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  1. Just_Ed

    Photos posted to ES in public view?

    While searching for more ideas for the StreetRunner build I came across numerous photos of my project car. Just a matter of curiosity and educating myself. How do the photos I post on ES end up out in the public view? Example link...
  2. Just_Ed

    Dumb & Dumber

    And you want this ignoramus to lead you and your party in 2024? Setting off a nuclear bomb inside of a hurricane....and he has his thumb on the nuclear codes. Injecting bleach into one's veins..didn't that come from a Zombie movie? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv9sH5ptgRA I don't think so!
  3. Just_Ed

    Trump 2024 Really?

    Trump-2024 Really? A courtesy letter to President-deselect Trump. Dear President-deselect Trump. You sir have suffered a terrible defeat and we know how hard this loss is for you. Yet you now float the idea of running again in 2024? LOL. Sorry sir, please accept my apology for...
  4. Just_Ed

    From Penthouse - To Whitehouse - To Jailhouse?

    From Penthouse – To White House - To Jailhouse? The rise and fall of Donald J Trump. From a world-renowned and revered con man to a world-renowned repudiated convict. Is this even possible? In 1973, amid the Watergate scandal, the Department of Justice adopted the position that a sitting...
  5. Just_Ed

    t-Rump Roast

    I've intentionally been staying away from all the BS that is being served up here. But this morning I just couldn't resist when this thought came to mind. Looks like we're going to be celebrating without the "turkey" this coming Thanksgiving. A good old fashioned "t-Rump" Roast is about to go...
  6. Just_Ed

    Trump's Fake Covid-19 Diagnosis

    I'll bet you will be shocked :shock: to learn that Donald Trump has conned the nation yet again. Trump, Melania and Baron didn't have the virus. "You know that right"? It was a well-choreographed ruse to make the public think the virus is not dangerous. Everyone is talking about it. How he...
  7. Just_Ed

    Trolls on Endless Sphere

    Trolls on Endless Sphere Internet trolls are people who want to provoke and upset others online for their own amusement. And ES is not immune to such activity. They are roaming this forum unchecked as we speak. What Are Internet Trolls? If you’ve been on the internet for any period of time...
  8. Just_Ed

    On Your Heads

    On Your Heads President Trump may or may not have valid arguments about why he should remain as president. But there are more than economic consequences at stake in this election. The current state of our nation and the violence that is brewing and looks to explode come November 3rd, if he...
  9. Just_Ed

    News Anchors - Who Do You Trust ?

    News Anchors - Who Do You Trust? Here are a few examples. Presenting Facts or Opinions - How Do the 19 Biggest News Anchors Rank in Terms of Audience Trust? yas! | By James Rhine | September 21, 2020 News anchors occupy a big role in our day-to-day lives. Though we often don’t even register...
  10. Just_Ed

    Belarus - The New America?

    Belarus- The new America? View the link to watch what may be the future under Trump. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-53799065 I may not be as articulate as some on here in what I have to say, but I sure as hell didn't put my life on the line, just so that this low life, racist, draft...
  11. Just_Ed

    For The Greater Good

    A Request A request to those that are following the posts and news here and elsewhere. A sincere desire that you are able to get past the 95% BS, and find the 5% truth in what is happening to our country since Donald Trump took office. The greater good is lost on the hardcore believers...
  12. Just_Ed


    I warned you this was coming and now you have it from his own mouth. And you are worried about 'socialism' more than a dictatorship. The continued systematic dismantling of our government agencies, staff, and democratic society. At 2:55 into Trump's speech in Henderson Nev. Sunday 9/13/2020...
  13. Just_Ed

    How Authoritarians Leaders Get Away with It

    I submit this not for the hardliners (followers) here, but for those that haven't yet or won't learn about Trump ...the man. How Authoritarians Leaders Get Away with It The one psychological move that frees followers from doubt. An article in Psychology Today by Jeremy E. Sherman Ph.D., MPP...
  14. Just_Ed

    Toxic Red or Calming Blue ?

    Ever wonder why the Republicans chose red as their color. Red is the color of extremes. It's the color of passionate love, seduction, violence, danger, anger, and adventure. Our prehistoric ancestors saw red as the color of fire and blood – energy and primal life forces – and most of red's...
  15. Just_Ed

    Veterans for Trump - Really?

    Veterans For Trump - Really? I can't get the image out of my mind, of a man proudly holding up a sign for the world to see at one of Trump's rallies. That sign read “Veterans For Trump”. As a 20 year veteran who has found himself in harm's way, it was offensive to say the least. I felt like...
  16. Just_Ed

    Trump's Goal - Supreme Leader

    Trump's Goal of becoming Supreme Leader It's well known that Trump idolizes Putin, Xi, and Un. Trump aspires to their level of power. Regardless of his competency, he wants recognition by the world as an authoritarian leader. His idol, Vladimir Putin has used loopholes in the Russian...
  17. Just_Ed

    Trump supporters admit being tricked.

    Trump supporters admit being tricked... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAoRABX0HvI&feature=youtu.be Trump supporters that had to learn their lesson the hard way. The lesson? Listening to and not recognizing the hype this con man has spewed for the last 4 years. Now, they see what those that...
  18. Just_Ed

    When Trump Loses - Then What?

    When Trump Loses Everyone knows that Donald J Trump hates to lose. Many people say they hate to lose, but Trump is obsessed by the thought. So everyone had better start casting their thoughts about what it will be like right after the election. Trump will have lost by the largest margin in...
  19. Just_Ed

    America-The Enemy Within

    America- The Enemy Within Millions view America as a great utopia, and struggle, risking life and limb to reach her shores. But that risk and view are clouded in conflict. America seems to fight more wars in more countries than any other country on this planet. As great as America is and how...
  20. Just_Ed

    Trump to Defund Social Security

    Trump to Defund Social Security This quote comes from AARP. You know the 'protector' of us old folks and you Trump supporters that will need Social Security soon enough.....but wait, your highness, lord and master has seen fit to defund ...your portion'. Oh well, you trust him right? :lol...
  21. Just_Ed

    Ivanka for President

    Ivanka for President..???? And you people don't believe this man isn't trying to become the first free-world dictator. Falling in the footsteps of his idol, Kim Jong-un, by alluding to extending the term limit for president, and securing his name so he can cement the Trump family as the new...
  22. Just_Ed

    Another authoritarian failure

    Another authoritarian... failure The pandemic has ravaged the health of the world. No more so than The United States where current deaths are over 178 000. Why? Naive, Immature, unknowledgeable, incompetent, ineffective authoritarian leadership. Trump claims he inherited virtually nothing in...
  23. Just_Ed


    Doom-N-Gloom Every 4 years you Democrats and Republicans spread your name-calling and create falsehoods about each other. How each party's ideology is going to destroy or bankrupt our nation. In 156 years, we've had 39 elections. Changed presidents and ideologies 23 times. We're not bankrupt...
  24. Just_Ed

    Another Pathocratic Firing

    Another Pathocratic Firing Re: Washington Post. May 17, 2020 "President Trump accelerated his retaliatory purge of public servants by firing the State Department’s inspector general, who had played a minor role in the president’s impeachment proceedings and was said to have begun investigating...
  25. Just_Ed

    Narcissism & Pathocracy...A Dangerous Combination

    Narcissism & Pathocracy... A Dangerous Combination In 2016 I hoped for a leader that would rein in the bureaucrats. Trump was my man. But, one must be careful of what one hopes for. I quickly came to realize, the true nature of the man. I have learned from many sources about narcissism and...