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Helmets Part 1,489,348 - To Wear Or Not To Wear

Write your blood type and emergency contact number on the inside of your helmet, an old MC rider gave me this tip. If you don't know your blood type, donate blood to the Red Cross and they'll mail you a wallet card for recording your donation dates and blood pressure which has your blood type printed on it. 8)
Mr. De Jong, who grew up in the Netherlands, observes of Amsterdam: “Nobody wears helmets, and bicycling is regarded as a completely normal, safe activity. You never hear that ‘helmet saved my life’ thing.”
2 times I have smashed helmets.

I guess had I not had them on in the 2 wrecks I would not be saying a helmet saved my life.

Was riding a bicycle when I was a kid and 2 dogs ran in front of me and I wrecked.

No helmet. Woke up in the hospital with my head all wrapped up.

That may be why I tend to like to wear a helmet.

Had I not had a helmet on in my latest wreck My family would be suing the pee out of


The are in the Netherlands.


As it turned out I am ok and they hooked me up with enough ebike stuff to last me forever ! :)

Here is a list of bicycles that can fall apart on you.

As an avid cyclist the last 10 years - only recently with an electric boost - and 90% car free the last two years, I'll say this about helmets. A Helmet saved my life about 3 years ago, took a very hard fall, helmet took the brunt of it and split into 3 pieces.

That said, I was riding like a douche - and probably would have been riding dangerously whether or not I was wearing a helmet.

Other than that incident, thousands of miles per year under my belt over 10 years, no falls, injuries, whatever.

So a helmet saved my life. But I was riding recklessly.

The issue here is choice. Is it smart to wear a helmet? Yes. Is it smart to save some money for a rainy day, lay off the sweets, get at least 6 hours of sleep each night? Yes. Do I want the government telling me I have to lay off the sweets, and save money for a rainy day? Should they fine me if I don't?

Edit: F* No!
After I crank hard for a while on my no motor road bike I get the bicycling buzz going strong.

Like the buzz too.

I figure when bicyclists pass the other way looking down and not waving back when I wave they are in the bicycle buzz zone and maybe don't even see me.

I would say that is why so many road bike pedalers wear helmets.

They are riding so buzzy and road bikes with skinny tires go fast down the hills ! :)

What else can you ride on the road and be so high and legal ? :)
I see so many postings that say a helmet saved my life. Does that mean that anyone that crashes with a helmet on, it automatically saves their lives? Or are they just guessing?

So on the flip end of it, anyone that rides a bike without a helmet, can say that not wearing a helmet saved their lives? Take my case, if I had to wear a helmet, I wouldn't ride a bike. I would just take one of my mopeds. Without riding a bike and getting exercise, I would be looking at long term health care when I get older and a early death.
deronmoped said:
I see so many postings that say a helmet saved my life. Does that mean that anyone that crashes with a helmet on, it automatically saves their lives? Or are they just guessing?

So on the flip end of it, anyone that rides a bike without a helmet, can say that not wearing a helmet saved their lives? Take my case, if I had to wear a helmet, I wouldn't ride a bike. I would just take one of my mopeds. Without riding a bike and getting exercise, I would be looking at long term health care when I get older and a early death.


I am thinking they saved me because one was smashed in on the top and the other one was smashed in on the side.

I figured that would have been my head smashed in without them on.

The last wreck broke ribs, sprained my ankle and smashed my helmet in. Glad I did not have a smashed head too is what I am thinking.

Like most Americans I know I have no health insurance.

Brain doctors cost a lot.
I generally don't wear a helmet when riding around town. I ride defensively and don't mix with cars (I used a paved pathway system).

But I'll probably wear one more often.

But it's the individual's choice, and sometimes we pitch in to help one another (emergency rooms) expecting nothing in return.
MikeFairbanks said:
I generally don't wear a helmet when riding around town. I ride defensively and don't mix with cars (I used a paved pathway system).

But I'll probably wear one more often.

But it's the individual's choice, and sometimes we pitch in to help one another (emergency rooms) expecting nothing in

Right, no health insurance and I am trying not to get rolled into one with a busted brain because I was riding on the streets of Tampa Bay with no helmet.


