Yes the motor software for OEM displays and for ESP32, they originate from 20 beta 1.
I added some small changes to the OEM display one.
The one for ESP32-v7 of mspider65, has in addition "field weakening" and other optimizations.
Regarding the protocols, I didn't understand what you need to do.
Those of OEM displays and LCD3 are similar and are the simplest.
The one in v1.1.0 is more sophisticated and requires a little more attention.
ESP32 is somewhere in between.
However, they are all easy to maintain.
In the last 2 months I have tried all the versions, that of mspider65 adapted to LCD3, the v.1.1.0 with 860C and the new one for OEM display.
You ask me which one is better?
It's like asking the chef if her food is good :lol:
I added some small changes to the OEM display one.
The one for ESP32-v7 of mspider65, has in addition "field weakening" and other optimizations.
Regarding the protocols, I didn't understand what you need to do.
Those of OEM displays and LCD3 are similar and are the simplest.
The one in v1.1.0 is more sophisticated and requires a little more attention.
ESP32 is somewhere in between.
However, they are all easy to maintain.
In the last 2 months I have tried all the versions, that of mspider65 adapted to LCD3, the v.1.1.0 with 860C and the new one for OEM display.
You ask me which one is better?
It's like asking the chef if her food is good :lol: