Common sense things to do to get ready for Coronavirus

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I think markz would faint, hk12k would shoot you with a modified air rifle and formula 101 would say the US govt did it and id just keep doing what I always do.
Dauntless said:
Greetings, preppers. If you're acting this way now, what are you going to do when you really are hungry?

goatman said:
I think markz would faint, hk12k would shoot you with a modified air rifle and formula 101 would say the US govt did it and id just keep doing what I always do.
Not unless someone tries taking my toilet paper. I only have one pack in the house, and it's not even Costco sized. That alone is pretty much a national emergency. :lol:
At the original Jamestown colony, there were no rich when they ran out of food. That didn't stop them from eating. . . .

Oh, on the improvised weapons, know what a wrist rocket is? Use it to launch some rally small ball bearings: It's like a shotgun blast.
Dauntless said:
At the original Jamestown colony, there were nonrich when they ran out of food. That didn't stop them from eating. . . .

I would put $10 down and bet that eating the infected will ultimately result in a walking dead scenario, but by that time we'll have used all of the cash as shit tickets.

JackFlorey said:
HK12K said:
Oh, and guess what? My wife and I are both coming down with something. Guess how it's presenting itself? Same as last time.
Hope you both get better soon. My whole family has had something flulike but it hasn't hit me yet.
Hope everyone heals quickly.
Isn't there a good chance it's the "normal" flu? The US is reporting 1 - 2% individuals being tested as positive for corona. They don't say, but possibly the results are for individuals with symptoms. Also, limited data.
2old said:
Isn't there a good chance it's the "normal" flu? The US is reporting 1 - 2% individuals being tested as positive for corona. They don't say, but possibly the results are for individuals with symptoms. Also, limited data.
Yes, there is a good chance because realistically 99% of the viruses out here are still ordinary viruses.

However, this would be an unusual ordinary flu. My 5 year old had severe muscle aches, dry cough with no congestion, fever and a lot of fatigue. Flu normally involves congestion.

Also the 1-2% positive is likely due to the extreme scarcity of tests. 99% of people showing symptoms are not being tested.

So perhaps a 25% chance this was COVID-19? Just a guess.
2old said:
JackFlorey said:
HK12K said:
Oh, and guess what? My wife and I are both coming down with something. Guess how it's presenting itself? Same as last time.
Hope you both get better soon. My whole family has had something flulike but it hasn't hit me yet.
Hope everyone heals quickly.
Isn't there a good chance it's the "normal" flu? The US is reporting 1 - 2% individuals being tested as positive for corona. They don't say, but possibly the results are for individuals with symptoms. Also, limited data.

That's what I keep trying to reassure to my wife, that just because this covid thing is going on doesn't mean regular colds and flu's have disappeared. Her anxiety is absolutely through the roof though, and the nonstop media barrage certainly isn't helping to quell any of those concerns. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst though I guess.

Something tells me that I may have in fact had it in January though, based on the unusual experience, but of course I cannot say for sure. If I were sure I would have said something much earlier, but I really have been trying to downplay all of this as much as possible for the past few months. Getting harder to do so by the day though. When you walk into the store and all of the meats, canned goods, paper products, and bleach are gone, the shelves are bare, people are panicking, cops are circling and media just won't stop... at some point you do tend to start questioning your own cavalier attitude. That said, we're young. Her in her 30's, me in my 40's. Our kid is 2. Based on most of the reports it seems likely we would recover even if we were proven to get it. Her mom and some family friends aren't quite such spring chickens however, smoke like chimneys, and honestly might not fare as well. That is actually pretty concerning. Especially since one of them is a Handi-Dart driver, carting the infirm around on a daily basis, and who lives close enough to hear me if I were to yell "Hey Dom!" right now. Doesn't get much closer to home than that.
goatman said:
I think markz would faint, hk12k would shoot you with a modified air rifle and formula 101 would say the US govt did it and id just keep doing what I always do.

Exactly as I predicted just a day ago. The authoritarian police state is the new normal now:

Police to get powers to detain coronavirus victims in sweeping emergency laws

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Coronavirus victims who refuse to self-isolate could be detained, it has been reported. The government is set to introduce emergency legislation next week which would see a ban on large gatherings. Alongside that, police could be handed powers to detain suspected virus victims ‘for a limited period’ if necessary to stop them spreading the infection. There could also be new powers to close ports if immigration and border staff fall sick with the disease.