Ride around Tampa for awhile. You will want to wear a helmet ! :)
not sur which way you're leaning with that but there's no denying a full-face would've saved him a split lip.
trouble is, finding no joy there cops will then go in kicking or a knee to the groin.
all perks of the job dontcha know.
seen that happen which is what i alluded to in needing to be armoured up.
also had he been wearing a helmet they *may* have ignored the other infractions (running red, no head/tail light).

sorry, guess i omitted details of the back story.
which is why i posted a link rather than embed it so you could check out the related videos but here they are:

That 1st cop is a frocking prick for clocking him while he's already cuffed for running a few "non busy" intersections. I don't think he needs to lose his job, but he needs serious counseling. There's built up rage in him that he acts out with the public that looks to me as brutality. Suspension of a months pay IMHO. Reality is a week of pay docked. Not sure that would be a lesson learned.

I always thought Vancouver was pretty tame on some of the serious issues that other cities cope with. But it is a port city, and that usually brings in hard narcotics like heroine and cocaine. Who knows...
Even if a having a helmet would have avoided him getting the negative attention, I disagree with the auto-compliance attitude. Just because something is a law doesn't mean it is wrong to not do. If wearing a helmet is a law in that area, it should be removed and no one should ever be forced to wear a helmet.

Should I be able to force you from eating cheeseburgers? Should I be able to make a law forcing you to exercise every two hours? These things relate to personal responsibility and freedom of choice which are extremely important.

When a cop steps over a line like that, it shouldn't be a slap on the wrist (like a month suspension), it should be losing their job, prison and therapy. Cops shouldn't be enforcers, they should be mediators, counselors, people of great empathy, public servants. To serve and protect, that is totally lost most of the time. Most of what I see are sleaze bags looking to write tickets and jam pack slave camps/prisons. Most of the things that are illegal, should not be.

That cop, if you can put it numerically, reacted two or three times harsher than what could have even been seen as too hard on him in my opinion. When behavior like that becomes acceptable, the next step will involve far worse things. Their reaction to something actually bad like trying to punch a cop or something would be (and often is) many times worse. Cops shoot people to death, they beat people, tortue them and destroy their sense of dignity. These things come as to something they want or need to do because they are allowed to do it. When a cop steps over the line of what is acceptable, there has to be severe repercussions.

When I said something needs to be done, but it doesn't involve helmets. I meant, both of those cops need to have their asses kicked and put in prison for a year, banned from being a police officer for life as well. This might be hard to grasp, but there is a severe gang or hive mentality within the police. Lots of the time, it's believed that there is a few bad apples. I think it's the other way around. There are a few good apples in heaps of moldy and rotten apples. The puncher's buddy, cop #2 did nothing. He said nothing. Guess what cop #2 would have done if the bicycle guy punched cop #1 in response to being punched? They don't see themselves as servants, they see it as us vs them. It's broken.
From time to time we creative types get so caught up in the process of invention, that we often stop to take a step back and consider the true implications of our creations. "What does it mean?", "What problem does this solve?", "Is this necessary?", and most importantly, "Is this safe?" are all questions that can sometimes take a back-seat to the question that drives us: "Can it be done?".

Yesterday, I fell victim to that mindset. I had just finished adding some nylon lock-nuts, a second battery, and an in-line battery cutoff switch to my eboard, and ran out the door to go test it... without a helmet. Less than a mile down the road, the sidewalk became choppy, and lost in my focus of the sidewalks treachery, I failed to noticed a fallen tree-branch right at head-height.

The next thing I knew I was laying in a hospital-bed, with a doctor standing over me. My blood splattered e-board was propped up in the corner. I always prided myself on my ability to stay on a board, even at moderate speeds, and never considered a head-injury to be a real possibility, as a fall seemed quite unlikely. But boy Murphy is a son-of-a-bitch like that.

The doctor said I was lucky, and although I suffered a nasty laceration to the top of my head, it didnt look like I had a concussion or brain damage. Then he told me that I would have been even luckier if I had a helmet on, and those words have resonated with me quite a bit.

Accidents can happy to ANYONE, no matter how careful, skillful, or aware you THINK you are. Please guys, dont let a joyride on an awesome creation land you in the same place I spent my labor-day evening. Please, please, wear a helmet. You dont want to end up with this in your head:

OMG man. Did that just happen recently? I've been recently riding without my helmet since I don't really take my board all that fast and been wearing it for a few months now and haven't fallen off my board in a month or so. I'd say about 15mph max maybe even 12mph 99% of the time. When I fall, I fall hands first which is bad too better than my head though. I guess, I better think twice about that helmet and friggin wear that damn thing. How fast were you going? Hope everything is alright man. That must be shocking. How did you hit your head? You didn't fall on your hands first?
torqueboards said:
OMG man. Did that just happen recently? I've been recently riding without my helmet since I don't really take my board all that fast and been wearing it for a few months now and haven't fallen off my board in a month or so. I'd say about 15mph max maybe even 12mph 99% of the time. When I fall, I fall hands first which is bad too better than my head though. I guess, I better think twice about that helmet and friggin wear that damn thing. How fast were you going? Hope everything is alright man. That must be shocking. How did you hit your head? You didn't fall on your hands first?

Just happend on Labor day. I was hardly going very fast at all. Probably about 5-10 mph. Yeah Ive got a helmet on order from Amazon and I am walking until that sucker shows up lol. Fortunately Im okay. I have a follow-up on Saturday and they are going to take a CT scan to be sure
Much "opinion" about helmet pros/cons but I've never, ever regretted wearing one when my head contacts something.

Get well soon!!!
Dude - that looks brutal - glad you're still in one piece and thanks for sharing.I fell off my board going 5 mph and the road rash alone had me wearing a bandage for a month! I now only ride with helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and long sleeves. Also, I agree that anything above 15mph is not advisable.
Wow, that doesn't look good. I imagine keeping that wound clean will be difficult.

I feel like helmets and gloves are below the minimum in some circumstances, I won't lecture about the safety of e-skateboards though. I hope for a speed recovery. Drinking lots of water might help : P. I'd start looking up things about keeping wounds clean and how to accelerate healing.

I wear a mirror on some various pairs of glasses, Bike Peddler Take A Look Mirror is what the mirror is called. Something I've been looking for is the equivalent to this mirror I can mount on a full face helmet. I've found a full face helmet with a built in mirror, named 'reevu', but it's priced pretty high ($400). I found one full face mirror at one point, but the mirror was made out of glass, this was unacceptable for myself or for any mirror that is going to be kept near your face. If a glass mirror breaks near your face, the shards, especially if you are moving forward, may end up on your face or in your eyes and so on.

I've considered the idea of trying to fix the take a look mirror I mentioned earlier in this post to a full face helmet, but I don't know how well that might work out, I guess there is only one way to find out. Some might suggest to just use handlebar mounted mirrors. While personally, I don't like the idea of handlebar mounted mirrors for several reasons, the bottom line for me is they simply are not an option for me. I ride with the handlebars beneath the seat, this is commonly referred to as under seat steering, the handlebar mounted mirror wouldn't work for myself and surely wouldn't work for people riding e-skateboards.

I know for myself, looking back without a mirror is very difficult, but I also feel that it is at least a little dangerous. It's hard to look backwards without effecting your balancing and steering at least a little, in addition your situational awareness is lowered greatly without mirrors. I think that beyond covering your brakes and wearing appropriate gear, mirrors are a sometimes over looked necessity.
^ The mirror is a great idea Bowlofsalad. I have often looked behind me and felt it in those 2 seconds I might run into something. Keep us posted on your progress on that front.
spinningmagnets said:
I like skateboard helmets. Even a cheap one is better than nothing. If a lycra laughs...I just smile and wave.


I wear one of those, it's colored white. I like them because they seem to provide more protection and they're pretty comfy.

In my neck of the woods, lycras look disapprovingly at my hub motor instead of laughing, lol.