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Manufacturers and dealers to avoid

You should only follow the official instrument

For the love of God I had been asking for the "official instrument" for weeks and all I got from you was deflection/avoidance/biding for time/answering like a politician.

Was it so hard to read my many emails giving you my simple "how I wired up the BMS to my battery pack" or did you just skim the first sentence without reading the rest?

You are the reason why people have fears about buying from China, luckily I now have a better dealer who actually supplies a decent product with full backup and gives dealing with China a good name.
Funny how this: http://www.evassemble.com/download/BMS/ ... iagram.pdf just suddenly appeared on your website?

Pretty damn sure this is how I wired it up....pretty damn sure I asked you to confirm my wiring how many times?
How dare you language firm customer confusion! Links diagram answers forthwith demand and warranty not. BMS voltage important except not important implement the importance diagram connection carefully. Which Michael being the Michael identity not when Michael is Michael.
lol now that's not even working :wink:

You don't have permission to access /download/BMS/ on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache/1.3.33 Server at www.evassemble.com Port 80
Don't worry.... I saved the .pdf which on brief glance looks identical to the 'other' type BMS instructions that are supposedly wired differently.

Sorry guys if I acted unprofessional earlier but this has made me very angry, I lost a lot of time trying to sort out these BMS. It takes a lot to wire up then have to rip the bike apart, check each cell...check if you are going mad or not.

Have not felt this angry about someone in a long time, and if you knew what I did as a job it would be clear that my anger threshold is quite high.
If you look very carefully you'll see that one diagram has the cell numbers running left to right (this is, apparently, the wrong diagram) whilst another, very similar diagram has them running right to left.

Looks like a major f**k up to me, followed by a major cover-up..................

I give up Jeremy I really do, it's not fair that the burden of sorting my BMS wiring out falls on the goodwill of the people on this forum when the seller should be doing this.

Will take it on the chin and put it down to experience, should have listened to others who had dealt with these jokers before me. I even in my naivety thought the battery pack was well put together until I saw the battery pack from another Chinese supplier that was way higher. In fact after checking one of the evassemble battery packs in a demo bike one of the sensor wires had come loose, the main positive 2 x 14gauge wire crimped very badly and not soldered was about three strands of wire away from breaking. Cost me a fair bit of cash at Hobby King and Screwfix to get allen key stainless steel fixings, copper ringlets and decent 10awg wire not to mention the hours putting the pack back together again.

The Lifepo4 charger were only charging then turning off and not drip feeding the BMS to allow balancing so battery pack would have failed due to no balancing going on! Seems they were set up for Lipo and not Lifepo4. Just fed up with them..... think I will give these 6 BMS to Amberwolf to see if he can salvage any of them.

Michael, you forget that I had paid for those BMS on my credit card, only takes one call to my credit card company to get the money refunded! Luckily I have honour and will only ask for refund on BMS.
There is a new web page,, call

<fake one.>

the real one, is below here.

I thought it was belong to Bmsbattery !.. it wasn't , i re-confirmed with the real seller bmsbattery.com they told me, it was a fake web site. 100% fake. the bmsbattery.com has just launched his opening web site. i think he is just a reseller only hoping somebody will order from him, he will source from bmsbattery.com or from some where else.

Huh, strange... Just read this entire thread, with about 30 percent of comments raving and ranting about how horrible golden motors is?
....I could have got lucky here - I am new to e-bikes... I just built one, and have been riding it around for the last month... In utter amazement? So far, and I realize this has only been a month - the bike has been outperforming all expectations I had when deciding to build one.
It all started with a "used" magic pie front hub motor for 50 bucks at a used bike shop. Then, a long journey with the bike shop guy involving figuring out how to get the right spoke size for the wheel, the right fork, the right bike frame...etc... Sure it took two months to build... And I really owe it to the bike shop buddy of mine for being so patient in helping me, but now that its built - here has been my experience of the last month...
Its a 48v 1000w motor, its the "magic pie" with the internal controller. I dont know if its days are numbered? But so far, it goes up any hill, and it goes fast! I consider 27-30 MPH fast (this is full throttle speed on flat ground). I know there are a bunch of people here who are into 72v motors and going way faster, but personally, I wouldn't want to go any faster on a bicycle frame... that's crazy. Any faster than that - and I say go motorcycle frame....
At any rate - I ordered the wiring harness and torque arms and throttle and such from goldenmotors.ca and didn't have any problem. It all came in the mail in about a week as described. There was a small mistake, I ordered "thumb" throttle and received the other kind - but he shipped the other throttle free of charge, no problem. He even warned me to change my bike frame to stronger forks + informed me of the torque arm necessity. That was good to know as I had no clue what I was doing!
I had built the bicycle to everything except the battery - and waited until I could afford the battery. Finally, I could wait no further and put the battery on my credit card. I got a really good battery - a 48v 20ah with a123 chemistry.
When the battery came in the mail, I hooked it up to my bike, not knowing if it would work, or what was to happen next. I pull the throttle and the wheel goes round. Hmm... does this mean I can ride it now? I take it out on the streets and I am blown away with the performance. Of course, I had never even rode an E-bike prior to this moment - so the initial thrill was quite dramatic. It seemed so simple - pull the throttle and it goes?
In the past month, magic pie has passed the following tests:
- Lugged 5 gallons of water + groceries (in a custom pull behind trailer) 20 miles.
- Gone up any hill I asked it to
- Made multiple treks of 50 miles or more, sometimes charging - and then hitting the road again for even more...
- Goes fast, far, lugs weight - goes up hills.
I look forward to riding this thing any chance I can get. Sometimes I feel like making an excuse just to ride it - like yesterday, riding 30 miles RT to the natural food co-op to pick up some organic half and half for my morning coffee....
In my case, customer service was no problem - and everything seems to be working perfectly? I suppose I lucked out? Im really sorry for anyone that had an experience that resulted in getting a defective product or not receiving a product - that must have felt horrible. Seems like those experiences happened a couple of years ago.
From what I can tell, in 2011, we are at the threshold of this technology where the motors, batteries, etc. come together into a vortex to create a viable alternative mode of transportation that is affordable to an average consumer. I built my ebike for under 1200 dollars. It goes up to 30mph and has a range of 40+ miles with full throttle, and double that or more with pedal assist and slightly slower speeds. It took an immense 3 month period of tweaking and re-building the thing with a local bike shop guy, and I must admit, I experienced a whole lot of "dumb luck" in the process. But it works. It works great. I love it.....And its the "golden motor" that has received to much trash talk here on the forum....
Now that i've gotten into E-bikes, ive seen two stores, one in Ashland, Oregon, and one in Sacramento, California. I think its about to catch on here in the States. People have often asked me if I would consider building E-bikes for people. My answer - HECK NO! There are way too many things that can go wrong - and your customer is throwing down too much money to have anything go wrong, the more money that is spent, the more complaining happens when something goes wrong. Forget that. I built this thing to get my ass around without gas.... And im stoked that its performing!
MY opinion is that E-bikes aren't really "plug-and-play" yet. It seems that knowledge of bicycles, batteries, motors, voltages, etc. -> a certain degree of "tweakery" and self-maitenance, ability to address problems as they come up, are all part of the "E-bike" package. Things go wrong. Way too many things go wrong. Its just part of it.
Ordering things and not receiving them in the mail... well.. that's F'd up by any measure. That sucks that there have been criminals in the E-bike world, who "sell" batteries, parts, etc - and then nothing comes in the mail. That sucks. shame on those people.
This is a long rant and I may have lost focus. I just wanted to share that I am having a really good time with my "magic pie" motor, and that my experiences with goldenmotors.ca and Gary were smooth - with one minor glitch that was quickly responded to free of charge (shipped wrong throttle, shipped the right one when I pointed it out)....
All the golden motors trash talk on this forum made me feel obligated to share my experiences.... Im having a great time with my "magic pie". Maybe I lucked out? At this point, even if the controller gave out, I would just shrug my shoulders "oh well, 200 bucks....". I mean - the battery is the most expensive part anyways, and most important part. As long as the battery stays healthy... I can always get another e-bike Kit. But so far... Flying colors! Just thought I would share.....
It's more the actual Golden Motor company that has terrible customer service, but goldenmotor.ca is brilliant. The guy in Canada knows how to deal with customers and gives a very good service. I have bought 2 x Magic Pie's one from China and the other from (I think his name is Gary) Canada. It's a good motor to be honest as it just keeps going on and on in the other builds I have used it in.
Hi kalpatarutree
Ya have to see too that this thread is also four years old... a lot can and has changed over these years. So ya might discount some of the earlier messages.
Happy motoring
Spacey said:
It's more the actual Golden Motor company that has terrible customer service, but goldenmotor.ca is brilliant. The guy in Canada knows how to deal with customers and gives a very good service. I have bought 2 x Magic Pie's one from China and the other from (I think his name is Gary) Canada. It's a good motor to be honest as it just keeps going on and on in the other builds I have used it in.

ya customer service at goldenmotor.ca is good no problem there. he offered to replace my junk with more junk :wink: maybe the next one wouldn't look like it was dragged through someones ass but i couldn't be bothered doing the warranty thing :roll:

but that's old news. :D
I just wanted to chime in with a positive experience to let people out there know that it actually is a pretty good product, and I received excellent customer service as well. If I had any advice to give - I would say make sure you get a good battery. Its all about the battery. Get a kit from wherever - and then do your research and find the best battery you can get.
karma said:
Spacey said:
It's more the actual Golden Motor company that has terrible customer service, but goldenmotor.ca is brilliant. The guy in Canada knows how to deal with customers and gives a very good service. I have bought 2 x Magic Pie's one from China and the other from (I think his name is Gary) Canada. It's a good motor to be honest as it just keeps going on and on in the other builds I have used it in.

ya customer service at goldenmotor.ca is good no problem there. he offered to replace my junk with more junk :wink: maybe the next one wouldn't look like it was dragged through someones ass but i couldn't be bothered doing the warranty thing :roll:

but that's old news. :D


What is it with you?

You say no problem with goldenmotor.ca then you on march 22 go back to this post
that you wrote on Dec 31stst where you removed an insulting video about me and re-inserted an even more insulting video on march 22 to do that for no apparent reason? You can see you had removed the video because I had quoted you and the addrees to the utube video is still there. If it is clicked on, it says the video has been removed by user. You can clearly see your post was edited and mine was not. My post is 2 posts later.

Also in this post
which you have not edited yet for some reason you say

"thanks for phoning me. and clearing it up.

it was the mud on the unit that set me off. or the usb cable. anyway offered to replace the unit so its all good."

Then you went back to this post on march 22


That you also wrote Jan 1st and edited out anything where you said you were ok with me on march 22 as well. Which looks kind of foolish since the very next post was from me quoting you and you can also see it was not edited. I guess I should quote all your posts before you go back and edit what you said in those.

This is a post in our forum in a magic pie thread.
In this post I asked you what does your video have to do with a magic pie? Shouldn’t this post be better off over at ES?
Is this what upset you? How old are you anyway?
Then in this post
Once again someone quoted you. It was MM quoting you from a message I never got the chance to see. Either you or the moderator deleted it. In this quote you placed a link to this utube video as well. Scolling back in the thread a few messages you will see where I asked you what does your video have to do with a magic pie?

Now about this video. It is a re-edit of the first video removing some of the false information like “it cost me over 200 dollars” . This issue was obviously already resolved and anyone reading this thread from where it started on page 15 will see you were satisfied that you were not wronged by me. Maybe these posts need to be read quickly before they become edited. One thing you missed editing out of your new video is at the end. “I would have had to pay the shipping to get replacements. I told you on the phone I would send you new ones and a label in the box to ship them back for free and it is even in my video response One min twenty seconds in on this video which is in my unedited reply to you on Jan 1 2011.


As you can see my posts are not edited, like yours. Something you may want to add is we talked on the phone again. This was after you rebuilt a working USB cable for some unknown reason and fried the controller by trying to over volt it. The controller will not function over 60 volts, so one would have to wonder what you tried to run it at. Then even after you took it apart I still told you if put whatever you have left back in a box and send it to me ill send you another. I would eat the cost on that controller and refund the shipping but at least you would have one to review. We even discussed having you look at some of my failed wheels and fix them for resale, I would pay you and you would be able to review many of our products and even find where issues may arise. This would be beneficial for future products as well. I told you in my next sea order I would order some parts and would contact you again when I receive them. I have still not received them. All of this is true I still have all the email conversations we had. So what has happened since we talked last?

One really has to wonder what is the reason for the video this time?

Two me it must be one of two things..
1 you over reacted to something I said
2 Or Hope fully the following is not true

You reposted this video just to draw attention to yourself. It is a ploy done all the time. I even saw it on a children’s show called “I Carly” that I regularly watch with my kids. In this episode an internet battle gained more hits on their websites. Next thing you know they are friends again and both gained from the slamming. I’m sure “Golden Motor Canada” will bring many people to your videos as it is a much searched for phrase on the internet. Im sure your video has many hits already as people are reasearching me all the time. I guess you will do anything to get people to pay attention to you. I only wonder why you do not allow comments on the videos utube page where you slam me. It must be because no one would agree with you.

I am sure if there is anyone that was wronged by me they would speak up here, in our forum, or anywhere on the internet. The only one that has slammed me is you with your slanted view and rehashing of the facts. I have watched many of your videos in the past, but seeing how you exaggerate and over react to situations are any of them believable? If you like something do you really try to make it look great? If you dislike something do you do you best to make it look bad? Are any of these videos a simple honest review? Or are they “Here is how I blew this up” videos. Which is fine too, but don’t call it a review.

The most unfortunate this is the amount of time I have to spend dealing with such a dumb thing. I would rather spend it packing and shipping boxes, answering email and dealing with issues that arise. As I did with yours back in the end of dec 2010. Another favorite passtime is posting in our forum, but I have no time for that, I wasted an entire evening doing this and creating a few videos I'll upload tommorow.

Anyway once again, I am sorry you had mud on your controller back in 2010, but it does happen sometimes in a shop environment. Grow up a bit would you! The most obvious thing here is the items I sent you were in perfect working order, you destroyed them. Also your attempt at rewriting history doesn’t make me look foolish it makes you look foolish. I guess I better hurry and quote everything you ever said before you go back and re-edit that to. Oh and one more thing. How about opening up that video to public comments, or would the opinions of others be too harsh for you to accept.


I say forget manufacturers to avoid "Avoid Karma" and the bullsh!t he is spewing.
Here is a few links to videos to resolove these issues



Can you guys confirm this : http://endless-sphere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=26235
Check the Linas part where he posted link to thread that has details on controller
thanks for the videos they where educational. just wondering can you make a video explaining how trail mud is applied? i did a Google search and cant seem
to find anything on it. is this a new manufacturing process? wait i get it its for the shunt right?

its all good. thanks to the digital age im up $10.65 thanks to my subs by fall i will have my money back from this bad purchase :wink:

if you where wondering why the video was re-posted :mrgreen:
karma said:
thanks for the videos they where educational. just wondering can you make a video explaining how trail mud is applied? i did a Google search and cant seem
to find anything on it. is this a new manufacturing process? wait i get it its for the shunt right?

its all good. thanks to the digital age im up $10.65 thanks to my subs by fall i will have my money back from this bad purchase :wink:

if you where wondering why the video was re-posted :mrgreen:

I feel a need to quote everything you say now before it is edited again. Unlike yourself I actually have a job and not a lot of time for long winded posts and creating videos. If you need one that shows testing bikes in a shop that came from outside and how mud could fly off a tire I guess I could create one sometime. Most people would not find this difficult to understand or picture in there mind. Most people would also understand that if you bought a new car and someone scratched it or spashed mud on it you can still tell it's a new car.

So you admit its just for subscribers. That is sad, at least now the truth is known here. To bad only people that read this link as ES will know what a person you actually are. And my god! Wow 10.65 to look like fool I hope it's worth it. To think by fall you would make enough to buy another controller, your family must be proud! Anyway back to work. Another coffee break shot. But very enjoyable this time.

karma said:
thanks for phoning me. and clearing it up. :wink:

it was the mud on the unit that set me off. or the usb cable. anyway offered to replace the unit so its all good. :D

I forgot to quote this one before you edited it as well. This post after you removed the video and about how you were fine with me from jan 1 2011. Before you decided to use me for promotion on march 22 because I asked if you post was off topic. How sad for you.

Lock said:

Hi Lock,

I had no idea you were an ES member. I am a regular reader of your forum and subscride to the notifications. I dont post as I dont believe in using forums to self promote. Someone has to have some moral values! I do like reading your forum as your posters are mainly newbies getting involved. I like seeing that.

Take care and thank you for your support!

I also "unsubscribed" that puts you down to 28. Also, the funniest thing is your video entitled "Golden Motor Canada" is the most popular recent video on your site. That's hilarious as it shows how much people care about your other videos.

Golden Motor Canada said:
karma said:
thanks for phoning me. and clearing it up. :wink:

it was the mud on the unit that set me off. or the usb cable. anyway offered to replace the unit so its all good. :D

I forgot to quote this one before you edited it as well. This post after you removed the video and about how you were fine with me from jan 1 2011. Before you decided to use me for promotion on march 22 because I asked if you post was off topic. How sad for you.


yes you cleared up the usb and the dings. the trail mud was from you selling me a used unit :twisted: at full price