Councils are also likely to be able to lower standards in care homes to deal with staff shortages. And further measures are expected to be announced to speed up burials and cremations to cope with the ‘worst case scenario.’ Ministers believe the virus will infect the majority of the country and the laws will stay in place for two years, according to the Times.
I hope those of you who are elderly are taking extra precautions. The UK just announced they are going to allow older patients with mexicanbeervirus to simply die. They will NOT be treated:

Such pressure was laid bare last night when it emerged hospitals could stop treating the most severely ill coronavirus victims if the outbreak escalates.

Patients with a poor prognosis may even be taken off ventilators in favour of those with better survival chances.
goatman said:
spring break pellet gun from crappy tire easily modified to 1000fps, youtube it. youre allowed to use it in your house, pellets are cheap and its silent. im 100% positive someone on this site has electrified door knobs and tasers thatll blow a wu-flued zombies head off. probably dog dipstick

The issue here is that everyone has them (Switzerland)

My hope is that the earlier made comment about 100000's of people being infected without knowing it is true. Here in CH for instance they practically stopped testing.

All the people that have it unknowingly and build immunity to it will stop spreading. Then the chance of catching it will go down.

I dont know how reliable the numbers in China are but I guess this is what is happening there.

In the case of the UK (2 posts up), keeping tue schools open means that all kids will get the virus (and are not really affected by it). In 2 weeks (if not already by now) those will all be immune...
The problem is all of the children being infected means they will bring it home to their parents, uncles, aunts, and grandparents and spread it also to schoolteachers, administrators, cooks, janitors, etc. at school as well.
You are right, the problem is keeping the volnerable groups safe...

Just found out its called 'herd immunity'


P.S. I think the best hope is someone finding an already approved type of medication that helps 'remove' the lungs part of this virus. I mean if a cough syrup is found that greatly reduces mortality rates....
As for grub, I'm fat enough, losing weight due to hunger shall be wayward. Lest rear hub flats :thumb:
Save Canadian Peso's on Oreo's.
Keeping the schools open is a sensible move as when they close the kids usually end up being looked after by their grandparents
I've had a flu four weeks ago, a worse one than normal and I took a week off work. Was it Corona / Covid-10? I don't know. the clinic said flu-like symptoms, but negative for flu. I'm old (only a few years away from retirement). There are several things about this Covid-19 that are different than the normal "mutated flu" that comes around every three-five years.

1. It has a long incubation before symptoms. You can be infected, and then infecting everyone around you for two weeks, and never show any symptoms.

2. get a fever, it might last only a day, leading you to believe "I must be over whatever that was". And yet you are still highly contagious after the fever stops.

3. Children can carry and spread Covid-19 with no symptoms. Very few people die, and those that die are most often over 65 with a secondary condition (smoking, pneumonia, heart disease, etc).

4. Mouth swabs to test if you have Covid-19 sometimes come up positive, has been noted that the number of mouth organisms on the swab is over ten times the number that is usually found with a bug in this family of illnesses. Which leads to why it is so contagious...

5. Everybody instinctively knows that when someone coughs or sneezes, you don't want to breath-in the air around them. With Covid-19, the carrier only has to breathe out, and those around them can catch the virus, due to how many are in your mouth/throat.

6. When you are out (store, clinic, etc) do NOT touch your face (eyes, nose, mouth, etc), as soon as you get home, wash your hands with soapy water. If you must cough/sneeze, pull the front of your shirt up to cover your mouth and nose.

Avoid large crowds for the next 2-4 weeks if possible.

When you must go out (store for food/medicine, etc) use a shirt-tail or glove to open the door. When leaving, back out the door, pushing it open with your butt.

If you have some type of flu (even if it is not Covid-19), give your immune system a fighting chance. Good results are being posted by medical professionals that are taking additional Vitamin-C and D on top of the common daily multivitamin.

There's not much you can do about your lungs, other than let your immune system do what it does, but there's plenty you can do to help it fight the nest in your mouth and upper throat. Gargle with warm salt-water throughout the day, very salty. Do it as often as you like, it actually works and its cheap. Before going to bed for the night, brush and floss your teeth, then gargle with hydrogen peroxide.

