Recent content by jdcburg

  1. J

    Through-the-Gears Project & OT Hydraulic Power Transmission

    Just an FYI - I built a through-the-gears ebike and put the "motor" freewheel down on the BB. That freewheel separates the motor-driven chainring from the pedal one. That way you wouldn't have to backdrive the reduction unit or power chain. I have used it for 2 seasons now. It probably has 1500+...
  2. J

    waste of time. don't bother.

    You could look at TNC about 3/4 of the way down the page. Might take some cobbing to make it fit that motor - jd
  3. J

    BCD of sickbikeparts freewheel crank?

    From Wikipedia I believe what they call PCD is BCD
  4. J

    Rear Wheel acting as Generator

    I read somewhere that 2 wrongs don't make a right, but 3 lefts do :D - jd
  5. J


    Also watch out for the white "paint" they use for crosswalks and other pavement marking, especially when it is rainy/wet. That stuff is bad for starting, stopping and turning - jd
  6. J

    1st crash (getting reimbursed by someone else's insurance?)

    I agree with many here: avoiding the accident is by far preferable. No amount of monetary damages will compensate for a future of pain and lack of mobility. As I've said many times here, I use blinking lights front, side and rear and ride with a helmet, gloves and bright yellow reflective vest...
  7. J

    Bonanza "Bulldozer" Dual PhaseRunner AWD

    Still, getting run over even once could ruin your whole day. That scenario scares me more than the rest for some reason. It might be because my normal reaction to the others is to lock em up, lay it down or try to steer around. Your options are more limited in a rear-ender, plus you can't see it...
  8. J

    Bonanza "Bulldozer" Dual PhaseRunner AWD

    IMHO, if you plan to act like a motor vehicle, ie move with traffic, in travel lanes and at higher traffic speeds, then emoto makes sense to me. Sturdier components and probably a good deal more comfortable. Possibly safer at any given speed above maybe 30mph, but the temptation to go faster...
  9. J

    Any solution for 20s or greater balance charger?

    John - look at the Accucel 8150 - $42 from HK Suitable for multiple chemistries including Lipo or LiFePO4, retains last setting, also programmable so you can load a different preloaded setting with a few button pushes. You...
  10. J

    Massive prejudice against ebikes

    Maybe this should be a new thread, but does anyone have real-world experience with trailering loads, from light to heavy? JCR says just add brakes, but that seems like it might get complicated. Surge, electric, hydraulic, cable - anybody tried any of these on bikes? I've used surge and electric...
  11. J

    Massive prejudice against ebikes

    My point is not that you can’t pull a heavy or large load with an ebike. There is ample evidence that it can be done. The question is: can it be done safely? I’m no physics whiz but it seems that turning or stopping a lightweight bicycle (e- or pedal) with a heavy trailer hooked...
  12. J

    Is it legal to ban electric bikes??

    I'm not a politician or public safety official, but I can see some justification for banning a motorized vehicle capable of going upwards of 40 mph from a narrow pathway that can be overcrowded with joggers, rollerbladers and families with children, pets and strollers. For those reasons, many of...
  13. J

    My homemade reduction drive

    I can see it working. I suspect most of the weight is in the motor. The shaft and bearings look heavier than they need to be but I don't think the savings would be a lot. I can't tell if the 2x4 is part of it or just a temporary spacer but you could probably replace it with aluminum or pvc...
  14. J

    Massive prejudice against ebikes

    How do you stop a load like that, or steer around a kid or lil ol' lady in a crosswalk? Some newsworthy innocent getting injured or killed by an ebiker hauling a load like that or doing 50 in a school zone (or both) will have predictable results - jd
  15. J

    Amberwolf's other "Bottom Bracket"-type Drivetrain Idea

    Regardless of whether the chain is bottom- or top-driven, I believe strongly that a crank freewheel is necessary for rider safety. I also don't see any advantage to not having one. By being able to shift the front derailleur into a lower gear, the front cranks will be spun by the motor even...