will replace it with a new one equal or lesser value.