Your gumline is one of the few places where a microbe or germ can go directly from your mouth to your bloodstream. You should brush your teeth twice a day (after breakfast, and after the evening meal), and at night, actually floss your teeth. The brushing and flossing is to clear away the clinging bits of food so that the hydrogen peroxide can do its job and get into the nooks and crannies on your gumline. If you don't brush and floss, the hydrogen peroxide is only sterilizing the outside of the bits of food between your teeth.

After a meal and a beverage, if your throat will not be in use for an hour or two, use a throat lozenge with zinc in it. Don't bite it and swallow into your stomach, let it slowly melt and coat the surface of your throat, down in the part that gargling cannot reach. Zinc is a vital mineral, and non-toxic to humans. It prevents microbes of all types from reproducing, so the nest of Corvid-19 in your throat that is a breeding ground will die out in a very short amount of time. These taste odd, and leave and leave an odd after-taste in your mouth, but they work (and they are cheap).
Good advice man, you are one of the common sense voices here.

I went to the store the other day, just the usual Friday wine purchase for my wife. I'm all stocked up on the other shit. Doing what I was planning to minimize store time, but I was later than usual, at 9 am. In the store about 8 min.

As I was leaving, this guy in a big hurry zooms in the door, and just as he is about 12 inches from me, turns my way, and sneezes into his fist. Felt the spray on my ear.

Allergies popping here now, with ash trees blooming mostly. Chances are an allergy sneeze, or the cold that went around and I had.

Still wanted to chase him down and give him a word or two, instead I just got out of there.

In my state, they announced schools closing on Thursday evening, with Friday being payday. It set of panic buying in the groceries state wide, perfect timing. Hell Walmart is pandemonium on a weekend payday normally, but when those schools closed the same day the staff and all the other state workers got paid, Wheee!

As for it going Mad Max, needing weapons. I don't see it getting like that. Yes, there will be some crazy fu ers with guns around, as always. Anytime at all your neighbor can get his gun and go crazy. That's just the world. The last one around here shot up the Walmart in El Paso, and his trigger was a political website.

This one is not the end of the world, its just going to clear out some baby boomers, and older. Very worried about my mother in law, she's 85. Strong as an ox, family history is she will see 100. But still, don't want her to get sick the wrong week, and get put on the let die list at the hospital.

EVERYBODY. Practice social distancing as much as you can afford to, and keep this infection peak within the capabilities of the health system. Italy hit it just wrong, with the virus arriving at just the wrong week, ash Wednesday, when people all go to church in a catholic country. We can avoid that here in USA, Canada. We still have a chance to spread out the infection rate.

In the end, almost everybody will get it. Some knucklehead will sneeze on you too. We just need to not all have it the same week.
cant remember who calls it the Mexican beer virus but my friend brought me a buddha beer, it has a cool bottle but I wouldn't drink it because china recycles sewage into potable water.

so how long does corona virus last in water? 100 days

so if postal workers and baggage handlers aren't getting infected, what about food products like ichiban and chowmein from china. can dry foods from china be a food source for the virus to survive on til it gets to the American supermarkets?
It has been warmer than normal here, like June. allergy season is here, our oak trees are doing there thing. I am worried about when the little flying blood suckers come out. We have a chance of rain all week and as warm as it it.
Grocery stores in socal are closing early or in one case for the entire day because they run out of supplies. I've been going to my local market about once a week at 6 AM when they open, when basically it's empty so the 6' rule is easy to comply with. No guarantees, but using the self-checkout helps too. They have disinfectant wipes available to keep hands relatively clean, then wash like crazy when i get home and hope for the best. Also, I use disinfectant wipes on door handles etc.
Keep up those best practices, especially if your username is an accurate representation.


Saw this yesterday. Stunned that CBC actually named names.

B.C. couple confronted at Costco for buying bulk Lysol wipes to re-sell for profit

Vancouver pair tells the Star they've made $30K selling cleaning products on Amazon during COVID-19 pandemic
Thanks HK. Fortunately, I've been a germ-hater for awhile so maybe prepared for this. Not hoarding, but have enough supplies that I can "incubate" paper, canned and similar products for a few days which is reportedly the amount of time the virus can live on them, so they should be "coronavirus-free" by then. Possibly need to do the same thing with mail soon.
Not directly covid related, but under the circumstances I bet the people involved had one heck of a collective panic attack when they realized their taps had run dry.
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